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Posts posted by Magus

  1. How I dealt with bullies was quite simple, just don't let the words get to you, and don't take that crap. True strength is having the ability walk away, but if they insist on keeping on, you might have to get your hands a little dirty. In the end violence is a last resort. Now let tell you about high school, In my experience, bulling ended my freshman year. You see high school is a time where people stop giving a shit about popularity, and really start caring about what the hell they want to do after wards. Hell I became friends with one of my bullies, turned out to be a chill dude in high school. So don't fret over stuff that happens in Middle school, high school is a whole new game,and dealing with bullies becomes much easier as you mature.

  2. Long story short, we had to make a music video for our final grade in calculus, and we chose #selfie. This project was so much fun and it was an excellent way to end me senior year.

    The cast is from left to right

    Andrew- Director

    Me, Jacob AKA Magus- idea brainstormer, assistant director

    Britney- the sweet quiet one

    Kelly- the wild awesomely awesome

    Arturo-AKA Cherio16-mad editor

    So tell me what you guys think, there are plenty of laughs and bloopers at the end. Just keep in kind we are not pro editors, we had no budget and we only had 2 weeks to work on this, and most of it was only allowed in class.

  3. Oh you guys, the reason why I did this just for funzies. I've already been diagnosed to have ASDP, like a while back. I just wanted to get a nice little view of everyone, that's all. Call it data collecting if you will. Also I should have said this, but Schizoid, Schizotypal, and Schizophrenia are not the same, and really don't have to with each other. Valid test, not really, fun sure that's the point.

  4. Well in psychology we are finally doing mental illnesses, and I got ASPD (anti-social personality disorder) which basically means you are a psychopath, or sociopath. Of course having ASPD doesn't make you a psychopath, but it is still a serious disease. So yeah here are my results. I also took another test to see how high I was on the psychopathy scale, I got 25 where 30 is psychopath level, so yeah I got them traits, but I still hold on to sanity, just a little of it though. It's also quite fun to freak people out with my erratic behavior so thats a plus.

    So I'm pretty sure a lot of us here are some what crazy (personally I think everyone on Earth is a little crazy) anyone wanna share if anything interesting.

  5. I really don't see the point for only 30 min, while weather is already pretty much permanent for that time. Although this could be more convenient then just swapping dates on your computer if you don't get what you want. Maybe more than 30 min at a time?

  6. Yo skrub time for you to get good, na but seriously good to have you. Normally people will say "abandon sanity", but that is too played, so no keep your sanity. Welcome to hell my friend, also get PO, I'll tell you about that in study hall tomorrow.

  7. Reborn is geared to people who want the challenge. I think a lot of people will agree with me when I say that pokemon is just too easy, also EXP share is in the game, as Shushup said. Reborn is a game that will kick you into the dirt, but you must pick yourself up and try again. In the end, it is all about how well you can play. Hell I had no problems when I went through it (and that was back in episode 7 before common candies and EXP share), so yeah try again.

  8. -Introduction-

    Hello everyone and welcome to Reborn done quick, I have a tendency to go fast, and I've decided to give pokemon Reborn the speed runner's treatment and break the hell out of it. So before I begin I must go over some things

    1) This IS NOT a location guide. I assume you've at least beat all the episodes and have a general knowledge of the game. If you don't know where something is go check out Dashie's guide,it is nice.

    2) This is to date with episode 11, meaning if things change in the future, don't tear me up. Seriously I know things are going to change and when Ame does her thing, I'll update the guide with new routes, and pokemon accordingly.

    3) Lastly, if you a MC, that stands for Magus's Comment. It is pretty much my thoughts of how the game is, bosses, and of course how well I did each section of the game. They will mostly be at the end of each section.

    OK now that that is out of the way lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    -Split 1 (Beginning to Julia)-

    So before I start the game, go into options, change my text speed to fast, and turn off animations. After that it's new game.

    So one thing really nice about episode 11 is the text speed going fast. So it goes as fast as I can mash space. Typically I name my self "M", but I went with Magus this go round, I really don't know why. After the introduction, there must NOT be rain, it will mess with the Ralts event and I need ralts. If there is rain, I reset and try again.

