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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by FlamingBattleSword

  1. I think Ame is a ninja... (shhh dont tell her I know her secret)

  2. So... anyway to get into that nightclub? :D

    1. Vinny


      You has to beats Elites Fours... which is not available, SO NO! :/

    2. FlamingBattleSword


      Ok. I heard that if you get VIP status, you can get in early, so I wasnt sure

  3. I had to take my game with me today, and not the game wont read my rxdata file. I'm just going to try to put it back in the old game, and see if it still works. Has this happened to anyone else with the new update?

  4. I suggested that Amethyst should just make the gen 6 Pokemon be a bonus pack to use after you beat the game, and offered to help make the sprites. I'm also thinking of mentioning making a hacked SD card into a game cartrige so you can play Reborn on your 2DS or 3DS. What you guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tempest


      If only...

    3. Gyaradoskiller


      If Reborn could be on DS/3DS, then the game would simply be a ROM hack...

    4. Maelstrom


      I would be cool with that.

  5. So... when is ep11 coming out? people are getting impatient. I'm trying to calm people, but its too popular! (Someone make a DLC to keep them calm while Ame works on it)

    1. Mashew


      It's not coming out for awhile, it's been said over and over again there's no exact dates for Episodes.

    2. Vinny


      Ame said something about episode 11 in 2017, but she was being optimistic...

    3. Chevaleresse


      10.5 JUST came out, pacify thy busoms.

  6. Haven't been on is a while, since I got a 2ds with a copy of Black 2 White 2, and X. (plus Ranger and Conquest). I've been busy with those games, so I need to get ready for the Regional Championships this thursday

  7. Were any new Department Store Stickers made available in ep10? I cant find anything. :(

  8. Why I was away for so long, I cannot say. I guess I was just busy... :/

  9. my Youtube channel is about to come back online! So excited! :)

  10. thanks for letting us out of that room at the end of ep10, Ame, I was scared I was going to be there forever at first.

  11. Reborn plays perfectly on the new computer. I'm so happy :)

  12. Getting a desktop computer put in my room. Yay, now I can play Reborn without it crashing (it has four sticks of RAM) plus, I can get little bits of footage from my trial version of Fraps for the commercial, because it appears that only a few of you are very interested in helping with that. :(

    1. Neo


      RAM =/= Good

    2. Cyrus


      You should download more RAM.

    3. FlamingBattleSword


      Cyrus, RAM is not something you can download on an older PC. You have to buy a stick that has a different amount of RAM.

  13. Wow, my friend downloaded Reborn and it's crashing right when he chooses his pokemon.

  14. Excited for Catching Fire to come out this friday! Might be going with someone, but im still not sure.

    1. Maelstrom


      Wasn't the world premier last night or something? I thought it would be out sooner than friday then.

  15. so yeah, if you have some short video clips of you playing Reborn, send them to me okay? Still need a few more clips for the commercial.

  16. PS I HATE MACS!!!! They suck. If anyone finds the guy who decided that we need a computer that cant run nearly as many programs as a PC, then punch them in the face and tell them that was from me. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lunaethetic


      Personally, I hate Macs because I believe they're screwing you out of money and a computer that would last you a long time into the future. As someone who would rather replace/upgrade parts on their computer, Macs are inferior as you cannot. Mac's also tend to be extremely overpriced, especially when compared to a Windows/Linux computer of the same price. Just some food for thought.

    3. Gyaradoskiller




    4. FlamingBattleSword


      My school only uses Macs, and they cause me more problems then my laptop, which is running complicated software with only one stick of RAM.

  17. I wonder if there's a version of Reborn that can run on older Mac's? Anyone want to help me tackle this problem?

    1. Neo


      If you've got a toaster, don't bother running Reborn.

    2. The Fush

      The Fush

      Why not? I'm sure it'd go well with some butter.

    3. FlamingBattleSword


      what are you two going on about now?

  18. Wow. Barely managed to escape those chess puzzles with my sanity.

    1. Skullkin


      You could've just watched nickaboo92's playthrough and cheated off of his answers like me. :P

    2. FlamingBattleSword


      well i managed to figure it out on my own

  19. Well, I have no idea how i'm going to downoad ep10 when the school computers block the site to download ad my laptop has no internet :( someone email me the download? Please? :(

  20. Well, at least SOME people want to see the commercial happen

  21. So now I might be getting a desktop computer in my room, but I have to get rid of a bunch of stuff to make room. Maybe when I'm done, I can start doing video game playthroughs without the computer crashing :)

  22. haha a shiny crobat looks naked XD

  23. Haha my LIFE is an antisocial network

  24. If anyone wants to send me some 5 second clips of them playing through Reborn, I can make the commercial that I've been telling you guys about. The more different points of view, the better! just message me and I'll give you an email to send them to!

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