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Posts posted by RubyHeart

  1. Hello there~

    My name is Alice and or Ruby ^w^

    Nice to eat meet ya~

    I see you have a fire type profile picture, I'm sure we shall get along just blazingly well ^w^

    That is, of course, only if you like to burn many things no matter if they're alive or was never alive or used to be alive~

    See ya on the PO server or maybe just on here ^w^

  2. I only have one dream soooo, yeah. It's the same dream over and over again but there are slight changes once in a while, like it getting longer or a small action changes. I'm not going to go into detail about it but honestly I think it has to do with my mental/emotional state

  3. RainbowDash broke the bloody chain D:

    Anyway, hi, hello, welcome and byebye. We all come and go but we almost never always come back ^w^

    My name is Ruby and or Alice, you choose what you want to call me. If you like fire then yay, if not then I will make you love it <3

    Don't listen to others who might say to stay away from me, although it may be for your own safety xD

    Also just listen to what Kyra said, she is smart, unlike me who is an air head ^w^

  4. I'm totally Ame, you got me....lol no...it just somehow happens that I am never online at the same time as Ame...like Bruce Wayne and Batman.

    So let me just say it again, I am not Ame although it would be epic if I was and I don't think she is as broken as me if she could make such an amazing game and bring together a massive community with other people.

  5. Honestly I don't even know what's wrong with me.

    I guess I will just say my whole story.

    Three years ago I knew nothing about myself and not much at all. I was living homeless on the streets pretty much just starving and had no life at all. A few months from where my memories began I was found by someone, who today is one of my dear friends. He brought me to see this girl and we all just sat down and talked with each other. The girl then brought me to her house where I met her parents and was later adopted into their family after an investigation on my background blah blah blah. I pretty much learned a lot there and then decided that I wanted to know who I was in the past. After passing by my old house I went into shock because it acted like a memory trigger. What I remembered from that was that my parents and sister were killed in front of me. My personality kinda got messed up after I remembered, like this is how I became 'demonic' in a way as a few of you know. But I wasn't that bad because I had a new life with people that loved me. Last summer was when my adoptive sister, or what ever you call it, passed away. This broke me and someone else I know. I got over it pretty fast but now I just don't even know what's wrong with me. I love people, but I also want to just burn everything to the ground. Every time I try to think which one am I really my chest just hurts and I just stop thinking. I like the way my life is right now, but I'm also scared that I really will hurt someone else at some point.

  6. Mine would probably just be Chancy and really bulky pokemon that can faze you.

    I don't know how many times I've battled a mega venasuar with a conkelderp and ice punch but only did less than 20%

    Plus if I were to try and set up with another pokemon they just switch out to another bulky pokemon that can still one hit the thing I am setting up with

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