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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by RubyHeart

  1. (14:30:19) *** Alice is back ***
    (14:30:24) Chuckles: hello alice!
    (14:30:32) Fezz the Dracodog: hi back
    (14:30:35) Chuckles: remember to step on the welcome mat
    (14:30:49) Chuckles: if you don't, it's a waste and i will scream
    (14:30:51) *** Alice burns the welcome mat then walks over the ashes ***
    (14:30:59) *** Chuckles screams ***
    Chuckles has angered BreloomBot and was Focus Punch'd away!

    Another one of Chucky's fails with Clarice~

    • Upvote 2
  2. Mean while in a back channel

    (21:40:50) Alice: Kam I have good news, and bad news
    (21:41:17) Alice: the bad news is...... you're too much of a noob to be 2nd
    (21:41:23) D. Skitty: ikr ^
    (21:41:23) Fruitdealer: :c
    (21:41:28) Alice: the good news is that your crush is 1st
    (21:41:28) Alice: wut
    (21:41:28) Fruitdealer: i will be first!!
    (21:41:30) Fruitdealer: wut
    (21:41:33) Fruitdealer: ut
    (21:41:34) Fruitdealer: t
    (21:41:35) ~~~ Fruitdealer couldn't get senpai to notice them... ~~~

    • Upvote 3
  3. Don't worry bout Alice. They are just as cute as can be. Anyways, have fun I guess.

    Daawww thanks, I totally am~

    Hi there, welcome, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire, fire

    My name is Alice and or Ruby, but on the server I am known as Vulpix Lover, nice to eat meet ya~

    Just do what ever everyone else already told you to do, and if I see ya on the server, I will be sure to give you a very, very warm welcome there~

  4. (15:36:37) B. Guardian: ... I forgot what I was gonna ask you

    (15:36:40) B. Guardian: gg

    (15:36:41) ~~~ B. Guardian lived long enough to see themselves become the villain. ~~~

    (15:36:41) B. Guardian left the channel.

    (15:36:45) B. Guardian joined the channel.

    (15:36:46) Kyra: Nice bra

    (15:36:47) Kyoyo: there were like 10 seconds

    (15:36:52) Kyoyo: >Bra

    (15:36:59) Kyoyo: Danny, you have a bra?

    (15:37:04) B. Guardian: uhm

    (15:37:05) B. Guardian: no?

    (15:37:07) Kyra: LOL

    (15:37:12) Kyoyo: Are you asking me or telling me?

    (15:37:14) Kyra: He had to think about it

    (15:37:16) Kyoyo: ^

    And not much later, like two minutes in fact...

    (15:39:35) B. Guardian: though now that I think more on it

    (15:39:42) Kyoyo: Kyra, you just QB everything. No one is safe anymore.

    (15:39:44) B. Guardian: I did get mail from victoria's secret once

    (15:39:48) Kyoyo: Wut

    (15:39:56) B. Guardian: for a free pair of panties or something

    (15:39:59) Zetaark: lol

    (15:40:01) Kyoyo: Wut

    (15:40:02) B. Guardian: sent to a "Danielle"

    (15:40:08) Kyoyo: WUT

    (15:40:09) Zetaark: gg

    The truth has once been reviled to Dan, he is really a she~

    And now we all know~

    .....that or he was that desperate to get girl under-ware.....so he signed up under a female name....and.....DAN...you perv, you~

  5. Greetingz Soundwavez

    I am Ruby, Alice or Vulpix Wuver on the server~

    Now then, if you don't know PO then get to know it already, pokemon online in the reborn server is where a lot of awesome people are~

    Now, because you are sound...I cannot burn you...however I CAN BURN THE AIR, THAN THERE WILL BE NOTHING FOR A WAVE OF SOUND TO VIBRATE AGAINST AND STUFF...that's how it works....right?

    Either way, nice to eat meet ya. Hopefully we will all cya around on the server on forums a lot~

  6. I've never given much thought into what kind of person I would wanna be, before I came here I thought that I'd like to be friends with everyone until I'm gone and done what I have to do. This took me a few days to think about, but I still don't know, I don't know what my heart wants or what I want other than to seek out a goal that is most likely pointless and will only bring me pain in the end. Although I wanted to be friends with everyone, there were only two people who I wanted to kill because of what they did to me.

    I guess I do know that I at least want to be with the friends I have now, although I constantly think about wanting to leave them because of what may happen later on

  7. Hilda, dat wall of texty welcome...



    My name is Ruby and or Alice or even Vulpix Lover if you find yourself lost on the server~

    Now then, just come a little closer so I can light you on fire ^w^

    Don't be scared of me, I just wanna play with a flaming body, that's all.

    Cya laterz

  8. If you were not on the server at the time I had said it, then here it is now

    I will not be posting my picture anytime soon, due to reasons that should and will not be explained here.

    However if you plead and beg enough and grovel at my feet then I just might send one to you sometime soon. As for now only one person will see it until I make the choice to post it

    Now then


    Am I adorable, yet?

    Yes...maybe... are you the Gengar?

  9. Oh, well hia there
    Welcome psssh and I'm the late one here

    I am Ruby and or Alice, and it's nice to cya ^w^
    Now if you'd just come close enough so I can burn you.....

    Oh, and just burning a tiny bit is as nice as I get~

    ((On PO right now I go by the name of Vulpix Lover))

  10. Hello





    Yes, yes hello, helloz~

    I am Ruby and or Alice, and I am pleased to eat meet you~

    As everyone else here as said, just do that stuff owo

    And please leave your sanity out the door or let me burn it ^w^

  11. Hello Person~

    My name is Ruby and or Alice, nice to eat meet ya~

    So what if you're a little late in saying hi.... I mean like.....HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

    Anyway, I see that your pic thingy is a magikarp....so you'll be a little hard to burn..... I SHALL TRY ANYWAY

    Have fun here on the forums and please drop your sanity off in any pit of lava you can find~

    Hope to push you into a blaze see ya on the Pokemon online server if you feel like getting that~

    Cya laterz

  12. So yeah, depending if I decide to dye my hair back to brown or something else then I will post my photo, because none of you peeps can handle my epic/amazingly cute pink hair >:c


    ..I desperately need to shave.

    and yes....yes you do <3

  13. Although the PULSE is a thing, I think there is something a little more super natural to it too. Like it's not just junk everywhere. The crap keeps comming back even after the PLUSE isn't in affect (I know that if it's there long enough the effect can last forever, but this is different because it's not natural stuff). It is also a distorted place like a labyrinth in some places.

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