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Posts posted by rustytengo

  1. you got it right my grade point average was in the area of 2.5 to 3.0 though most of high school

    also kudos for getting the Wheel of Time reference i made

    i am going to guess 3 it would suck to be allergic to dogs and shrimp

    1. i live on a farm

    2. i hate pineapple

    3. my favorite subject when i was in school was writing/english

  2. i will have to guess 1 Lunar even i have not played all of those

    1. I never been in a relationship with anyone

    2. I had a 4.0 though High school

    3. I can read over 500 pages in a book a day

  3. Yeah time for me to talk about anime

    first off is a few really short ones that i watched

    the first one is GunSmith Cats my friend told me about this one and let me barrow his copy of it its only has three episodes but there probably the some of best three episodes that i have watch had a complete story in them never had parts that felt out of place or just made it feel slow. the characters where good very good well acted (to me anyway) just a great one to watch

    the second one is Murder Princess this one is six episode it also is good in my opinion anyway just Like GunSmith Cats the story was completed and t flowed really well. it Also made me actually care about the characters unlike most longer animes that i have watched.

    now just for fun a list of random animes that i liked watching(other then my main ones taht i talked about in other places)

    1.Gunsmith Cats

    2.Princess Resurrection

    3.Murder Princess

    4.Corpse Princess

    wow thats alot of ones with princess in the title

    also finished the first season of Hell Girl but NetFlix does not have the second it makes me angry i want to watch it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. so in p4 i happen to be stuck on the Hippe Jesus boss so any have any advice i can get it to half ay with no problem in a few turns but after that i cant beat him i cant keep healing that damage he hits me with even with two healers going healing so yeah it annoys me

    I met the voice actor for Kanji irl
    He signed my copy of p4g saying GET BENT

    that is awesome wish i had something cool like that

  5. ok first off please dont call me mr or any other kind of honorific in english, japanese or any other language that uses them i dont like them I am Josh nether greater then nor less then anyone else.

    for your first question it a yes and no the starters where part of all of what i used when guessing on those

    on the second i never said for that i would do that for everyone of the gym leaders i said that those where some good ideas that meant every thing from the post after i asked the questions to the post i said those where good ideas i will not be making a mockery of the leaders(well maybe Brock only in like making him and your character have a flirting battle ni ha ha ha)

    but going off that to be fair to all the characters if i have one of them earn the badges for all three then i would have to with the other two as well.

    I am going to do my best to make sure that all the character are about equal in there battling not going to make it one i better... tell the end when there s the epic battle in the kanto league(if you watch the show its the thing that ash always loses in at the end)

  6. which also reminds me me and a friend of mine where working on a sailor moon story not to long ago though its kind of stuck now though it was based off a idea/game we had when we where in elametery school it was actually fun to give that some more thought and depth

    so back to pokemon for a bit

    so i am going to start compiling all the information(and getting other information like pokemon the gym leaders use and moves and the such) and ideas you gave me this weekend which means basically copying done on a word document so i don't have be on the site well writing it

    so should mean that i will be starting writing it this weekend so be on the look out for a link or something on the first post of the thread in the next couple of weeks or so not sure how i am going to do the link yet probably from fanfiction . net or the actual document depending on my computer and whats easier to do for me

    but if you have any ideas that you come up with or whatever i will still be checking the post several time a day(you never know maybe some one else will give a character or something though it tends after five or so during the week because of work)so just post it i am going to be mainly focused on the kanto arc right now but things from jahto are fine as well if you have any questions just ask as well i probably will pick your guys brains if i get stuck or have trouble with something especially if it involves your characters

    which reminds me Rose what kind of sickness does you character have like does she get really tired,pron to fever,coughing fits, excreta

    so just be on the look out i will probably put a post on here letting you know when the first chapter is done and so on

  7. Sailor Moon says Hey hey now Sailor Moon is always relative to anything (especially if its me) without Sailor Moon i probably would not of got into pokemon and then i would not be writing this story

    i do agree that the Japanese version is much better with the characters and plot(especially some things about characters that where changed trust me when your not that old and Neptune and Uranus are suppose to be cousins and then see how they act with each other i dont know any cousins that close)

    though its a lot easier now then when i was first watching it ti get the Japanese cannon and stuff was really hard the internet was not how it is now and anime was basically unheard of even more so in Montana

