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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. So, do we even need the group message any more? ;~; If so whats the verdict? @Hukuna I don't think I can remove Chim from the chat.
  2. I've sent a message to all the people who are mainly involved in this issue, since the limit is 5 I could only pick so many.
  3. Might I suggest a group message to short this out? does everyone agree?
  4. Ok, I see your point. Now, you stated that went away for a sum of minuets correct, now in RP's who ever posts first has priority when it comes to things like this. Not to say that this is right or wrong because this is where the term ninja'd comes from. Next, not that this is refunding your other statement, I'm doing both this and an essay, also the time zones leave me between 9-8 hours before the host, Ex. 12pm where chimchain is 3am where I am. I have to read a good couple of pages before I can post, so essentially I get mega-ninja'd everyday. Lastly RP's are like RL you can't contol everyone's moves, its how you deal with them is what makes this fun, so roll with the punches and we'll all have a good time! Edit: Dang, got ninja'd 3 times >_< Hukuna 2 times Comander 1 time
  5. Actually, the dust would block your vision of the other trainer, (Like me and stratos) so its completely reasonable that your pokemon would be in the stage to attack. Plus, someone would've jumped in to stop the sand sooner or later so I don't see the problem. Not to make you angrier but could you elaborate on this problem so we can fix it without caps lock on please. Side Note: ninjaed twice making this, by Jory and Hukuna
  6. So no purple ball attacking the sand? ((sorry for the double post, kinda multitasking between this and homework)) >_< Edit: well, hopefully that was right, I erased everything about the venonat Edit Edit: Undid what i deleted.
  7. Think as if he was kneeling down, and after that he's standing in front of your view.
  8. Sure, though I don't see how a flying bug biting at sand would help.
  9. Short answer: Yes Long answer: He couldn't just sit there and have Danielle be buried in sand, what kinda person would he be? I mean he's clearly one of the closest and has his pokes out, he is the best qualified at the moment. Would you rather me be like "Oh there's gonna be a fucking shit load of sand falling on her, shes gonna be fucking fine. I sense no traumatizing experience that's gonna be in this expirence." No, no one would ever do that except for a few people I shall not name.
  10. Those words pierce my heart like an Icicle falling from a windowsill, cold and painful.
  11. No probs you can keep your love life in private, for now. Side Note: Chimchain how long is the time skip, and if long enough could I edit Slade's appearance in his profile post?
  12. OK, I shall fix faster than sanic getting chilldogs. Edit: Is that to your liking or should i edit more?
  13. ((Don't mind this, accidentally hit quote instead of edit >_<))
  14. "Man the larvesta went high, and talk about insult to injury with that water gun." Flare yipped as to agree with slade's remark. 101 nudged Slade as to show that Mareek was talking to some people by a tree near them. Slade's not usually the type to ease drop so he didn't and focused on the battle at hand.
  15. "Ok thank you." Slade said to the assistant, then he headed to where the battles were. He saw Danielle battle a boy so he decided to watch the battle. He then layed under the closest tree to the battle field and let out his two pokes as well to enjoy the battle.
  16. So when we go into the forest we go to catch a dragon, but would it be possible to catch more than 1 pokemon in said excursion.
  17. @Stratos Yea I see why you're kinda pissed and I kinda agree, and you got some in depth look on Slade's back story I highlight the words in depth for a reason. Yes you got the general back story but is everyone going to know exact details, nope only Slade. Though it's nothing too important, that's why in depth is bolded.
  18. "Here ya go, they are in bad condition, and please check the magnemite thoroughly." Slade said handing the his pokeballs to audino. Then he stood there thinking to himself, 'What if I stayed on his path, what if I never met Flare, would I be just like him struggling to survive and no one there to help. I guess I already am in a way, a run away from home, though I wouldn't want to live in "home" like that, not after I've experienced this kind of hospitality.' Then the Audino came back with both of his pokeballs and Slade took them and put the on his belt. He then went over to one of professor's assistants and asked them, "When we're done with our battles where do we go?"
  19. "Well, aren't you a ray of sun shine." Slade said sarcastically walking besides Mareek. "I say a few things and then you lecture me. you gotta lighten up, have a little fun while its still there. If you're down and serious all the time your life will be boring and a pain, though too much fun and you won't be mature enough to go through with life. Heh, now I'm the on lecturing you, talk about being a hypocrite." Slade chuckled to himself then wondering if Mareek was even listening.
  20. "I just have one thing to ask you," Slade said looking down at the ground. "Mind telling me your name, if we're going to be rivals then we at least know each other's names right?" Slade said with a big smile on his face. Slade didn't really care it was a draw, if anything it gave him someone to over come, to see improved more the next couple of years. His roommate would be his rival even if he didn't agree, Slade made his mind up.
  21. The two pokemon collided and what followed after was an explosion and a large dust cloud. Flare was sent flying back, and rolled on the ground a good yard. Heavily injured he tried to get back he wobbled back and forth trying to gain the strength to regain his balance and stand still, but alas it was not so. Flare fell onto his right side, KO'd. Slade ran to his growlithe stumbling along the way. He grabbed Flare and put him in his arms. The dog had a sad expression on his face whimpering as to show he was sorry for not being strong enough to defeat the opponent. "It's ok Flare, you'll get them next time but for now just rest." He brought out Flare's pokeball and the red light engulfed Flare and put him inside the ball. As he looked at the cloud of dust fading he noticed that his roommate's Porygon was gone confused he asked, "So who won?"
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