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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Color

  1. Joining as Fauna Telmaris.

    The catch is that she is a wild, shiny Zigzagoon. :3 (Can still talk like a human, though.)


    I think we are just RPing as trainers, you know the typical trainers going around catching Pokemon and trying to complete the Johto league.

  2. "Crest, c'mere boy!~"a high pitched squeal filled the air as a fiery ball of fur landed into her arms. The flaming collar around the ferret-like creature's neck quickly died down back into his body. His head popped up, and his slightly slanted brown eyes stared up at his trainer.

    "Qui-LAVA" he shouted powerfully, making the nineteen-year old performer chuckle in amusement.

    "My beautiful, Quilava how excited you are to see the professor again after eight years. I wonder how he is going to react, knowing that you escaped his lab so long ago, and somehow ended up in my arms." the ebony-haired acrobatic thoughtfully mused, making her flaming pet spit out a short stream of flames. "You are right Crest." she agreed, holding the Quilava by his blue back as she walked through glass-covered doors.

    "Professor! Professor it's me! Color!" she shouted loudly, stepping into the building, automatically welcomed by the rhythmic whirr of various machines and computers that seemed to calculate data all on their own.

    "Well is that Color I hear?" a joy-filled voice rang in the air as the brown-haired, wire-glasses, and slightly timid man stepped from behind his desk. He fingered the nose of his glasses, pushing them back upon his nose, before gracing the performer with bright smile.

    "Color! My darling, what has bring you to Johto?" Elm questioned, grabbing a stack of papers that was quickly tipping over besides his mountainous stacks of books. "Don't tell me Maxmillion is here for another "vacation." You know that boy has done enough here already." Color shook her head in response, her long and messy bangs falling over her eyes.

    "No, not this time Elm, Maximillion is tending to his wife at the moment. You know the honey moon stage?"

    "Ah, yes yes. He is a grown man, and successful nontheless, so of course I should not have doubt that the boy would eventually have earned himself a lovely wife by his side." Elm continued on, setting the papers off to the side of the desk and brushing his hair back. "So, what has brought you to my lab?"

    Color shifted her weight to her left book, sighing a bit as she hoisted Crest against her shoulder for support.

    "Well Professor, this may sound incredibly odd to you, but..." the ebony-haired performer hesitated for a moment, looking over at Crest before glancing back at the professor's patient expression. "I want to go on a journey in Johto."

    Elm's face quickly shifted, his lips stitched together in a tight angle, the indentations of his forehead becoming more prominent.

    "Color, you know I can't do that.." Elm began, crossing his arms over his chest. "You already started your journey in Kanto and completed it up to the Elite Four. Why would I give you starter, when you have several Pokemon already in your care?"

    Crest quickly tilted his head towards Elm, pressing his paws against his trainer's chest. "Quil" he barked, quickly gaining the man's attention.

    "Wait a minute isn't that...?"

    "Yes!" Color responded in excitement, allowing Crest to hop out of her arms and onto the tiled floor. "This is the Cyndaquil that escaped your laboratory eight years ago, the same time me and Maximillion happened to go on vacation here, in Johto! We found him in Azalae Town, soaking up the rays." her cheeks became red as she continued. "We didn't want him to leave him all along so I took Crest back with me to Kanto and he became my starter instead."

    "Lava!" the collar around the Crest's neck began to glow hot with red embers, sizzling with astounding heat but not erupting in flames like a typical collar would. The small silver locket on the end of it clinked softly against the metal of the collar, revealing a picture of ten-year old Color and a much younger Cyndaquil with a disgruntled expression on his face. He looked up at the Elm with a determined expression, as he walked over to the Professor and sat directly at his feet.

    "I know I shouldn't have taken Crest without permission, and it was wrong of me to do so, therefore..." Color slowly stepped forward, wrapping her fingers around the small Pokeball. She pressed the button in the middle once, the black "C" etched directly into the case. She unclipped the ball off of her belt and held her hand out to Elm.

    "I want you to keep Crest with you at the lab, while I go on my official registered journey of Johto. I am trading him for a new starter until I come back to claim him after the Elite Four has been beaten." Color stated firmly, determination burning behind her curtain of hair.

    The professor sighed, looking down at the obedient Quilava, obviously well-trained and agreeing with his trainer's decision without a second thought. He glanced back at the Poke Ball and back to Color, obviously hesitant about the girl's words.