  8. For me my favorite is Amy/Ami (i usually use the planet name cause i tend to use the English names vs the Japanese cause that what i grew up with so that way every ones knows who i am talking about) in terms of character and the final attack she gets is one of the best drawn in the show in my opinion anyway and Hotaru(Saturn in both English and Japaneses) is the one i like in terms of design i do wish there was more of her

    Mars is a awesome character i do agree she has a big fan base for bunch of different reasons(here is one "she's Hot" which is the reason for most guys)

    Neptune and Uranus if they stuck with the others the whole time i think they would less inserting characters though

    and then there's Pluto who is just an enigma throughout most of the times she is in the show

    as you probably can tell i like Sailor Moon as well (not the character to much though)

  9. Hmm... those are some good ideas i like them it will help with repetitive batting of gyms that i was worried about though with Clair it would most likely be my battle after all Blackthorn City is where my character is form and Clair is like his sister

    a two on two battle with koga and his daughter would be a lot of fun to do

    so i guess we all are agreed team Horizon will use weedles and tentacools

    You both have a good point on the gyms i always though of them as a way to understand the strengths and weakness of a type and how to adapt them to how you like to play

    hmm...given my character would probably play a riddle game with Blaine he will probably be the one to handle that

    also i think to be fair i will share my full team with you guys so you can see what i use

    Bruiser the Venasaure (my starter)

    Goldielocks the shiny Pidgeot(first Catch leader of a gang of Pidgey aournd Pallet Town)

    9,001 the Gyarados (Where else does one get a magikarp in kanto before mount moon)

    Shanks the Arbok (found just being a nuisance to some campers around the exit of mount moon)

    Big T the Tauros(During a safari game)

    and Screwhead the Magnaton(found stuck to a metal pole near Vermillion city)

    in rotation

    Pinky The Clefairy caught cause maybe Whitney will leave me alone if i give it to her,,Montana the Onyix/Steelix found chasing us in the rock cave , Cue ball the Sandslash Whitney gave it to me cause she wanted Pinky, and Forge the Magmar found on Cinabar Island, Petey the Areodactyl and finally Artemis The eevee give to me by Bill after the Kanto league

    as you can see my character does not catch that many pokemon without a reason

    also Rose if your favorite color is blue and you like Sailor moon the going on a stretch here i would guess that your favorite Sailor Scout would either be Mercury or Neptune am i right well there's always a chance that its Saturn she just awesome anyway

  10. i did see your post on those characters though i am quite sure her name is janne(or some thing close to that) given that they already had a Jasmine in the second gen you know the cute one with the Giant Steelix who goes Clang Clang in her gym speech if you want we can take this up with the almighty wikipedia it knows all

    those or some good ideas though anime Erika and game Erika are really different though i think a lot of it is that the other trainers in her gym don't let guys in and Giovanni and mewtwo i have a plan for them like i said there's not just gong to be team Rocket running around this time and its fine if you don't want your family in the story was just curious that's all guess i should say your characters family my character family will be mentioned with in it(though they are nothing like my actually family not even close) that's why i was wondering

  11. I don't see what the fuss with these Pokemon having to hold an item to be Mega is... It's called Mega for a reason. Odds are some won't even need an item and will still be pretty strong in game and competitively. Just look at Blaziken. I'd rather it be an item than a fourth evolution for Pokemon like Blaziken or Ampharos because that would contradict everything Pokemon has been so far. It is a little disappointing that Pokemon like Lucario just can't evolve, but eh, the form looks nice and is no doubt more powerful than regular Lucario.

    Basically, I think it's a good thing that the way to get a Mega Pokemon is through a hold item.

    i agree with that it is a good thing i would just be wrong for them to evolve agin

    second the better give the other starters mega evo's as well its only far should never promote one starter over the others (yes i know it happens all the time its still wrong)

    most likely in the game mega evo will have some sort of draw back like how normal evolution cause pokemon to grow slower and learn moves later or stop learning them at all like with most of the stone evolutions

    anyway i think it going to be interesting what this is going to bring to the game anyway(take that people who said that six gen was not going to change the meta part of the game up)

    aslo i want the MegaMawile give me now

  12. my guess is that Rose likes the color blue in general

    i think most women like Articuno because of the three its the one thats looks the most eloquent(its a pretty bird)

    also though my thinking with gym battles if i have all three characters battle each gym that probably would get boring to both read and write and was wondering if you two have any ideas for character getting the badges other then battling (it happens in the show on occasion)

    second nether of you said how you would react to Koga's daughter Janne(or however you spell that)given i might use her for something i thought i should ask

    third so any of your guys family members have names(given that Rose said that she got her mewoith for her sister i was wondering)

    finally rereading what i put for the my team of bad guys Team Horizon i kind of reminded me of team Plasma in a way i was wondering if you guys had a though or not on them (also need some goon pokemon for the goons of the team i am thinking of Sperrow and Voltorb and somthing else i want to stay away form what team rocket used in the game for the most part because i have a plan for them as well)

    also if there is something you would like to see just tell me and i will see what i can do

