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Posts posted by rustytengo

  1. So hey this is probably the first post that i am going to be a little mean in.

    But before that i what do you mean by cyborgs exactly lunar cause that makes my brain go into gunslinger girls mode.

    Now it time for me to be a little mean i thank you Jerome for your interest in the story and wanting to have a character in it but because Vergil asked first the character that he will give is going to be the last character that i was going to use(for now) because it would the bring the number of characters to ten and i think that will be all the characters that i can handle in a story so i am sorry about that if anything your character may not have a big part in the story but he may get mentioned or appear as a trainer during the league tournament near the end of the first part of the story.

    So Vergil Its fine you can join though your character is going to the last that will really have part in the story.

  2. he would be like Paul because Paul was about the only trainer in the anime who actually used pokemon and moves that would be in competitive or at least how people use competitive teams with the anime style

    and i am not sure about the shock gloves so that would be a maybe if i want to use it

    and rose well lets see not as far as i wish i could be given i just got a influx of new information in the last week it kind of messed me up a little in trying to figure where to fit people in from what i was originally thinking of doing

    and Noir it really depends on what i will be using your character for in the story given he will appear later in the story i probably won't have her in tell probably the Johto part of the story so currently not right now she won't be but probably later

    and just to let y'all know i really have not thought much on the abilities given i don't know most of the effects of them but the ones i do know will get use if i can figure a good way to use them

  3. well those are some interesting move sets never knew that Pokemon could learn some of those moves hmm probably cause i have no care for competitive battling in the games.

    i really don't care if Lunar's character's team move set is from the meta does not really bother me at all(he is kind of like Paul from the anime in that sense)

    my team is going to feel a little boring with its move set

  4. has i said in a really early post hm's are really not going to be in the story because of logic why does a pokemon need a machine to teach it how to cut things or break rocks and the like so its more like the anime in that since.

    and the killing a character would be for a good reason though falling down a hole and dieing is funny as hell. I mainly even though of it because of something that color said that if there was something between her's and King D's characters it would probably end tragic. So its just my brain going to Shakespeare and tragic and Shakespeare plus tragic means people die.

  5. welcome color you name deferentially matches you character loud in a good way i think that your character will been fun to write( I smell a magikarp battle) especially with king d's character heheheh.

    and thank you guys for asking question that i would normally ask it saves me from having to wait so long just for my computer will load the pages correctly so i can post things.

    so about the only thing i would need would be what your teams final move sets will be or most common moves used for them.(makes the looking things up slightly less over welling to my brain),

    i wounder how many people would get mad if i killed there character in the story.

    and i really should have a stopping point for when i stop accepting characters if i keep getting them at the rate i have been it my cause a brain over load or something hmmm i will think on that.

  6. Lets see first off its alright King D if you make changes to the character given you decided on the past champion thing after you gave the character and with how i am going to work that in you will just have to wait and see i do have am idea for it. So if anyone wants to make a change with there character you can until i have your character show up in there story or get to the point in story that x event happens.

    I do agree with what King D said about every one having combo attacks if everyone has them then in general it makes the idea of it a lot less unique and it would feel like i am trying to push it at the readers well i am writing it though if y'all want you could come up with something for the battles that makes your character unique as well. And Lunar bounce house just seems to much fun not to have in the story at some point.

    Most likely i am hoping to have something up by sometime in October(hopefully before X and Y comes out because i know i won't be thinking of writing for a few weeks when those come out though after that i might have an idea for mega Pokemon in the story). It probably won't be more then a chapter or two since i am a slow writer and all(hopefully i will have a new computer by then too so i don't have to use the slow ass one i have been using).

  7. First off thank you Requiem for the character cheese is awesome.

    Cool Cool good call on asking people to do that King D it helps alot with trying to figure things out. and even if you are not best friends with people at least you will have more epic moments thoughout the story.

    really my poor magikarp gets pick on never under estimate the mightiness of a magikarp EVER.

    I do love it when people make assumptions about my character then they won't know what will hit them when they learn more BWA HA HA HA HA HA....."smacks with a baseball bat" Shut other me your not allowed to say anything about the character or plot.