    "..Alright. Your Quilava shall stay with me until you come back from your journEY!" Elm was immediately enveloped into a bear hug. the young performer squealing with glee as she looked up at the Poke expert.

    "Thanks Professor, trust me, you won't regret this decision at all! And don't worry about Crest! He's is suppperr doopper well-trained and wants to help you out with the other starters here, so they'll be ready for their trainers too!" Color exclaimed, skipping past the towering machinery and distracted assistants to reach the back of the lab where all the starters were kept.

    The Professor shook his head, looking down at Crest in question. The Volcano Pokemon merely nodded his head, striding over to the long desk and leaving Elm to merely chuckle softly to himself.

    "I guess it will be nice to have a Pokemon that will keep all these younglings in shape. Things can get pretty intense around here without trainer picking up their partners" Elm explained as he walked over to the sizeable desk, pressing a button along the side of the slick, silver walls. The desk hissed in response, the wooden cover opening up to reveal miniature pods holding Poke Balls inside.

    "After careful research, and receiving reports from the other professors, of the recently newly discovered regions I have received a much larger selection of Pokemon to choose from." Elm adjusted his glasses once more, swaying his arms over the individual pods.

    "Each pod is colored by its type, therefore red is fire, blue is water, and green is grass." Color nodded slowly, glancing beyond the mini glass domes. "You may choose anyone you like. Be mindful though, each one has a very unique personality, so you, especially as an experienced trainer must adapt to their needs."

    Crest hopped upon the table, slowly walking by each and every pod with a careful eye. Color swallowed nervously, tying her fingers together.

    "Gosh, there is just so many, I do not know which one to pick-"

    "Quil" Crest's bark suddenly directed Color's eyes to a single pod decorated in extravagant leafy pattern. The Quilava pressed his paw against the glass, looking directly at his trainer.

    "Crest...? You want me to have a grass type? Really?" Crest nodded slowly, wrapping his long body around pod and placing one paw over the other. Color shyly clicked over to where Crest sat, standing directly in front of the pod. She took inhaled deeply, shakily pressing the large red button below the bottom of the pod. The glass casing glittered for a few moments before disappearing altogether, leaving nothing but the Poke Ball in its place. It shook slowly, the bottom of the holding pod glowing a dull green as the ball began to shake faster. Suddenly an explosion of blue and white light fluttered before Color's, Crest's and Elm's vision, blinding them for a few moments.

    A figure began to form, taking on a quadrupedal creature with a shell-like backing and twin-leaves teetering off the top of its head. The top portion of its jaw ended off to a sharp point, while the bottom supported the rest of its surprisingly large head. The light-engulfed Pokemon shook its head a couple of times before tilting its head up, slamming down its front legs, and releasing a small, but proud-filled cry.


    Crest responded with a powerful howl, making Color tilt her head when the light finally washed off of the grass type's body. Elm smiled proudly, placing his hands behind his back as he walked behind Turtwig.

    "This is just like from home when..."

    "When your several of your brothers started on their journey and you were too young to go with them, so to make you feel better your Papa bought you a stuffed Turtwig promising that you will get this starter as soon as reached of age." Elm continued for the girl.

    "But I ran into Crest instead and ran off to Kanto to finish my journey after the vacation with Maximillion. Professor...you didn't have to.." Color whispered trying to hold back her tears, while the Turtwig stomped its foot and sniffed the ground curiously.

    "It was a personal request from Caesar and Maximillion, Caesar even stopped over here and bred his two Torterra and ordered that I specifically give this to you." Elm informed, smiling quite coyly to himself as he said this.

    "But Crest.."

    "Did you forget? Crest has an unusually acute sense of smell when he was a Cyndaquil and it seemed to carry on quite nicely through his evolution. Recognizing your sibling's scent is almost natural to him. You should be thanking him." Color immediately scooped up the Quilava in her arms and have him a big kiss directly on his underbelly. The Volcano pokemon blush slightly, scrambling out of his trainer's arms and releasing a small stream of smoke from his nostrils in embarrassment.

    Color laughed, pushing a strand of hair out of her face. "Thanks pal!" The performer directed her attention back at the moving Turtwig, watching it sniff and huff in annoyance at the lack of action that was going on. Color chuckled, placing her hands on her hips.

    "Turtwig!" Color called out sharply, gaining the Tiny Leaf pokemon's attention. His eyes slanted slightly in annoyance.

