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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Color

  1. Color's eyebrow twitched slightly, as one fellow that looked a bit younger than herself stepped up and retorted against her claim. She merely snorted, pressing her free hand on her hip and pulling one of her loose suspenders back onto her shoulders. She pulled her denim short shorts down out of habit as a smirk began to form on her lips.

    "So, let me get this straight. Instead of wanting to beat the almighty Queen at her own game, you would rather run around here like a little street rat, gaining the attention of who knows what out there and essentially disappear like the rest of them?" the performer questioned, raising her eyebrow slightly behind her short, messy curtain of hair. "I don't know about you, but I actually want to experience a full-fledged life. And why not get the enjoyment of beating the she-witch at her own game? I wouldn't want nothing more than to watch her squirm." Color continued scornfully, balling her left hand into a tight fist. She had heard a few had spoken up on their own accord in order to introduce themselves, but honestly she did not give two flying fucks about them. All she wanted make this Jory guy tick...and possibly explode

    "Y'know for someone that is supposedly a strong trainer, you seem to lack the basic concept of this society." Color continued casually, her voice twisting into a sickly sweet mixture of innocence and taunting. "Eat or be eaten, and by the way you are talking, it seems like you want to be eaten. Isn't that right Leafeon?"

    The grass fox nodded hopping from her arms, falling gracefully to the ground, and standing up on all fours proudly. She began padding slow circles around the Zangoose slowly, her tan chest puffed out and sleek against the harsh rays of the artificial lighting. Her leaf-like tail graced the cheek of her cat-like counterpart, her deep chocolate brown eyes almost daring it to make the first move. Color could read her partner's behavior very clearly: Leafeon wanted to battle this Zangoose.

  2. Yap Yap YAP YAP motherfucking YAP!!

    The spike-haired, ebony-colored, shaggy-banged trainer promptly planted her face on the table. The Love Ball strapped to her hip belt trembled furiously as Color continuously introduced her forehead to the unforgiving wood.

    Why me? Why sweet Arc-ew no. Uh...why sweet Mew did you leave me here of all places?!, Color practically screamed in her head. She didn't care what the others had to say, she didn't care about some dude from Mew-knows-where in this weird ol' team. In fact, she didn't care that a random lady popped upon the screen to introduce herself. All she wanted to do was escape. Well...escape, eat, and then fight. Sitting her just endlessly talking was NOT going to raise her win count at this point. The once well-known performer of the Sevii Islands was reduced to nothing, but a rebellious slave in a eat or be eaten world. And she would be damned if she would allow herself to be eaten. That just wasn't her fortee, and her partner would gladly agree.

    Abruptly and quite loudly Color stood up, knocking over her chair and slamming her hands on the ground. Her bangs flipped up for a moment's notice, only to cover her smoke-colored eyes once again. She glared hard at each and every person in the room, before raking her nails through her wild, unkempt hair.

    "Hey! I would just loooovvee to sit here and play patty-cake with you all, but did you noobs forget there is a reason why we have Pokemon?!" Color explained none to kindly. She snatched the Love Ball from her, keeping her nails firmly in her scalp as she threw down the now enlarged capsule. White energy burst forth from the ball, releasing an equally annoyed four-legged, leaf-covered creature: Leafeon. Immediately, the grass eveelution extended her surprisingly sharp claw, hissing lowly to for any Pokemon to back away from her sight. After being cooped up in the capsule a bit longer than she desired, Color was not surprised by her partner's hostility towards the others.

    "Grrrrr! LEAF!" the eeveelution barked harshly, quickly hopping up on the table and into her trainer's arms. Color caught her with ease, holding her up with one hand, while keeping her own gaze carefully on everyone else.

    "We have wins to rack up, and trainers to take down if we are going to have any chance against the "Goddess"." the ebony-haired performer made sure to spit on the last word. That word was nothing but retched poison to her ears. "Sitting here and trying to plan are next move is going to get us NOWHERE. What we NEED is a full team of Pokemon that we can rely on, so we can take down the narcissistic bitch." Color was practically panting by the time she finished.

  3. I'm sorry for interrupting this in advance.

    Haruka, seeing wet man abs on my computer screen is distracts me every time I'm scrolling down the forums.

    Liek damn!


    Anyyywaayys put me down for Pokemon, Digimon, aannnddd uhh hm, Final Fantasy?

    FF is a tricky one since it can literally take wayyyy back in the medieval times all the way up to the badass sci-fi stuff with blazing guns and magic exploding everywhere.

