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  1. newhorn

    litten moves

    thanks for the info...too bad it could have been a great pokemon to have with that move.
  2. newhorn

    litten moves

    Can this pokemon evolution line learn the move parting shot here in reborn? if yes, where can you catch this pokemon if you didn't chose it as your starter.
  3. I'm pretty sure that's what happen to my game, it rain after triggering the orphanage story and was gone after I cleared the orphanage. well I just have to trade for them I guess if sunny don't show up until this events are available, thanks for the advice anyways.
  4. hi guys, my game never seems to be sunny or (harsh sunlight?) and from what I remember in the orphanage main story the cutscene there forced the game weather to rain. I just want to ask if there is an opposite phenomenon like this in the game where the weather is forced to be sunny (harsh sunlight?), so I can be able to catch tropius and helioptile once and for all.
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