    After Julia leaves I head to the Grand Hall, this is where I know if I got unlucky with my weather. Assuming it goes well I speak with Victoria, and do that event, and get my starter. The starter is Speed Boost Torchic, it must have speed boost and at least 25 IVs in attack and Special Attack. It also can't have a -special attack, or -attack nature. If I get unlucky I just reset. (I save before I try to get this). Next are the battles with Cain and Victoria

    You know the drill, spam scratch get wins on Cain, typical rival battle and no setups. Same with Victoria, BUT just recently I found out you can skip this fight all together. Problem is that it is hard annoying, and screws with the money and EXP route so yeah, no skip this go round. After that I continue with the evens, mash the hell out if space and begin the true fun. Before heading out I trigger the magikarp event for later. I also put the running shoes on, because I got to go fast

    The movement is kinda of hard to describe, so just try to picture it. I head from the grand hall to the sketchy house on fourth street. Pay the hobo to move and continue to the lower peridot center and heal there. I skip the casanova fight out side of the center and head north. I fight the street rat and the two young trainers. I heal up if needed at the pokemon center, (because of how tight money is, I don't buy any healing items until after I get magikarp.) So now I go back to the power plant to the north and take on everyone's favorite douche, Fern.

    Fern is a pushover, at this time I should have peck and ember, so burn everything down and peck if he uses water sport, which he does, and is kind of annoying. I always save before a battle just because of how trolly Ame's AI and how rampant hax run in this game.

    So Fern is a total skrub at Reborn and doesn't realize there are two powerplants, and he heads off. Once I get movement again I head a little north, and grab the pokemon snacks as I need them for Ralts, and walk back to the sketchy house. I take the same route in reverse to avoid trainers. At the gym I activate the Julia scene and continue to the house. I use the snack to get Ralts, and then the real fun begins as Ralts, not Gyarados is the true hero of this story. Why you ask, why teleport of course. I teleport back to the peridot healing center and head to the right powerplant.

    Oh great I have to team up with skrub jockey Fern, he can waste a lot of time and troll me with bad moves, but I have to do this section with him. If you don't have Ralts, then you fight all the grunts by yourself, which does speed up the fights, but it is unreliable at the end and you need two mons to get king Karp. So at this point torchic should evolve and learn double kick, and that is real handy for later and the rest of the run. i continue in the power plant, fighting all the trainers and defeating the admins, praying to RNGesus that Fern actually does something useful.

    After powerplant I head north to grab magikarp, I heal if I got to, and fight the trainers at the top by the old man. Inside the house I should have enough money for the magikarp, I battle them, Ralts gains some levels, and I get the most broken pokemon. I save before this battle as I need a Moxie varien, so rattled is what I shoot for. Now from here I teleport back to the peridot and heal before I go into Julia's gym.

    I lead with Magikarp and switch with Combusken for the battles, minus Julia, for the remaining of the run up til I get Gyarados. Julia's gym isn't that hard, I really didn't have to practice this part that much. The fight with Julia is where the RNG must be good.

    At this point I lead with Combusken and pray I get good luck. Julia is the only gym leader that I don't have a 100% win start on and this fight can be a potential run breaker. I was able to beat her before Combusken broke the LV cap (clever EXP route is clever) and I beat her. Double Kick was the move mainly used. I also used Ralts and Magikarp to take a selfdestruct. I don't know exactly when she likes to go boom, but I was able to anticipate a few and avoided unnecessary damage.

    And with that we get badge 1, I save, to see my time at this point. Currently I was at 42Min, which is really good, because I normally average 45min.

    MC: Over all I think this was the best section of the run. The amount of luck involved in this part is just crazy, and I have to rely on Combusken to pull the team. After this part the run gets very interesting, and much more fast pace. I know turning off the animations is going to piss some people off, but it is in the spirit of the run. I save a good hour by not having them on, so sorry if anyone gets offended by that. Also because I got three days off from school, I can update this regularly and should be done by Wednesday. So any thoughts, let me know I would like to hear them. Now as for the removal of Ralts or Gyarados, that will destroy the current route, but that doesn't mean I will stop.I already have a replacement planned for Gyarados, but ralts it is different. If Ame replaces ralts with any potential teleport user than the run will be able to work, as Ralts cuts out the back tracking. If not then I'll have to improvise, but over all I still can do the run. I got strats for battles that don't involve Gyarados or Gardevoir.