  4. I think why some of us are waiting is because some people posted and haven't kept up with it as frequently as others.

    Like my reply I have to wait for a couple of people to respond, which is why I am choosing to wait.

    But like others have said, sometimes you have to make the move in order for someone to respond.

    It's odd, but it works.

  5. Based off the one in the character thread o.o

    She's the only one I use in Pokemon RPs unless I want to double her up with someone

    Edit: I had a picture of her on my main picture, but I replaced it.

    But besides that I would have no idea why you would be confused about her. ._.

  6. "To think that I would be running for my life, even when I'm resting" Color thought bitterly to herself, hanging loosely from a tree with Grass Mini and Fang finally fast asleep. To think only moments ago she was the one passed out while these two were awake. The thought made her scoff, shaking her head before a breath-taking roar threatening to shatter the bones within her very body. It sounded too close, waaaayyyy too close for comfort in fact. It was only a matter of time before she would have to swing out of the tree and take off again.

    The performer had lost the male trainer, several minutes ago as she ran ahead of him. She automatically deemed him unworthy to even keep up with her as his movements made the girl want to drag him by his feet. However, she was still curious about the other Pokemon he carried.

    "I wonder what he had?"

    Color gently shifted Fang to her shoulder, hearing the grass monkey grumble grumpily in his sleep, but did attempt to stir back up in a conscious state. She dug her fingers into the green fur, taking a hold of a thick branch and look onward to the closely gathered trees.

    "Just maybe I can travel by the trees without having to disturb anything that's around here"

    Color released Fang, watching him cutely cling to her neck as a simple reaction, while she pulled Grass Mini off of her head and into her arms.

    "Twi, Twig~" Grass Mini whined, batting out his two front legs as he slowly opened his yellow slits to be welcomed by his trainer's ivory face.

    "Shhh, go back to sleep. I won't put you in your Poke Ball." Color whispered, pulling her sack to her front and tugging the strings loose to open in up. She slide the Turtwig inside, watching him tuck his head comfortably in the brown carrying bag. He left his two front legs poking out and his head lulling off to the side, slowly closing his eyes and falling back into a peaceful sleep. Color smiled at the sight, feeling the warm tingle in the pit of her stomach. She had no doubt that these two are fiery spirited and battle-tough just like her, but at the same time the trainer had to remember they were practically babies. THEY were her babies and it was her duty to tend to their needs no matter what.

    She tighten the strings on her sack once more, making she not to suffocate Grass Mini in the process. She tossed it back on her back, feeling the extra twenty-two pounds pressed against her back. She stood up, tightening Fang's hands around her neck and look towards the group of trees again. With a strong inhale and a confident exhale the acrobatic leaped towards the next tree, barely missing the branch as she swung loosely in the air. With some struggle she pulled herself back up to the tree, breathing heavily as she looked over at the slightly closer trees.

    "Perfect." she breathed softly, easily hopping over to each tree, trying to locate the source of the mighty roar. Within a couple of minutes Color spotted a clearing.

    "A campsite of some sort?" she questioned herself, lifted the sack back on her back as she felt the strings slip off her shoulders. She lept towards the final tree, clinging on to the harsh bark and carefully scaled down the rest of the massive trunk. She knelt down into the bushes, carefully scanning the area. So far, from what she could see, the ebony-haired trainer spotted four trainers, two females and one male. She had to admit he wasn't bad-looking and it had been some time since she received any "male attention. A small giggle bubbled in her throat at the thought, but she quickly swallowed it down, forcing herself on a more serious matter. She had to team up with someone to get off this route and get to the next city. What better way to do that than to travel with companions!

    Having made up her mind, Color stood up to her feet, brushed the stray dirt off of the ends of the bouncy laces of her dress, and bounded over towards the travelers, waving her hand a friendly manner.

    "Hey there!" she shouted cheerfully, the sleeping Pansage chattering unconsciously in his sleep as Color unhook him from around her neck and let him rest on her shoulder while she supported his bottom with one hand. Grass Mini merely snored, enjoying the warmth from the brown sack he was being carried in.

    24 hours on Day 2!~

  7. It would be nice to reach the next day though.

    At least everyone will have a chance to meet everyone, instead of sitting by the campfire and wondering about life.

