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Everything posted by Azeria

  1. Wel it has been a long time I have already finished my run so there is no need for this thread anymore
  2. Now this Looks like Some Kind of Conspiracy Theory I will look this up i Am in the Jasper to Beryll area in my new Savefile Anyways It does sound like something Amethyst would do
  3. I think they are also in the game's pokegear jukebox app
  4. If we are talking about the Poison Gym#2 I have to ive honorable mention in my team to my Camerupt who i grinded up just for her. I belive i soft reset 12 times so yeah. Please get rid of her Nidoqueen it hurts like hell. Oh well Nice Thread by the way Timber Dragon. Now This is Being like a Boss took me about 20 super potions to beat Corey(he is my worst enemy) And Did you get A Hax streak or something when facing Serra because i dont believe there is a way to beat Her in Ep10on the first try without vulpix and Or A Crazy Amount of Hax
  5. Hey i love Gyarados but i aint ever usin it in reborn too strong dat Beast is Makes the Game too easy and i aint thinkin straight its 10 to 11 pm around here but seriously all it takes is a SIngle Klinklang Mechanical Nightmare why you there DIscharging me and my Gyarados's dreams of using a drought vulpix Oh well i can always take out the soul silver and use the cool Red Gyarados there no Klinklang to piss me off there right RIght RIGHT! if you cant see i have a new found hatred of KlingKlang and all things related to it But seriously not trying to offend its the Fact if a gym leaders pokemon have acces to a move like thunderbolt they will have that move except Julia( i dont know why that electrode doesnt have it it would make her way harder) Eh my Gyarados has never failed to beat something after 3 dragon dances though Its A Beast that knows no Bounds
  6. Get A Raticate its great after lvl 30 cause it learns super fang its a great lead cause of that super fang halves your opponents hp usefull for when your facing a bulky opponent
  7. i Know bu its just too weird dont get me wrong i am not saying jynx is weak but how can somehing as cute as smoochum evove into ... that Thing
  8. Gyarados pfft Vinny there is something Called Electricity and its COming Gyarados's way 90 miles per Hour
  9. Huh icould swear i tried after noel it was just a normal rock after beating El and his Arceusfieed Ditto i could finally get magnezone watch it yourself noel it is just a normal rock till you beat El
  10. Is this off topic but Why would anybody like Jynx seriously i dont understand
  11. uh uh Beat gardenia then Beat Jupiter then go down CYcling road and go under it there is a hiddden entrace towayward cave where you can find gible
  12. oh ok but seriously he Should have a Hypno on his team its A golden Oppurtunity for him(and Hypno )to Show off some hypnotizing skillz oh yeah sorry for double posting if this is one(is it )
  13. This would Make even more sense if she actually had the Move HYPNOSIS. It also would be a golden Opportunity to put a Hypno on Radomus's team cause ya know he Brainwashes people and Hypno is known as the Child .......ing pokemon and a pokemon who Hypnotizes little Children
  14. Try investing in training a camerupt that is what did the trick for me keep it away from dragalge, tentacruel and nidoqueen tough those things have nasty atttack that can hurt i badly enough to K.O it Uh Ace Magnezone is since episode 10 only available (correct me if i am wrong but this is what happens to me) after you beat EL and his Arceusified Ditto. You have to go to the Area where Saphira walks out of after Noel asks you to look for her and look for the YUREYU key and THEN go back to the good ole Plant
  15. If you get to right before corey this micght be possible try and invest a training session for a raticate he learns super fang around level 30 i think Have a pokemon with high defenses like foretress woud be good aswell To finish it of use a quick fire type with something like charmeleons flameburst or fire fang Edit 1 : Swagger it then beat it like how you wanna Beat Fern works like a boss
  16. That actually Happened to one of My pokemon my scraggy but that was in Episode 10 I dont see what the problem is my golem looks just fine though
  17. Azeria

    Bulbasaur :(

    Wasteland,some wet weather doesnt hurt look everywhere espescialy south Huh how many of those are there
  18. Hey shouldnt Cloyster be on the front Cover of that game Sorry if its a bit very innapropriate but yeah ANyways try pokemon Godra it is a Choice Based Pokemon Game when starting you can choose between a lot of pokemon and one of those Vinny is sneasel .....forget i said anything Here is a Secret Sneasel sucks in that game ......................................... CIA what are you doing in here Azery you are under arreest for spoiling Pokemon Godra and for saying Presiden Vinny's favorite pokemon sucks. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOL Random Play of events What is with me and double posting man But serously vinny murkwow for the win sneasel sucks
  19. Hey i dont know if this has been answered already or not but does anyone know the location of Sweet Dream i need it to Evolve my swirlix Pls help and feel free to move this into the correct section Lock the Thread just found the WHiped Dream or whatever its name is Ame please dont make the location so obvious please it was in the exact sam place where you get swirlix so yeah
  20. Wait a Second ...... You dont mean Agh ............... MR BIGGLESWORTH
  21. Get Flash in Platinum or Any sinnoh games i got it Just for that Cave. i am currently doing a Nuzlocke of Platinum Give me hope that i can find a Ralts on route 208 without it teleporting
  22. Well ...... It Depends on what youre using if your using a team of varous types and rotate them you will want to keep tthem as close to the level cap as soon as possible like 2 levels beneath it just in case of any crazy experience For example when i play a new save file i ussualy have 2 or 3 pokemon My starter Kadabra or Ralts and (insert Coverage pokemon for Julia) this is what i did on my first run
  23. i tell you Find episode 10 get WHismur evolve it to exploud go on episode 11 USE BOOOMBURSt wreck the game lol STart with Chimchar i will just say that Noel is its Punching Bag hehe Besides that i advise you to get Spiritomb in the Wasteland (you wil learn where that is later in the game just wait) and Get a odd keystone by mining save before mining though Hey Vinny Does Radomus's G Gardevoir now have Moonblast instead of HP Fightin ? I am asking this because in EPisode 10 Spiritomb was the Perfect counter to i G gardevoir coulndt do anything to it Have fun and learn the reason why this game haunts some people like me
  24. The way i beat corey is by giving him a taste of his ow medicine A.K.A using Crobat with wing attack wreked his entire team excpet skuntank which he sent out last ..... damnes acid spray in episode 10.5 Oh welll Crobat is THE Definitife flying type in reborn so he recerified that by Massacaring The Fighting Gym leader ( lol forgot her name beat her way to fast though) Soz for the bad spelling
  25. Have you ever been in Wayward Cave withiut Flash and i mean the main Cave not the Gible One God have mercy on you :feelsgn: I forget to get Flash whenever i play pearl
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