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Everything posted by Succession

  1. It's a picture I took in Gran Turismo 5, and it's my character wearing the Stig outfit Love Top Gear
  2. Steven's my favorite champion by far. Cynthia would be the competition for that, but I think they both exemplify the qualities of a champion, they just have that "cool" look about them and their music The reason why Iris is my least favorite is because she doesn't seem suited to be a Champion - she's quite young, and her music seems too "happy" to be an end game battle.
  3. Do you still play Riven after her earlygame nerf? Speaking of "successful" pentas, I've gotten a few on Riven, one with Caitlyn, and two with Lucian.
  4. Aster + Eclipse in Azurine too hard for me :(

  5. Well, we won if that matters If we hadn't won that teamfight, we might have lost, but if you saw the video, Orianna landed a PERFECT ult + zhonyas But yeah, that's why Ori and Zilean were so focused on me getting the inhib rather than chasing Lucian.
  6. I still have yet to get my first penta as Jinx I just thought it was interesting because it was one of those where you don't even realize you're close to a penta because it didn't even say the triple kill since they were too close xD http://www.twitch.tv/ragefire2b/c/3606588
  7. Riot doesn't want me to smurf. + me trying out Team Builder for the first time. It's awesome
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