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About Hutch333

  • Birthday 03/17/1995

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    Not the Youtuber
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  • Location
    Middle of Nowhere
  • Interests
    Video games, books, anime, pi (the number), and knowing completely random facts.

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  1. I need a book series recommendation. Horror/fantasy, nothing extremely well known like Harry Potter. preferably something where all the books are out.

    1. Juniper


      Skulduggery Pleasant?

      It's my favorite book series, I don't know how well know it is.

      Without giving away too much, it's essentially about a teenage girl who finds out she has potential to become someone with sort of "Magical powers" and she teams up with a detective to do work for the magic organisation thing. You might think "Where's the horror in that?" But it does get very... gory.

      There's vampires (And not the twilight kind), insan...

    2. Juniper


      Woops, rattled on. Insane doctors, zombies, reanimated skeletons, a bunch of rich (And not original) folklore like the Dullahan (Which is pretty much the headless horseman) Oh and a bunch of evil faceless godlike things, psychopathis murderers, ghostly things, giant spider monsters, a weird frankenstein-like killing machine (Not an actual machine) and evil spectral things that control humans and make them murder people and torture them.

      I like it anyway.

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