    - Split 2 (Post Julia to Florina)-

    After Julia I head out the gym and greeted with cutscenes, which I mash space. This is when teleport starts to become more useful, after I get control again, I head to the Grand Hall and heal there. Before heading to the Obsidia Ward I pick up Bidoof, the HM slave and plow through the trainer bridge. I go counter clockwise through here, as I only want so much EXP. I also continue to swap out magikarp and combusken to level up magikarp. After the bridge I go into Obsidia.

    In order to get to Flobot and get the trigger for cut, I have to head through the slums and this is where healing points are introduced. Because of that, my heal at the Grand Hall can work, as I can heal after Victoria and continue into the slums. Once again, the slums are my least favorite part of the run, annoying and quite tedious, and random encounters begin here. I can skip random encounters by spamming D, the auto save and reloading my save. When I get an encounter on the frame I save, I can reload my save and continue, this is just a little bit faster than running.

    You cant skip the gang fight, but double kick is your best bet. The gang will go down quite easily.

    With the slums done I head to south to the Coral Ward to trigger the event with Cain, I don't heal in the center, as I should still be good. The healing totem at the end of the slums should allow us to be good for this fight. Cain himself isn't that hard Combusken should be able to get him, and with crits from focus energy will make this fight easier. After that I head north to the park where Flo is waiting.

    Well at the park I learn that I need to go all the to the other end of Reborn to get cut. I teleport with Rats to the Grand Hall and make my way to the guard outside the Jasper Ward. I take the back route to skip any extra battles. Once I get cut I then teleport back to the Grand Hall. I teach Bidoof Cut at this point and then proceed into the park. (This is the reason I didn't heal in the Coral Ward, so I can skip going through the slums again.)

    The park is quite easy, if you know the way. That is how it is in most of the dungeons is just knowing where to go and optimizing the path. Now we fight Zel and this fight can be annoying. He only has Tangrowth and Combusken knows ember, which makes this fight easyish. Don't be afraid to sacrifice Bidoof at any point to get free switch into Combusken. Eventually Zel goes down, if hax effect you than reload and try again, but you shouldn't have problems with this fight. Now Zel is gone, to the next gym. Well almost, I pick up a heart scale that is hidden in the park and go into the candy shop to buy some healing items along with common candies. The reason why is because of safety and I need items to remove status ailments, even though the prices are not ideal.

    At the gym Fern is a bit butt hurt and me kicking his butt and will not let us in the easy way, but that is alright. The trainers on the outside give me more EXP and money. In the gym, you can skip everything if you know the answers to the test, which I do, but every EXP point counts and I clear the gym out and take all the EXP and money I can get. After this I no longer have any needs to grind, as Ame placed trainers in very convenient areas and thanks to the LARGE amounts of enemies that can't be skipped in the hideouts, my pokes essentially level themselves up. After plugging in all the answers into the test and moving on to the next area, I fight Skrub Jokey Fern again.

    At this point I don't know any set up moves, but I do have focus energy, which can be helpful, when paired with double kick. This fight can be hard, but Fern will go down. I still continue to swap Magikarp in and out to get all the EXP I can get. After the fight is over he should evolve, and this makes Florina easy. One good thing about using mainly Combusken is that he is very leveled, and can beat Fern pretty easily if you don't get unlucky with hax. Fern down, I heal up at the gym before moving on to the next battle with Flo.

    Dragon Rage makes Florina look like her brother in difficult level. (I'm calling Fern a total noob) Dragon Rage is the way to go in this fight, you want to try to sweep her with Gyarados, but he falls, you have a Combusken in the back. Overall the might Flobot is one of the easiest battles in the game. I actually got this Dragon Rage strat from Julia, since her main move is sonicboom, I figured that I can do the same with dragon rage. And even though the curse Cradily is here, dragon rage does HP damage. Anyways that is done, Flobot down I save and check time. I was at 1hr and 46 min at this time.

