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Everything posted by Manes

  1. Alright, thanks. Never got to say, good job on the male backsprites. It's gonna take me an edit of a recolor of a resize to beat that. I'm serious, too: Resizes are never clean-cut, either. They require an edit, too. So it's an edit of a recolor of an edit of a resize. EDIT: Yo... help with shading the hair?
  2. I've got a question for Amethyst: Do the animated backsprites follow a strict spacing rule, or is it a divisible-by-x thing like with the overworld sprites? I'm asking because I wound up resizing some sprites, but they're still rather wide, so...
  3. I'm looking at the HS/SS sprites to get ideas for the backsprite... holy hell, the backsprite is practically a recolor job. I'm both disappointed and relieved.

  4. So turns out the backsprite is going to be a lot easier than I had realized; there's a backsprite of a guy in a suit. All I gotta do is trace that and do my work. Now to find out what to do about the bangs... ...WELP. I need to resize that sprite. It's too big for use ingame. And resizing sprites is never a clean-cut job...
  5. Then I could do that for you. Here. ...do the protagonists really have canon names?
  6. Hey, need me to make that trainer sprite transparent? No need to ask---here it is! The headband doesn't follow a straight curve. To do that, you need to use increments. Kinda like this: Hope it helps! ...the protagonists have canon names?
  7. Yay! I got done with the VS sprite for Minato! Now to work on the VS sprite. At least I don't need to draw those from scratch. Now if only Spriter's Resource would come back on...

  8. GUH. I know I'm not supposed to neither double-post nor do I have the full spriteset, but. This has taken me SO much work. To-do list is now at: Now for the backsprites (should be comparatively easy, right? ) and the remaining sprites. These are all references, failed attempts and the remaining files. Also the sprite rips for Emerald NPCs for... reference! I'm gonna have a hard time with the backsprites... but I'm so close.
  9. So I took to consulting with Spriter's Resource for feedback on my sprites since they're honest. Also, the one guy here who wanted me to complete the sprites dropped off the radar. I'm doing this without any support... sigh. Here. Have my early WIP. http://gyazo.com/9ca92accd5d52b1d818a1b67561b9eac.png

  10. http://gyazo.com/fc6b019b02021cdd774f4229c6422a18 There, sketch for the VS sprite done. This also doubles as my reaction pic. =_=
  11. Prinny Manes, reporting for greeting duty, dood! -salute- The game also drew me right in here. I've had fun here, too, even though I'm not playing Reborn itself at the moment. (Spritesets are hard, dood!) Florinia didn't give me a lot of trouble with Hariyama in tow. (Was he a Hariyama, though? Oh yeah, he wasn't.) I'll get back on the horse later. Dood.
  12. Ket. You scare me. I rarely ever have lucid dreams. Sometimes, when I become aware, I end up waking up, but more recent ones don't fall apart as quickly. One of my favorite dreams was regarding Homestuck. I was actually a dreamself---a second self generated through the game a select few are predestined to play---and could travel freely between Prospit and Derse. I'm not sure which moon I was in; I can barely even remember which moon I started off in. Whichever the case, I had a real dreamself for a short while, and while I couldn't control my flight accurately, that was pretty cool.
  13. And now, for something completely different. I'm sure it's no secret by now that I'm working on what's possibly my most ambitious project thus far---a sprite mod of the male trainer into the P3 protagonist. Here's the rub. I had help with the trainer sprite (I couldn't really make the torso look right, so an anonymous friend decided to redo the torso for me while I worked on everything else). I had already tweaked the male sprites in the overworld before, so all it took was recoloring and tweaking it some more. And I can't for the life of me come up with a visually acceptable VS sprite. It's as if everything I thought had known thus far suddenly decided to go "LOL NOPE NO FANARTS KTHX" and abandon me. And honestly, I won't settle for a recolor, and I'm morally bound to not trace anyone else's work. I couldn't, in good conscience, steal Ame's sprite for this. Not for something this potentially high-profile... I really bit off more than I can chew. The weird part is that I wouldn't mind editing the back sprite since virtually nothing would be different in it. Sigh. One weekend of work and this is all I have to show for it: I'm probably fucked several floors down Hell. And no, that is not my idea of a good afterlife.
  14. The awkward moment when you can't stop ogling your art reference.

  15. Request for the certain VS sprite: You must draw him. "About to shoot himself in the head." How am I supposed to do that...? I'm a goner.

    1. Ikaru


      That would be a pretty good shot if you want to capture the ready for battle sort of thing VS images are supposed to do.

    2. Manes


      Yeah, well. I can't really draw the elbow at the right angle, and if I can't manage that in a drawing, I definitely can't manage that in a sprite.

      I'm debating whether to just start with the existing VS sprite and edit that... without the gun. I do want to get this done eventually.

  16. Thanks, though I'm afraid the P3 cut-ins wouldn't really work well with the rest of the game. And I really can't decide on either art style. I'm actually a novice at spriting; some of the final details on the trainer sprite were made by "my Asian friend"... who, for some reason, didn't want to be named. And you probably won't have to use Gen IV sprites---this game runs on Gen III sprites. Even the source files hint at this. However, the trainer back animations and Key Battle sprites are definitely Gen IV. EDIT: And it also occurred to me that Reborn also starts on a train... how badly lost you have to be to end up in a train in another world is a question to be answered by your own imagination.
  17. Someone help me. I can't decide on details like those. TT_TT
  18. Cain: I'm a female playing a male character. As a result, the interactions are just that much funnier to me. The fun part is that he seems to say the same things to a female character, which means he's indiscriminately flirtatious. Anyone who can crack that much is funny in my book. Julia: Boomies! She reminds me of an RP a few friends and I made, down to her nuking tendencies. She was very fun with her story arc, and I wish I had seen more of her. Corey: I'd say he hits close to home, but even I wasn't that hopeless. He was just melancholy through and through. I knew about his retirement before he, well, retired. He's the kind of person I would try to help. He really, really needed it. Anna: This is the first time I've seen a character blurring the line between clairvoyance and psychosis. She's very unique because of the way she's presented.
  19. Too bad the sprite I'm doing corresponds to an existing character. Yeeeah someonekillmenow
  20. Shit... I still don't know what to do for a VS. sprite. I mean, should I go for Persona-style or Pokémon-style? Could I do x pose with some frankenedits? Am I overthinking this? Am I overthinking everything? Do we as a species overthink everything?!? ...yeah, I'm not all that worried about the backsprites, but the VS one is gonna be killer for me. Just because I can't decide on a style for this guy.
  21. I'm studying the sprites in order to continue work on my own sprite set, and I found that the walking and fishing sprites turned out to be the same sprite with a stick attached to them. As for the running sprites, that was done by moving the head one pixel down and one forward, and moving the rest of the body one pixel backward. On the subject of sprite sets, I've still got my work cut out for me...
  22. I did one too, in case the one up there doesn't work right:
  23. Female Gardevoir? If you happen to have a male Shuppet, you could put that fella in instead.
  24. You know you're a noob when you're terrified of the metagame. -hides inside a rock- pleasedontkillme
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