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Posts posted by RubyHeart

  1. Meanwhile, while talking about fast food and cooking.

    [15:10:06] +Find the Horizon!: ya me neither
    [15:10:16] The Fush: i've missed you
    [15:10:21] +Find the Horizon!: also u might have heartburn bro
    [15:10:26] +Find the Horizon!: so get that checked out
    [15:10:31] %Meteor Dame Diana: ayy that's actually just who i was looking for

    [15:10:32] RBRN Hildα: I like cooking. I also like eating out.

  2. Poof Poof~

    Hihi, welcomez!~

    Nice to meet you!~

    I is Clara/Ruby/Reborn's Fire Fonny (Mix of fox and bunny totally not an abomination)

    Not going to say much other than that, but I'll be seeing you later, especially if you hop on the showdown server~

  3. Not trying to pin the sexism tag on you, but it really shouldn't be said like that.

    From what I can see though is that most things to help you have been said already, that includes the "rudeness" of telling you to mature a bit.

    You are mature enough to understand things, so that's good. You wanna "protect" people, sure as naive as that is, go ahead.

    From how close you say you two are then it really i just something about time and about her wanting to take that kind of interest in you. I'm not going back to read if you already told her how you feel about her, but if you haven't already then that's something to be done because you're not getting anywhere if you don't

    You should also really try to get to know this other guy, sure he sounds like an ass, but everyone is/can be. Who knows, maybe you two can be best buds...

    Again, most things to help/"help" have been said, so I'm going to leave my stuff here.

    If you're that determined then maybe something will happen, but it's best to not expect it.

  4. It's a guy's duty to screw up anybody that messes with a girl, if that person is another guy.

    Since fudging when?

    It shouldn't matter who is being mean to who, you should step in and help whoever.

    I can go on here about all the things I find wrong about that statement, but really... most of the time another girl is being picked on in school it's by another girl. So by that you're saying that it' no one's job to step in and help.

  5. Mary's eyes were locked on Riley's, she just liked Riley's voice. "That sounds pretty interesting and fun. Rules though... Yeah sure I'm completely fine with those~ Sharp seems like an interesting girl, so I'm fine with her. I don't have many of my own other than I must always sleep with a teddy bear. It'll be nice to have you as a partner, and fun to hang around with you, Lexi, and probably Sharp~"

  6. Through the entire game I was using a mono fire, but I have one exception slot. If I used just all fire then I would have lost at least 10 times. It took me a while when I was changing the one slot up, but swagger Sableye just rekt that gym.

    But yeah, even with my fire types it was way too much since all her pokemon are faster

  7. You peoples are all looking so awesome ^w^

    Now then, this is my last picture on here, ever.

    Don't mind my left arm and left hand, I just had to blur out those scars.. because scars are meh owo thankfully the ones on my right side are barely visible


    Just kidding owo84JWJKE.png And yes... whoever took this picture made me pose for it, I forget what this was even for owo

    • Upvote 2
  8. Lucia held Kelsey as the man killed Karl then proceeded with his attack against Drake, only for Holland to jump in as well. She knew that she couldn't do anything about what Kelsey was going through, all she could do was try to keep her safe, if anyone other than herself. She stood by Drake's orders to keep Kelsey safe and so she never left her side. While being wary of their surroundings she moved herself and Kelsey back a bit, but still in rage for Kelsey to use her magic on the group. "Kelsey, I know you hate this, but if you want to be of any help right now then you will have to be the healer for this fight. If we have you then we might be able to pull this off. I need you to be strong here, please! If anything bad comes your way then I will do my best to help you, but with only the one enemy you won't have to worry about that, don't worry about me, but just be sure to heal us when needed. I'm trusting you on this."

  9. "As I thought, it was nothing for me to worry about anyway... at least not for now. I should just sit down here and be ready to head out if needed, it's not like we can do much else right now anyway." Lucia thought to herself as she put the her weapon away on her belt before she sat down in the dirt, drawing swords and other weapons in the dust.

    After seeing the trio run off she couldn't help but want to follow, though she knew she couldn't do too much with her current equipment. After thinking about the few embarrassing moments and wanting to spar with anything, she let out a sigh. She realized that Kelsey might be frightened by what was happening, so she sprang up with energy and rushed over to her. "Kelsey, are you alright?" Lucia asked the obvious question. "Listen, everything will be fine. What's done is done but I'm sure the army can take care of this mess. We're safe here for now, but you can talk to me if need be." Lucia spoke in a friendly but serious manner. She didn't want Kelsey to think that she didn't care about the people that were hurt already, or even dead, but she wanted to try and comfort her about what was going on to her home town.

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