    Or for my character, sleeping in suspicious places that could get her in trouble


    But hey that's just me, whatever the majority of the peeps agree upon

  8. As the twinkling sprinkles of stars glittered across the boundless sky, the three travelers slept soundlessly. While the trainer slept with her arms splayed out across the grass, her bare feet barely tickled by the individual blades of grass, her hair nothing more than an ebony halo around her head, and her dress now splayed messily across her body. Usually, Color would invest in a blanket, and probably throw on her pajamas in the messy fashion, but with running endlessly for several hours and catching her first Pokemon, her body just gave out completely.

    While Color slept silently, and Grass Mini snoring loudly against her hair, Fang remained awake and alert, curled up tightly on the his trainer's chest. Even though he was caught fair and square, his pride was still wounded. His authority was crushed beneath her boot, and was never going to gained back. The grass monkey slanted his eyes, running his unusually long tongue along his equally unusually sharp teeth. If only he had something to fight in order to blow off steam, a Pokemon, human, anything!

    Suddenly, a faint sound of flapping wings caught Fang's attention. His large, oval-shaped ears twitched twice, unsure of the source. However, the symphony of feathers pushing together in one perfect unison. Fang hopped up this time, growling in his throat to alert his trainer. Sadly, she grumbled in her sleep, turning over and allowing Grass Mini to slide off of her head and end up on the ground with a loud thump. Fang shook his head, chattering softly along the lines off "My trainer is an idiot".

    Yet, as soon Fang shook his head a silhouette burst through the cage of bushes, with the sound of heavy footsteps. The monkey cartwheeled out of the way, watching the figure trip over his trainer and stand only a few inches from his trainer's sleeping face. The Turtwig that rolled off of Color's head slowly woke up with a start, blinking his eyes a couple of times to clear his blurry vision.

    "Twig, Twig, Turrrrr." Grass Mini yawned loudly, steadying his yellow irises towards the figure and immediately hopped on four legs and glared at the intruder.

    "TWIG!" he shouted in his trainer's ear, finally waking her up with a slow start. Color yawned softly, blinking her eyes behind her long bangs. When her own blurry vision cleared she looked up, a person, a male that looked around her age glanced nervously down at her. His breath ragged from running and foolishly tripping over her, made her nose wrinkle in slight disgust as she glared up at him.

    "Sup?" he greeted hurriedly, not making a single attempt to get off of her.

    "Fang, get this nerd off of me. Vine Whip." Fang smirked, happy to comply as the thick vines pierced through the monkey's wrists and wrapped tightly the trainer's wrists. With a single tug he was violently pulled back and tightly held down. Fang looked down at the trainer, revealing his sharp front teeth. His snarl erupted from his chest, making the trainer's eyes widen in surprise and slight fear. Color merely laughed, waving her hand away.

    "Enough Fang, stop scaring him, he ain't gonna do anything now." Color drawled, taking her bare foot and pressing it down on the intruder's chest. Grass Mini approached the trainer cautiously, looking him up and down to make sure he wasn't armed. The Pokemon quickly eyed the Poke Balls and tapped Color on her ankle.


    "Hm?" Color eyed the Poke Balls carefully, before glancing back at the trainer, her lips tied into a small frown. "Ohh, I see your a trainer as well. Tsk." the performer clicked her tongue, pressing her hands on her hips. "Haven't you learn to watch where you are going?" Color questioned, digging the ball of her foot into his chest to emphasize her point.

    "B-But the Murkrow?"


    "SAGE!!!" Fang screeched loudly, turning his head to stare beyond the trees to spot a hint of a black wing. That turned into two wings, then four, and a complete flock suddenly exploded from the brushes of trees.

    "OH SHI-" Color couldn't even finish her sentence as Grass Mini pushed his head against her leg. The performer released her foot from the trainer, scooped up Fang who released the trainer's wrists, and tugged on her boots without even tying the strings. She threw the Poke Balls and Dex in the sack, threw it over her shoulder, tossed Grass Mini on her head, and Fang on her shoulder and turned towards the dirt road. She looked over her shoulder, watching as the guy sprung up from the ground, fearfully staring at the group of Murkrow that was rocketing towards them.

    "Unless you want to be pecked to death, GET MOVING" she order roughly, running behind him and pushing him forward. He quickly got the message, taking off towards the dirt road as well, while Color followed behind with Fang screeching angrily in her arms and Grass Mini covering his eyes from the fearful sight.

    "WATCH OUTTTT!!! MURKROWWW ON THE LOOOOOSEEEE" Color screamed at the top of her lungs.

