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Posts posted by Chevaleresse

  1. Sarcus peered both ways down the street before stepping out of an alleyway. He had seen a few Church of Dawn acolytes wandering about earlier, and while they probably wouldn't know who he was, he was deeply suspicious of the organization and avoided contact with them whenever possible. As he looked around, he quickly checked himself. A simple great ball hung at his belt, securely clipped there. He patted it reassuringly, more for his own benefit than his partner's. He was only in town because he was meeting up with a correspondent, and he didn't feel like having this particular conversation recorded and analyzed by Dawn's regime. He had heard rumors of a new Team, Team Dusk, one that, for once, was interested in doing some good - not that Dawn saw it that way. Otherwise, he tended to stay out of larger cities. He folded his arms in a seemingly innocuous gesture as he leaned against a building, checking the knives sheathed under each arm. He deplored killing, but after the Church showed up to "reeducate" his family, he wasn't taking chances. He checked the note he had written for himself, with his correspondent's address written on it.

    Before he could continue on toward his destination, however, he heard quite a bit of noise coming from the nearby Church conclave. Curiosity defeating caution, he started to approach the imposing building, sticking to the walls of the nearby structures. He stopped momentarily to release his partner. "Abs... ol," his Absolution said as it stretched, unused to confinement.

    "Shh," he hushed the Absol. "Don't draw any attention to us." The Pokemon gave him a slight glare. "I'm just being careful, no need to be like that." The Pokemon rolled its eyes. Ignoring it, Sarcus crept forward toward the building, taking his time. Absolution continued to stretch out his legs behind him. He eventually made it up to the conclave's doors. He glanced back at Absolution, and seeing that the pokemon was calm, he straightened up and nudged the door open, wondering why there was no one there.

    The answer to that particular question was fairly obvious. The interior of the building was a complete disaster area, as if a tornado had swept through it. What happened here? he thought. He stepped inside, alert for any dangers that might appear. He noticed a few things. One, none of the acolytes noticed that an unknown individual had just stepped into their conclave. Two, there was sand everywhere, along with furniture in all sorts of improbable positions. Third, several of the acolytes weren't moving, and the rest didn't seem much better off. He noticed one acolyte sitting up with a cloth tied around her eyes. He was fairly sure he knew why, so he mustered up some courage, and strode up to her. He asked in what he hoped was a commanding voice, "What happened here?"

    The acolyte coughed, then, in a voice raspy from the dry air, answered, "Tyranitar. A group of people attacked us out of nowhere. Probably those Team Dusk bastards. . ." she trailed off as she lapsed into a coughing fit. He quickly turned around and headed out of the building eagerly, Absolution following him. He noted with disgust the several acolytes with bloody gashes across their chests. As he walked out, he nearly stepped on what appeared to be a severed hand clutching a Pokeball. He shivered, then exited the building. He ducked into a nearby alleyway, then slumped against the wall. Team Dusk did that? I know what the Church of Dawn says about them, but I hadn't realized that there was truth to it. He straightened and stared at his Great Ball, now in his hand. Can I really side with these people? People willing to murder teenagers? He sighed, and clipped the Great Ball back onto his belt. Sarcus sat down, and continued to think, oblivious of the world around him. Absolution settled down next to him, and he unconsciously began to stroke his partner's pristine white fur. I have to. It's the only way to bring down this travesty of a government. But will I be able to live with myself...?

    He had a lot of thinking to do.

  2. FETTI0k.jpg



    By the way, I had a question. Would it be possible to have multiple shiny variations of one pokemon without jumping through a ton of hoops?

    EDIT 2: Did a Skarmory recolor, it was much easier than Aggron. I'm not sure if I like red wings (like normal Skarmory) or purple wings better.





    Lairon done.



    Eh, I could probably touch it up a bit. But you get the idea.

  3. I'm not overly experienced at spriting, but would anyone mind if I took a crack at a few?

    Also, those Rayquaza recolors look nice, but the existing one already fits Reborn's theme along with looking pretty damn awesome.