    Also two things one because both King D and Noir (every time i say Noir i keep thinking of Hyperdimension Neptunia)have asked about the attack combos i am fine if you want to make them up for your pokemon just make sure to give a good description of them. and the other thing is for every one could you tell me what role you think your character would be best suited for in the story just so i can a an idea for it.

    i all ready know the role that i will use King D's, Rose's,Noir's, and Lunar's character for and Risty seems if his would make for good rival material. so yeah please and thank you and also fish for some reason.

  8. I was referring to the thing i wrote about once i got yours and Rose's characters you remember this thing

    So thus three souls who have meet by a coincidence have there fates intertwined. A Empty Wanderer, a Disillusioned King, and a Strangled Rose there story is one of adventure, mystery, and of danger. Will this three souls change the world or will the world change them? That is to be seen.

    thats what i am talking about. me being clever.

  9. Thus i have reappeared to stop the arguing.

    First off let me say this thank you to Lunar,Noir, Risty, and Pwb for your characters and interest in the story i hope you will enjoy it once i get some thing up for y'all to read.

    second on the subject of noir's team i am inclined to agree with King D in that i am trying to keep the pokemon within at least the first gen but that is more for the characters that the story follows(mine, King D's,and Rose's teams) with the characters that are going to be more in the supporting roles i am going to allow the teams to include one pokemon from the third gen up if you want to include one(two if you can make a good case for it) but the rest of the team will need to be made up pokemon from the first two gens as usual i include pokemon that are an evolution of an earlier pokemon such as Electabuzz(1s gen) which evolves into Electivire(4th gen) is fine because they are the same line(baby pokemon are included in that as well). If you need help with the team feel free to ask i am quite sure that most of the people will help out me included.Also just to let people know for now i have no plans for the story past the Johto region(and the plans for that i don't have that well thought out either) so if i where to use a character much later i might end up forgetting about them so i am trying to include them in the story when i can.

    and to end this off with please try not to argue and please read other post they will tell you a lot of things especially ones that people edit because they do change things in it. Also King D i actually don't have that much better things to do other then work and working on the story and with Rose's team her save file some how vanished on her so she had to start over.(see reading things that people post in places is a good thing you learn things)

    (wait i have four new characters that means i need to think of something clever for them)

  10. yeah you can join Noir all are welcomed.

    and Lunar Umbreon is fine and i will let you keep either Eelektross or Gardevoir for reasons that i came up with from reading your character but the other one will need to be replaced with a first gen pokemon the storys in Kanto so i am trying to keep the pokemon first gen for now anyway

    don't worry King D i like it when people help with ideas and i do agree with him being a bad guy/mercenary like character and the connection to you was kind of what i was thinking to though i have really good plan for your lucario a very good epic plan.

  11. well i can't say that i am really afraid of anything though when i was younger i was afraid of a lot of things the dark being one of them but thats common. Lets see i was also afraid of drowning but then i learned to swim so thats not a problem anymore for me. Now a days there are plenty of things that i am cautious about like things that can kill me but i really am not afraid of anything.

    Wish you would hate where i live in the middle of nowhere and pron to power outages and no other lights around.

  12. so just to give an update at where i am at writing the story

    it probably will be another couple of weeks given i scarped what i had twice so far but my computer is back up to speed so it will be easier for me to do anything on the internet

    yeah i know it taking forever sorry about that you guys once i actually get a start that i like it will be alot quicker to write. the beginning is always the hard part

    so please just be patient i won't just not write it. it would be wrong for me to do that after you guys gave me characters and all the other stuff

    it would also be easier if i had my usual computer but i don't so i just have to deal with that.

  13. yep you got it righti have been to Canada alot of times

    i am going to guess 1

    1. in Dungeons and Dragons i am the Dungeon Master for my group

    2. luck is my favorite stat in games that have it

    3. i am afraid of snakes

  14. nope its actually 3 i cant stand being forced to do things it takes the fun out of it my favorite was actually science

    i am going to guess 1 cause unless you live like where i do most likely hteres a limit to how many animals you can have

    1. i like plane coconut but not shredded

    2. i have 4 cats and 1 dog

    3. i have never been to canada

  15. thanks for the advice though i dont remember all of what it did its been a while since i played it though i did rush though the dungeon so i probably need to level

    cant say i have beat either of them though i have beat P3

    also how in the world do you do the spoiler brackets thing i cant figure it out i know i am an idiot

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