    7 days till day 2

  9. What first started out as a full force sprint towards Route 29 ended up as a montage of gasping for air, and collapsing on the ground, in one big mess. Color and Grass Mini fell onto the grass, gasping for precious oxygen. After what seemed to be several minutes of exaggerated hyperventilating, Color pushed herself onto her knees and looked around the open area. A wide smile crawled across her wild features.

    "This is a PERFECT place to show me your stuff little dude!" Color exclaimed as she quickly rummaged through her brown sack to pull out the Turtwig's Poke Ball and the PokeDex she always kept by her side. With nimble fingers she typed on a few keys and slid her finger across the screen once. She held out her arm and pointed the small circular camera on the top of the complex device, making it beep several times before registering Turtwig's data.

    "Turtwig the Twin Leaf Pokemon...."

    The robotic male voice chimed. Color tilted her head to the side, glancing over at the grass type that had taken the liberty to start headbutting a tree.

    "Huh, I guess he does have twin leaves on the top of his head..." Color mused thoughtfully before looking back down at the screen. Even though the performer has traveled between regions and encountered a variety of Pokemon during her travels, she was still always fascinated by the information that the PokeDex provided for her. The schooling and education that she lacked, she quickly gained through studying Pokemon and their natural behaviors, which made everything all the more interesting for the acrobatic.

    "Continue, PokeDex." she uttered sharply, a quick bing followed suit of the command.

    "The shell on Turtwig's back is actually made of soil. On a very healthy Turtwig, the should feel moist."

    Color simply nodded her head, making a small note in the back of her mind to stroke the grass type's shell before going to bed. Another soft bing followed suit, indicating its continuation of the explanation.

    "The moves that your Grass Mini knows are..... Body Slam, Seed Bomb, Tackle, and Withdraw. It is a Brave Nature and was received at Professor Elm's lab at New Bark Town. It is currently Level 10.

    "Thank you PokeDex, you may shut down now."

    "As you wish, goodbye Trainer Color"

    The screen went black, leaving the trainer to click her PokeDex shut. She sighed, running her fingers through her messy shoulder-length hair. No doubt, Color's elder sibling wanted her Pokemon to be battle read just like her. With adept moves like that, Grass Mini might progress more quickly than any regular ol' trainer's Pokemon. However, she has yet to see her partner in battle....



    Color's eyes hurried over to Grass Mini. Instead of the twin leaf headbutting the trees to improve his endurance, he was being threatened by a monkey-like Pokemon with a medium sized bush on its head, wicked fangs, slick tan and green fur covering the rest of his small stature and loud screech to boot. However, Grass Mini was no backing down either, responding with a low growl and slanted yellow eyelids at he pawed at the grass. Color rose to her knees, click the red button her Pokedex and aiming it towards the grass monkey.

    "PokeDex scan!" Color shouted, which was quickly responded with the same bell-ringing sound.

    Pansage, the Grass Monkey Pokemon. This Pokemon tends to dwell deep in forests. It sometimes snaps a leaf off of its own head and devours it, improving it condition as if by magic. It is also good at finding berries all over which it shares with its friends because of its kind nature.

    "Kind huh. Not this one it seems." Color muttered to herself, snapping her PokeDex shut and dropping it in the sea of grass next to her legs. "Must've been chilin' in the tree and Grass Mini was just an unlucky sonofagun." Color cupped her hands over her mouth.

    "GRASS MINI!" her shrill voice projected clearly across the meadow, the wind roaring in the Pokemon's face as he picked up on his trainer's voice. He jumped once, only a few centimeters off the ground, and fell into his battle stance, indicating he heard her call and ready to follow her lead. "GRASS MINI! Use Body Slam on that tree and knock that little bugger out of there. Make it a fair fight!"

    The grass monkey howled in irritation, his hands beginning to glow white and sharpen to point at the edges, which Color could only guess as the move Scratch. However, Grass Mini quickly ran directly into the tree once more, ramming his whole entire figure against the thick truck against the tree, making it tremble at the raw power. The monkey teetered, screaming as it lost its footing, but suddenly two thick vines burst from it's wrists and entangled themselves around the Turtwig. Pansage fell, but quickly recovered from the brutal landing with its vines still wrapped around Grass Mini. The twin leaf struggled, bucking and kicking his back legs to free himself, but to no avail.

    Color stood up now, adrenaline rushing through her system as a cocky smirk etched within her features.