    MC: This is actually my slowest split. I can improve this a lot, but as I said the route is up for change in episode 12. This is also where you can see how important Ralts is to the run, as teleport becomes more and more used. Wait till I go after strength, that is where you truly see how broken it is.

    Split 3 (Post Flobot to Kory)

    This is where the run really picks up, as now I'm almost set with Gyarados and Combusken. From Flo, I set out to the Jasper ward, as Florina tells me to do so. I can't teleport because I healed up in the Onyx school, so I have to run there.I put Ralts to the front, as now I use the switch level method to get her caught up in level. Once I get into the Jasper ward, outside I dump all my money into repels from the guy on the stairs. I then proceed into the Jasper Ward and make my way to the Malchous Forest, fighting trainers who block my way.

    In the forest I pick an X- speed just at the beginning on proceed through here. The movement is really simple here, there aren't any major puzzles. I grab a healing totem outside the Taka battle and then initiate the fight.

    Taka can be annoying, but at this point both Combusken and Gyarados were at level 25. There is also a bird known as Chatot and that thing is a monster sent from hell to reap my tears of frustration. Well sort of, not in this battle, he is a total pushover with my current team and I sweep him live dust. Moxie builds up as Dragon Rage KO, bite was learned in the Flobot fight, so he really isn't that hard.

    So now I go to the Beryl Ward, and proceed to the Rodochrine Jungle. The Jungle itself can be annoying, and then there is Fern, but for some reason I didn't trigger that event, maybe he got removed, but whatever. after I escape from prison I solve the bridge puzzle. Once again not going into detail here, check Dashie's guide if you don't know what I'm talking about. So with the bridge up I go to the run breaking fight

    Zell and Taka, this fight, holy sheet this FIGHT. These guys do not play around, this battle took me a while but I got a 100% win strat.

    That X-speed I picked up will help here, as I lead with Kirlia (Ralts evolved during the fights in the Jasper Ward, it knows confusion, teleport double team and magical leaf). So turn 1 I use the X speed to stall a turn to allow 1 speed boost to stack. Now I can outspeed everything. I target Taka first because I get bulk up right after Lileep goes down. And because that Glaceon is no threat to my team, I can start to set up with Combusken. Next is always tangrowth, and Kirlia should still be alive. The point of this is just to allow Combusken to set up for the end, as Kirlia for some reason keeps the damage off Combusken. I need only 4 bulk ups to sweep everything,after Kirlia goes down, I send out my HM slave, and after he falls I go into Gyarados. I double target the Tangrowth, because I can't one shot him with Combusken, Gyarados can finish it getting the Moxie boost. Chatot comes out and goes down to a double kick and then I clean up Zell.

    And that fight is done, it took me a while to get that strat to work, but it does, next I heal in the Berly Ward and got to the fight with Kory.

    Kory has never been a problem for me, he goes down to Dragon Rage, and Moxie boosted bites. By the time I explain my strat, he will already be done. So Kory doesn't give my badge, and suicides out. I save on the Berly Bridge to check my time, which is at 2 hrs and 26 min.

    MC: This split was much shorter than last one, but the fights were intense. There is no doubt that Zel and Taka are the hardest bosses in the game. In causal run, you go in and then they are done, but in a speedrun, yeah not so much. Combusken now knows bulk up, which will become the main sweeping move for the later fights. Overall this was a good split, I can improve on some places, but it wouldn't make a difference for the final time.

  9. So this has been eating at me for a while, and really would like to do this. I really want to see what you guys think, as when episode 12 comes out, it can make this one obsolete. However it not be the case anymore, I try my best to stay ahead and I've been working on back up routes that don't involve me using the uber Gyarados, and Gardevoir, as those are the potential mons to be removed. So yeah if I get some support I will be more than happy doing this, explaining strats, routing, making the backtracking seem easier. On top of that I'll give some thoughts about how some battles go. So yeah tell me guys are you interested. I'll make a decision by Monday of next week as I don't have school for 3 day.

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