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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by DesignedByAnubis

  1. I would Recommend Code Geass or Gurren Laggan,
  2. Oh this seems interesting, Deadpool would love to be in a Ghost nation, Not being a creeper at all XD
  3. E.12 *not holding his excitement in at all* I am not amused... Im enthralled, empowered by my lust to do random things at will,,, now it will go to play E.12. Ame you have now spared the world some time from my antics. May the world bow to you and praise you on your deed.
  4. Okay okay you got me.....ha ha ha, lets pull a fast one on Deadpool CX... just wait we'll see who gets the last laugh >:-}
  5. Hey guys I dont know if there is already one but i made a group on a thing called Raidcall, its a downloadable chat client, u can text or use a mic if u have one. I thought it might be helpful, if someone needed help, if there where enough people then you could just ask on Raidcall, seeing that we have a lot of different people in different time zones. So if you'd like to join the Raid call i'll have the client download below. Btw if your wondering yes its free.... come join me and let make our own little world of PR grow more Raidcall: RC download RC GroupName: PokemonReborn RC ID: 8274911
  6. hmmm DeadPool getting more advantages? Does anyone els think that is wrong because I sure as corn dont > cant wait for Ep.11
  7. DeadPool is thinking of trying his had at the League you better watch out my friends
  8. DeadPool wishes the best for u too...though i dont know you but what the hell gratz all around.*he says wheeling in a cake, as he eats a slice.*
  9. Just to let you guys know, I will still be doing this, im just waiting for my new laptop to come in, and ive been away. And The Pokemon Is going to be Mudkip.
  10. Just wanted to say Happy V-day everyone That is all :3
  11. Gratz to the new mods, and Ame Love the accent lol. I wait with anticipation for the time being to see how things unravel with this news. *Dreams to become a mod one day for the hell of it. Then he could say he was " 'One hell of a' mod" *
  12. I'd say the wild pokemon like their freedom XD
  13. Lol so you guys who keep saying these water types, want me to have a hell of a time with Julia XD
  14. I am going to be doing a Live Stream on Twitch.tv on my Pokemon Reborn Adventures. And Im gonna let you wonderful people Decide My Starter Pokemon. The one that is commented the most is the winner. You are allowed to choose for me any on the starters that are available, yes that means from 1st-6th gen. I will come back and give you guys an answer when i get things set up right on my laptop to do this, so you got plenty of time but as far as a dead line goes, i will end this on the in 2 weeks, on 02-16-14 so, come on come all and tell me what my starter is going to be!
  15. My Pachirisu Picks things up all the time... alot of like pokesnax now but its picking them up lol so i dont have to buy them.
  16. I've only experienced the HP glitch once, until Ame put up the download for the new version in witch it was resolved, I just wished you could go from lager screen infull screen but alas i can wait, as the game is just so cool I can handle the waiting period, especially for Ep11
  17. Hi Guys, I've been a fan of PR a while now but new to the forums, XD But I just wanted to say hi ho and that i would totally steal Mr. Peabody's Time machine aka 'The Way Back' just to check out E11 lol.
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