    "Grass Mini don't take that from the squirt, go ahead and give em a Seed Bomb!" the Turtwig tilted his head over his shoulder towards the snarling Pansage and simply glared at it. His mouth glittered green for a few moments before he spat out a row of shivering seed, which suddenly exploded in the monkey's face. It flew back into the tree, the vines that was wrapped tightly around Grass Mini's body quickly receding back to the owner and into its wrists. The monkey chattered softly, almost groaning at the impact of the tree, but Color wouldn't buy it.

    "Grass Mini, let's finish this! Full-Force Tackle, DESTROY!!" the trainer roared, balling her fists into tight balls. Her breath ragged almost as if she was the one fighting the Pansage. Grass Mini took off from its position, hopping up off the ground, tilting its head towards the monkey's abdominal area and making complete contact. Smoke rose from the collision, an ear-splitting screech rung in the air as Color could feel all the breath being ripped out of the Pokemon's lungs. The trainer quickly took off in the Pokemon's direction, taking a single Poke Ball and her PokeDex with her, leaving the rest of her things behind.

    Grass Mini hopped back and tilted his head to the sunset-lit sky.

    "TWWIGGGGG!" he roared in victory, making Color smile in gratitude. She walked up next to her Pokemon, watching as the grass monkey's unconscious body slide down the trunk of the tree and into the grass in a broken heap. Te performer tossed the empty Poke Ball at the Pansage, watching as its body became consumed in a stream of red light. The red and white capsule shook three times in succession before standing still, indicating the victorious capture. Grass Mini scooped the ball up in his large jaw and handed it to his trainer. The girl took out her PokeDex once more, aiming the camera at the Poke Ball, allowing it to process the data.

    Pansage, the Grass Monkey. Male. Level 10. Serious nature. Moveset: Scratch, Vine Whip, Lick, and Leer. Ability: Overgrow

    Color clicked her tongue in content, staring at the ball-shape capsule with pride.

    "You are someone that battles to the absolute brink. A lot of trainers do not like mercilessness in their Pokemon, but you....Yea, I'm gonna have fun training you." Color mumbled, a sly grin following suit while a happy Turtwig nuzzled her leg. Color reached down for her partner, taking one of his front legs and easily tossing him on her head in one fluid motion. She walked back towards her things, sitting down and kicking off her thick black boots in the process.

    She settled down, spreading her legs, and pull up her dress ever so slightly to make room between her legs. She click the middle button of the Poke Ball and watched as a bipedal monkey materialized in a stream of white light. The last bits of energy sparked away from the injure grass type, allowing the performer to get a good look at the Pansage.

    "Here." Color responded, sliding her hand in her sack once more and pulling out a single, round and juicy Oran Berry. "I was saving it for my pal here, but since you are on the team now you can have it instead, since you took more damage." Pansage did not respond, wordlessly taking the fruit from the trainer and sinking his two front oddly sharp teeth into the skin of the berry. He chewed cautiously, shooting a glare at Color every once in awhile before looking back down at the fruit in his hands. When it was all gone he dragged his long tongue across his paws, licking every last bit of the blue juice that spilled on his fur. Finally, he sat down, crossed his legs and just glared at Color, giving her a not so pleasant welcome.

    "Look, I know you lost, but hey we all lose. I do all the time to my older brother. The point is your are going to have to get over this. You are strong, and intelligent no doubt, but you have no focus. You focus on your instincts instead of channeling your raw energy into your opponent."

    "Pan!" the monkey grunted, lashing his tail back and forth, uncomfortable to admit its unbridled rage when battling.

    Color pushed a couple of wild strands back behind her ear, circling her arms around the monkey to show him actual comfort. "Come with me. I'll promise to help pull the cover away and show you the raw passion of battling." the trainer stuck out her pinkey finger, making the monkey look at her in slight confusion. However, after a few moments he silently wrapping his vine-like tail around her finger, grasping it tightly almost saying "You better stick to your word."

    Color nodded, making a small noise of approval before falling back into the sea of grass, watching the last splashes of orange and yellow disappear behind the trees, and leaving nothing but quiet hues of blue and violet in its place.

    "...Let's stay here. I'm sure the trainers are probably all asleep by now, and we're at the edge of the meadow. No one would find us here Fang...."

    Pansage's ears twitched slightly at the nickname, settling back down in a relaxed state, showing his approval of the name. From this day forth he shall now be known as Fang. However, Color mentioning trainers not coming around these parts, she knew in the pit of her stomach that she was somehow very wrong about that.

    Caught: 511.png

    Pansage aka Fang (M)

    Level: 10

    Ability: Overgrow

    Nature: Serious


    - Scratch

    - Vine Whip


    - Leer

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