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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Arkhi

  1. Limbo is a special case meant for Rescue and Defense sorties. His rework looks pretty sweet though, entry and reentry to the rift through movement is much more practical, and the ability to stop time for those banished into the rift looks very fun to use.


    I'm not especially hyped for Banshee Prime, I only used regular banshee for Mastery fodder, then sold her. She isn't really too fun to play. Euphona Prime does look very neat though, so I might have to farm that, if not to keep it myself, then to sell for absurd prices the first week after prime access.

  2. 39 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

    This sounds like an awful system. Is there a set-time this takes place regularly? This alone would cut out large section of the community based on geography and daily activity. There's a bunch of other problems with this, like who is the one or ones who will host this and keep track? Is there a minimum number of people required for this tournament or will it devolve into the same two people battling it out at the same time everyday? When is the song start/end time? There's no information in this post whatsoever.

    SotD system then was using a suggestion that was emplaced at a time when it was not our top priority, and we have since booted that sucker out.


    The New Song of the Day system is private message-based. Please message @Arkhi with song suggestions. More details have been added to the now-edited OP.



    39 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

    This is as poorly explained and executed as forum exp. You still have to answer for that too, btw.

    That's our next system in the works. We want to instate an EXP system that we can stick to. We're looking at the requirements for ace and seeing what may need changing. Also on our to-do list is ways to actively grant EXP for community activity. Ideally, we can hammer out a system and announcement in several weeks.

  3. The most-agreed upon most difficult starter to use is Chikorita. However, when weather is taken into account, some fire starters will have it very rough: Fennekin or Cyndaquil might be rough starters to use.

  4. Hey dudes!



    We've got a couple of changes coming to Reborn. Let's start with the more vital alteration to our Community Guidelines. Rule 2, concerning the use of chatspeak (you know the way Terra talks? That's chatspeak), has been removed and Rule 8, permitting just the use of English in public settings, has replaced the now-removed Rule 2. Warnings will no longer be issued for use of chatspeak on the Reborn Forums, Showdown Server, or Discord Server.


    The mention of our Showdown Server leads into the second change, which regards the new policy for Song of the Day. Since the removal of rupees with the December site update, SotD policy has changed and we've established a simple system. SotD suggestions may be PM'd to @Arkhi on the forums or Discord server (username Arkhidon#2860), and your song and name will be added to the SotD queue. Users' names will also be added to another queue to track who has suggested a song in the past seven days to prevent multiple songs being suggested from a single user each week. This allows anyone on the forums or server to nab SotD quickly. Over time, we'd like to hear user input to fine-tune this system.



    That's all for now. Take care, Reborn!

    • Upvote 8
  5. 5 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

    Keep this thread alive without me, will ya? I haven't been inclined to find anything new or even be active here on reborn in quite a while, so I can't carry this anymore. Especially with vague requests from people I don't know.

    Good luck Arkhi and to the rest... you're gonna have to deal.

    Roger dodger, we'll see what we can do. Maybe one day it'll be an avatar suggestion thread rather than an avatar request database, and the posts will come flooding in again.

  6. [18:20:11] Miss Kittу: I broke Marcello :c
    [18:20:15] Miss Kittу: someone halp
    [18:20:45] %Arkhi: How do you fix someone who fixes things?
    [18:20:57] Miss Kittу: idk, that's why I came to ya'll.
    [18:21:19] +Mаrcello: catmedian
    [18:21:26] Miss Kittу: I said, "I like being a funny cat, but I'm a horrible catmedian"
    [18:21:31] Miss Kittу: And now Marcello broke.
    [18:21:39] +Mаrcello: catmedian
    [18:21:47] %Arkhi: Is this her average behavior?
    [18:21:52] +Mаrcello: Dude
    [18:21:56] +Mаrcello: That's exactly what I was thinking
    [18:22:03] %Arkhi: Aw sweet, up top
    [18:22:08] +Mаrcello: I was thinking of a cat doing statistical analysis
  7. He said he adores me



    I am glad to be a sassy ray of sunshine, and particularly around you since you're a fun guy to be around. I recall that deeper conversation we had several months ago about someone, and seeing you in a state of solemnity was very impactful: you're a dedicated thinker. After that discussion, I notice that you really do have rhyme and reason to your actions. And if you're seeking time and place to reach out, I like to think anytime is a good time, even if I'm full of confidence. There doesn't need to be an occasion to talk- hell, I want to be the one to reach out sometime soon.


    Anyway, I'll make time and place to talk with you, I think you're wonderful. Thanks for being a positive influence on the community.

  8. 44 minutes ago, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

    I tested just now. After hiding, I'm unable to see the thread. 



    That is unfortunate... I've let Ame know, and I'll report back on the results when I hear them. Thank you for testing this!


    EDIT: Permissions have irreversibly changed, and aces are now no longer to lock their own threads. A member of the Staff would be the next solution for locking threads, then.

  9. 1 hour ago, Ice Cream Sand Witch said:

    I was just wondering, is there any possibility of giving aces the ability to lock their own threads back at any point? I just realized with having two hurt and heals running (and more I've considered for the future), I'd have to report each one when they're finished, and I imagine it'd be way more convenient both ways for me to lock them myself than having to bother a mod to do it every time one ends. 


    Or is "Hide" already similar to that? I haven't used the hide button before since I've had no reason to hide a thread and also don't know what exactly it does or if it's permanent. 

    Hide is similar in that you'll be able to prevent others from posting in the thread. I'm also unsure if the ace who hides their own thread will be able to view it and edit it again. If you'd like, please create a thread, hide it, and determine if you may again locate it. I will speak with Ame about returning the ace member privilege of locking threads.




    On 1/29/2017 at 8:24 AM, Bazaro said:

    A menu option to make battle messages not show up in main chat would be nice (except for tournaments if you have those turned on still.) It would certainly help keep chat much cleaner for people when others decide to spam battles.

    This is something that I have brought up to Dan and Swimming before. However, there is no in-between for showing or not showing battle messages. As I recall, we may show all battle messages or show none. I will check again to determine if circumstances have changed.




    On 1/29/2017 at 8:24 AM, Bazaro said:

    Also, making Breloombot able to battle more than one person at a time would be nice.

    I'll reach out to Tempest and determine if this is possible.




    On 1/29/2017 at 8:24 AM, Bazaro said:

    And here's some very minor errors with that I've noticed involving the server...

    • Numbers in /away are considered normal characters and will effectively change your User ID, meaning you lose your authority level.
      • Additionally, using /back does not re-check for authority level, so if you type "/away 2" and "/back" you will temporarily lose any authority level. Currently the only way to fix this is to log out and log back in, or using /nick to change your name to something else and back again.
    • If a user says one of their own pings in any chatroom and refreshes the page, when they log back in it will show up as the user pinging themselves, highlighted and everything. Not sure how to fix this one.
      • Create unique characters for numbers, like the bubble characters we have for letters. This way, they would not affect User ID.
      • Make /away check for authority level.

    1) Swimming has checked into the the numbers in /away issue and at this time, there's little we can do- that's on the Showdown devs to fix.

    2) Page refreshes are buglords. I'll ask Swimming if he can do anything about this, but if it is a source of trouble, then it likely won't be fixed, being such a minor issue.


    I've added your suggested changes to the OP under Server Suggestions. Thank you for the great detail and explanation!

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