    EDIT: List of things I might attempt:



    Aggron/Lairon/Aron (though I don't think I could do it justice)


  4. I doubt there are restrictions, just make your character believable (as in you can see that person in real life). After all, we don't really need a Mary Sue to ruin the fun.

    I know. I'm trying to balance this character mentally. One strength-weakness pair comes straight from myself; intelligence, but thought-annihilating rage. I was thinking skill with a katana (I KNOW) balanced with him being fairly uncoordinated and physically weak otherwise. At first glance, I know that looks like a contradiction, but it's entirely possible to be dextrous yet uncoordinated.

    EDIT: Screw katanas, I've got a better idea.

  5. Alright then. I'll get started sometime in the next couple days. In the meantime, join the RPs I joined, and please stop writing like this.. its kind of annoying to read run on sentences with no capitalization or punctuation anywhere and randomwords not spaced out and emoticons >.>

    Not trying to be a dick, but that's a pet peeve of mine.

  6. If you swap Metagross for Dragonite you might as well drop Salamence as well because having two Dragon/Flying types on your team is a no-no :)

    Yeah. I like Metagross, so I'll hold onto it. Could you help me out with items? Since I've never really played against anyone except other single-player, uh, players, I never paid a whole lot of attention to them. Exp. Shares were the only ones I cared about.

  7. So basically:

    Overall: stop with the mixed pokemon, and be less bad with items. (My knowledge of items isn't particularly strong.)

    Absol: Go for Absolite instead of Focus Sash.

    Salamence: Roar over Aerial Ace. Drop either Outrage or Dragon Claw for something else.

    Metagross: Either drop it entirely or go for a physical moveset, likely not using Scarf. Possibly swap for Multiscale Dragonite.

    Skarmory: No issues?

    Infernape: Drop Overheat for Mach Punch.

    Luxray: Drop it for a special attacker of some variety.

    That sound about right?

  8. Sarcus crested a hill overlooking the Academy and stopped for a moment to enjoy the view. Instead of following the fairly ponderous tour of the facilities, he had taken the first opportunity to explore the wilderness around the Academy. After all, it paid to get to know what Pokemon were found in the area, and being cooped up in a boat all the way from Slateport had left him aching both literally and figuratively for an opportunity to stretch his legs in solitude. Battles were discouraged aboard ships; blasts of fire and other such things tended to reduce the lifespans of both the vessel and those aboard it. As a precaution, they hadn't allowed Trainers to let their Pokemon out, and since no trainees at the Academy could use pokeballs, he had been stuck in a cabin with three other people and his two pokemon, the reserved Absolution and the rather shy and ironically named Gallant. He sighed in contentment, before starting forward once again. He moved onto the road, as the terrain around the Academy was rather rough from the training that went on around it. The gravel crunched under his feet, in comparison to the light steps of both of his partners. As he approached the Academy gate, the guard called out to him in a gravelly voice. "Who are you?" he asked.

    "Oh, I'm Sarcus. I'm a new student here." He fumbled around in his pockets, searching for his Trainer Card.

    "Why didn't you come in an hour ago with the rest of the new students?"

    "Has it been that long? D***. Oh, here's my card. See? I'm supposed to be here."

    "Go on in," the guard said. "Your teachers probably won't be happy with you, though."

    (Teachers or something can pick up here.)

  9. Is there a way that I could read that first chapter? I'd like to get a feel for the story so far, and possibly touch it up a bit. More information about the backstory (What is your current goal? Do you have existing conflict? Why did you give up being the Champion) would be welcome, too.

  10. Hex

    PP: 5

    User faints. Raises your team's crit stage by 1, lowers opposing team's crit stage by 1, doubles the chances of status conditions being inflicted upon the foe, and lowers accuracy by a stage. (Works similarly to Light Screen/Reflect.) Lasts 3 rounds after use.

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