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Status Updates posted by Tempest

  1. Any know the link of the topic explaining the member groups? I can't find it all. Although knowing me it's in plain sight.

  2. Why do I have to go back to normal life now? I hate you school.

  3. I got the golf clubs I wanted some I'll good for this holiday. Merry Christmas Everyone!

  4. What do people think of this sprite I made: http://imgur.com/plnBM13 It's my first ever so... go easy on me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Khayoz


      Coat needs a more definitive outline, especially if you're going for a gen 3/4 style sprite

    3. Tempest


      Alright, I'll put some black in on the coat, to make it more definitive.

    4. Manes


      Make sure to clean up the outline too. it has a lot of jaggies.

  5. Good god that was fun. Except I'm dead tired. I missed alot not being on the server.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tempest


      It shows up on all statuses but not here.

    3. Ikaru


      The index page only shows a person's most recent status

    4. Tempest


      Ah. Never mind then.

  6. Holy Shit. King's game is crazy.

    1. zeroznmn


      wereyou a part of it

    2. Tempest


      Ya. it's still going.

  7. I just found I'm going to most likely miss the holiday party tomorrow because apparently I have plans. How late does it usually go?

    1. Nyrias


      It'll go on for a while

    2. Tempest


      Good I won't miss it then.

  8. I tried to ask on the server but I'm still confused. What are all the other chat rooms for. I get the Authy Flavored and Rainbow one, but none of the other ones

  9. I just joined the server for the first time ever, and I literally have no idea what anyone is saying.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tempest
    3. Cowtao


      Welcome to Reborn.

      Don't drink the chocolate lake.

    4. Gyaradoskiller


      We are crazy motherfuckers. We're as crazy as Miley Cyrus.

  10. I'm done. I've got two weeks off of school. So happy.

  11. Now I'm sick. This has just been a fantastic week.

    1. zeroznmn


      Your being sarcastic right?

    2. Tempest
  12. Losing a good friend sucks.

    1. Cowtao


      I just lost a good friend too. We all gotta move sometime and it sucks. :c

    2. Tempest


      Well to make matters worse he goes to my church :/ and he knows some of my deepest secrets from a church camp.

  13. No Home = Boredom - Tons of Homework = Every damn thing is interesting.

    1. Chevaleresse


      Funny how that works.

    2. Cowtao


      Irony at it's finest.

    3. Arom


      Inserts music and headphones: Everything becomes not so boring anymore.

  14. Homework sucks

    1. Flux


      I agree. Fortunately, I don't have any today.

  15. Why is it that I feel motivated all day and then I sit down to do my homework and it just disappears?

  16. Why do I have so much free time?

  17. Any one good with physics? I need an equation that can calculate the velocity of a particle as it approaches the speed of light, given acceleration and distance. I know it adds mass as it nears c but... I can't calculate it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tempest


      Limit? As in the limit of velocity? It's c, the speed of light. At 15 septillion m/s/s acceleration from a Plasma Wavefeild accelerator it would equal to near the speed of light. c-10^-22 I'd guess or somewhere in that range. I'll just have to keep doing research I guess.

    3. Maelstrom


      calculate velocity from the acceleration formula? Use the derivative and plug in the knowns.

    4. Tempest


      I've tried, except, it ends up exceeding the speed of light, which would take infinite energy. As particles approach the speed of light, there mass increases and their velocity growth decreases. I need to find the equation, probably somewhere in Einstein's relativity, that allows me to plug in variables or substitute kinematic equations in. I just can't find the relationship. I have the equation that defines mass increase but it's dependent on the velocity. So it's a loop...

  18. I've literally played GTA 5 for the past 12 hours. I'm done.

  19. I'm an island in a sea of stupidity

  20. It's finally snowing! Except now I have to go shovel.... I hate snow.

  21. Turned 15 to day and I'm going to go take my permit test. Wish me luck!

  22. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!.... Or atleast the Americans. Everyone else just have a happy.... Day? Yeah, that works.

  23. Six more days.... 'til I get my permit..... It's a good way to scare people

  24. This may be the funniest thing I've ever watched.
    1. Tempest


      It does use some four letter words though....

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