    "Tur!" the Pokemon called sharply, rerouting his attention to the trainer and pawing violently at the ground. Color clicked her tongue, realizing the Pokemon's battle-ready personality.

    "Easy there tiger, I'm here as your new trainer."

    "Twig?" Turtwig plopped its bottom down on the floor, its eyes glistening with wonder at the sound of the word "trainer".

    "Yeaaa, that's right. You like battling right? You're tired of not being able to reach your full potential by yourself right?" the Turtwig nodded his head hard, making Color giggle in amusement. "Well, then Grass Mini, you are officially mine. Let's swipe the floor with all of these noobs and show them who's the real top dog around here!" Color pumped her fist in the air, making Grass Mini rise on his hind legs and point his jaw up to the sky.

    "TURTWIG TUR!" he shouted loudly, making Crest smirk at the baby Pokemon at his admiration. It seems he wasn't the only one that was immediately attracted to Color's fighting spirit. Color smirked as well, stuffing Turtwig's Poke Ball in her sack and clicking away at her PokeDex as a pleasant beeping to indicate that Turtwig's data has been recorded.

    "Thanks Elm, I'm off! Crest, wait for me okay bud! Take care of the other Pokemon here kay?" Color shouted as she whistled to Grass Mini, the Turtwig dashing out the doors, after his newly gained trainer.


    Grass Mini aka Turtwig (M)

    Level: 10

    Nature: Brave


    - Body Slam

    - Seed Bomb

    - Withdraw

    - Tackle

  3. This is my Pokemon Character for now:

    -Name; Anabelle P. Renegald aka Color the Evolutionary Jester, or Jester for short

    -Appearance/Characteristics; Yea, she's stuck as my avi picture, but I'll draw official art for her soon. Hot-headed, Impulsive, Loud, Passionate, and of course Flirty

    -Birthday; August 15 1993 (Her age changes very slightly depending on the RP)

    -Things to Know; Climbing trees, acrobatics, or just keeping active is her favorite passtime. She has seven older brothers, which forces her to struggle for her parent's attention.

  4. I would be glad to patrol over the forums, and of course there has to be a set of rules that everyone should follow.

    The basics, y'know.

    I really merely suggested it because I see a lot of people like to write and it wouldn't be right to clutter up all the other spaces right?

  5. ??????

    As someone who uses ImposterScarf Ditto in competitive play, this is not and has never been a 5th generation mechanic of Imposter. Imposter merely only executes the move Transform when the Pokemon who has it switches into battle rather than waiting for it to be selected as a move. I don't know where this is a mechanic, but it is not in the 5th generation of Pokemon.

    ..so please don't do this.

    ...Key word. PO. I definitely remember ditto having the ability to retain the amount of PP of the opponent's moves in the game at least. And if I remember correctly we don't have the choice scarf in Reborn sooo.....why are you freeaking out. Anyways Ame, definitely think about adding that in there.

    Edit: Okay I read two different sources, so can someone double check with the PP thing in Black/White(2) versions, because I have read that Ditto retains the PP amounts. Thank you in advance <3

    But yea, we don't have choice scarf and Reborn is not the metagame, so you should have no reason to be having a panic attack over Imposter Ditto. Seeing how hard Reborn is, I doubt DITTO of all Pokemon should be worried about. -_-

  6. I don't know if anyone else mentioned this but Ditto has fourth generation mechanics.

    What I mean by that is that when Ditto transforms he starts off with five pp of all the moves of the opponent is transformed into.

    I already have Imposter ditto (which I absolutely love to use) but can the almighty Ame make it so that it follows fifth generation mechanics?

    You know if it transforms it keeps the same PP amounts as the opponent?

    Or is that a bit too much or out of your control?

    Sorry if I am asking something like this, I was just curious since Reborn follows (most) of the fifth gen mechanics


    Seriously, love it to death, but sometimes it gets really hard to follow.

    Black Butler......

    Ugh I can't -faints-

    I think a part of me nearly died inside when I found out when it only had two seasons, yet the manga still ongoing.


    Bring back my Claude! and some fan service


  8. I'm not making any decisions about 6th generation starters until I see their middle and final forms, from there based on their middle form I will make my ultimate decision.

    Even though I would love to play the game through with just lvl 60 baby pokes, I gotta go through the game at least once with their final forms.

    Also imagined if they gave Wobbufett a mega evolution with an attacking and boosting move.

    Got out of Limbo and straight into the tier called Hell <3

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