  13. i like your ideas King D but we should let Rose have a say given its her character's pokemon and i agree screw HMs its a story why do pokemon need a CD to teach them what they do naturally like fly i have never been much of a fan of the meta part of the game especially if its a story i would switch surf for Water Pulse on nidoking as well given i have never seen surf in the anime as an attack and though the stories i have read i have never found a good reason for TMs outside of the game mechanics

    i am guessing that the wynut is a emoticon on the site not sure how to do it though

  14. ok thanks you two i kind of surprised me the two fossils you guys choose where the ones that i would of given your characters if it was up to me

    and King D i had no plan to turn your character into an emo a good example of disillusioned is well when i have always felt safe at my house but once it got robbed it felt unsafe especially my room where my stuff got stolen from i could not even sleep in to for about five days so thats kind of what i was getting at with that

    also which of the three legendary birds do you two like the most if i would guess for Rose its probably Articuno and King D is Moltrase

  15. ok first of all King D i said Disillusioned not delusional it has a different meaning disillusioned means something like not seeing the world ideally anymore given your character went though a lost of a close friend it fits him like how Rose is the Strangled Rose because of her sickness mine the Empty Wanderer because of his list fullness or lethargically personality not delusional which means something like seeing the world not how it is and in your own ideal way or something like that it was a play on the characters

    second what exactly are Miss jiggs powers like can you give me a example

    third Rose does your character catch any more or is that all of her pokemon

    finally thanks to both of you that helps a lot into having some things happening in the story

    also because there are three fossils we can each have one i will let you to take first picks an i will have the one that is not chosen

  16. thank you both Rose and King D for the characters and ideas(hopefully King D did not pressure you into giving a character Rose thats not nice at all) anyway hopefully i can write a good story for y'all to read. only question i have is your pokemon you get them all in there first stage if not i need to know what stage you get them in right and around where you catch them at well technically thats two anyway.

    you where right Rose legendarys do not appear for no reason i have a plan for them and Brock will be the Brock we all know and love

    So thus three souls who have meet by a coincidence have there fates intertwined. A Empty Wanderer, a Disillusioned King, and a Strangled Rose there story is one of adventure, mystery, and of danger. Will this three souls change the world or will the world change them? That is to be seen.

  17. Curses you found my one weakness a good back story!!! I actually really do like that idea not only does it flesh out your character some more it also gives some insight to why your character is how he is like why he refuses to let his pokemon fight in a battle where they are out matched and such. The reason why you have not seen much on my characters back story is because of plot. To answer the question i really have not set the tone was hoping that i would get a few more characters and set the tone on how they are though it will not be really kiddy there will be some darker stuff in it though i not that good of writer so that stuff wont be like it is in reborn i will leave stuff like that to Ame but i am planing to have some more adult things in it then the games.. ok that really does not answer the question hmm... its probably will be alot like a narrative well exploring the character as well like why they do things and the way they act theres a reason why i have my character list like how he is know he will grow though the story right now he is not a hero or cares to be one like i said alot about him is plot. hope that helps. right now though i am really hoping for some more characters at least one. (hopefully a girl)

  18. What is the pokemon that you dislike but everyone else loves?

    If you could travel to anywhere in Europe where would you go?

    What is your favorite anime(at this moment)?

    Who is your crush on a/an anime/cartoon/video game character right now at this moment (you can only pick one)?

    Chimchar i have never liked it for some reason.

    well i have been to France twice and England once so probably Greece or Italy.

    That would be Spice and Wolf I just really like it.

    Thats mean i only get to choose one... well if i have to then it would be Holo the Wise Wolf it strange shes not the usual character that i crush on in animes and video games but i just love her so much.

  19. yeah if any type where to get introduced it would be light but its Fairy for that

    fossils will stay with the rock typing

    though because of curiosity wonder what the typing would be for the new ones maybe rock/fire, rock/electric,or maybe rock/psychic

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