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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Tempest

  1. When did I become a Ghost?

  2. I am the voice of the voiceless...

  3. I am the voice of the voiceless...

  4. I am the voice of the voiceless...

  5. I am the voice of the voiceless...

  6. I am the voice of the voiceless...

  7. Apparently I'm still Ace... who knew?

  8. Apparently I'm still Ace... who knew?

  9. And I'm just over here waiting for Mega Flygon.

  10. Tempest thinks he has jokes.

  11. I ish sew sowwy, Tempest-san. Pweese dun h8 meh! Pweedie Pweese?

  12. I ish sew sowwy, Tempest-san. Pweese dun h8 meh! Pweedie Pweese?

  13. I'm too lazy to get revenge.

  14. u herd right. thanks, vinny. thanks.

  15. So, I just spent 45 minutes researching and explaining to some kid who thought you needed 1,000,000 degree (presumably Fahrenheit) hot light to make a lightsaber. Hehe, it's actually closer to 6000 (tungsten melts at 6200 degress Fahrenheit)

  16. First day of college went well, no boob flashing yet tho >.<

  17. I hate people. Not people in general. Just the amount of them at this fucking state fair.

  18. Wow. I've become the very thing I detest: a lurker.

  19. I am Tempest Blaze™! Hear me Rawr!

  20. Welp, my phone is broken again and sprint really really sucks. Maybe it's time I went with a new service provider.

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