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Posts posted by Commander

  1. 10 hours ago, Conkeldurp said:


    I talked to the captain to toogle of the randomizer, I does not work, the randomized encounters keep on coming. Seems pandoras box cant be closed again! 😛


    This map should fix that captain guy. It's a minor issue but yeah I dun goofed there. Just drop this map in the data folder. I consider it a minor error so I'm not reuploading the entire game over it.

  2. 2 hours ago, peden said:

    I just started playing redux and chose the randomized version, although nothing seems to have been randomized?

    I encounter bidoof, pidgey and meowths in the grass around the grand hall, I tried making a new save file, but it happened again, am I doing something wrong, or should i just keep playing and will be randomized later in the game?

    I may have inverted the randomizer which...ho boy. Try talking to the captain after Julia. I'm looking into this now.


    19 minutes ago, Dragonslayer7500 said:

    who can you recrut to join you?



    Julia, Florinia, Shelly, Amaria, Titania, Hardy, Fern, Cain, Victoria, Cal, Taka (Resh route)


  3. 6 minutes ago, Ainz Ooal Gown said:

    U wut? I used WinRAR ;_;. Seriously? The app that's mostly designed to extract winrar failed to do that? Let me try to use another extractor.

    Basically what I did to replicate the error was go inside the zip folder, double click on the game, and then the crash would happen. Now if I knew what part was causing the problem then this would be easier.


    Edit: do me a favor and take a vanilla reborn copy and transfer all the graphics from that game (drag and drop) to replace the existing graphics in the Redux copy. That might be the issue here.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Ainz Ooal Gown said:

    Hmm..... i did delete the Mods folder and it still happens. Will it cause error if i'm gonna use the old Scripts.rxdata? Idc at this point if i won't be able to use mods.

    Edit : Nvm, even with old Scripts.rxdata and no mods, it still happens. I guess i ran out of luck. Tho the normal game works fine.

    I REPLICATED THE ERROR! It seems however you extracted the files (or didn't I assume) didn't extract what was needed causing the crash. I think most people use 7zip to unzip rar files.

  5. 40 minutes ago, Ainz Ooal Gown said:

    Nvm. It happens every goddamn battle ( tried to battle the one that guards Opal bridge and the error happened ). I guess i can't play Redux for now : ')

    Just to make sure it's a clean file with no mods on a PC (not Mac). I can't figure out what's causing the crashes because it doesn't crash on my computer.

  6. I'll give you the same advice I give all writers: you gotta stop worrying about who gives you shit because who gives a shit.


    If you're writing simply to impress people, you shouldn't be writing at all. You will have people criticize you and even call your stuff complete trash. Trust me, I've heard the full scale but the worst people oh the worst people you'll get are the people who lie to you and end up embarrassing you. It sucks starting out and maybe you're complete trash. You know what, so was I and so were so many people. The trick is to keep improving and striving to improve so maybe you have doubts and fears but you have to let those fears go and accept it. Remember writing is a hobby and not a job for you right now. Don't make yourself suffer over it. It is what it is and you can only go up in skill and talent.


    Now for ideas that aren't your own I will be honest and say it's very difficult. Hate bringing Redux up but every time I have to change a line I feel dirty a little bit. You aren't the people who created these characters so what you may infer to be right may not be what the original creator wanted. This isn't a bad thing but it's hard to form something not yours into something good as you are a bit restricted. It's certainly possible so I'm not saying not do it but it really grinds down to how your creative mind works.


    My advice is be ready to grow a spine and work on a way that is fun for you. Sure it drags a bit and there are ups and downs but if you really enjoy it you can't get through the downs. Motivation is the hardest part about writing because being honest it's quite a bit of work which is why I had to put it on hold for years at points. If you put the commitment it really is rewarding and I think that's what matters most, not how well you are recieved when you start out.

  7. 16 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:

    i got this funny feeling the canon "ending" that has the extended version will probably be along the reshiram route which would mean a good few people, namely myself would have to play from scratch all over again or something along those lines

    I'll try to work on a solution for anyone who doesn't want to lose all their pokemon when replaying the game all over again. I can at least let you guys keep all your Pokemon but items might all be lost other than ones you hold onto with your party and the PC. We'll work on an optimal solution for second playthroughs.

    • Upvote 2
  8. 50 minutes ago, Conkeldurp said:

    Heyho peeps,


    Hope that i'm not beating on a dead horse here, but I found something rather strange.

    I just now updated the version 18.2 to version 18.6 (im just before the fight with Solaris at the Vulcano) and when I went back to the cave at the grand stairway to catch some new Pokemon, at first I could not believe my luck, I encountered a TEPIG...

    After that I encountered a Horsea!... than a Machop!... (and a Dampa and a Wishiwashi, Aipom, Pikachu)... this was when I thought that I might post these encounters on here, since (I guess) they are somehow part of an error, or arent they. Are you supposed to get these?! Im not using any kind of mod.


    Feedback would be appreciated! 🙂


    have a nice day y'all

    PS: could it be i'm on sort of a randomizer, which did not work in 18.2 or starts to kick in after the Fight with Kiki? I'm fadely remembering agreeing to something of that kind on the Train in the intro part.

    That DEFINITELY sounds like the randomizer. There should be a captain in Redux HQ you can use to turn it off. I finally fixed it after months.

    • Thanks 1
  9. I'll take a look at it. I have a couple ideas what could be causing it. @Ainz Ooal Gown might be hard to replicate so that save my help. PM it to me.


    Edit: I just checked the master copy and it worked 100% find for me so it's not what I thought it was. @Waynolt I think it might be because a VS sprite is missing because that will cause a crash, but anyways, I really need to make a list of compatible mods because this happens a few times too many.

  10. On 4/16/2019 at 9:25 AM, LeoYT said:

    This is just the first in a series of lawsuits, except if Vic wins any of them he basically either wins them all, or everyone else (except for probably) ANN will just surrender trying to save their jobs.

    I've noticed that some of the people that jumped on the train to mow him down were just salty ex-fans of his because they did not get the fan experience they wanted with him, and its over really petty things like him refusing to sign their yaoi fan art (I dont think he signs fan art period) in a PG13 area of the convention. (this happens a lot more often then you think)

    Oh boy you have no idea what I'm about to tell you. It's over. I mean it's been over but this just gets better and better. So here's the news:


    Monica Rial is on complete meltdown on Twitter after the jellybean story which she verified was real and was sexual harassment. She also mention another name figuring out who Rekieta's leaker is (she didn't) mentioning she contacted Sony. Now why on Earth would she contact Sony? It's because Sony was the one who did the investigation. Rial also denied the jellybean story was sexual harassment and there were 100s of them. Vic was only told the three stories mentioned in my earlier post. Let's all be honest here: Sony found the investigation inconclusive but this was an excuse to fire Vic. Their Tweet didn't lie, but it was defamation. Reread the Funimation Tweet if you haven't.


    Basically, Monica Rial has lied through her teeth to nobody's surprise. Funimation did not do the investigation like Rial said. I want to say that again. Funimation did not do the investigation. Vic was not fired over sexual harassment. Everything was built on a lie. I mean it shouldn't be to anyone's surprise but that's it. As for lawsuits, they aren't filed yet because something big apparently came in but it's expected to be filed tomorrow. It's also in a republican court so they are maximum screwed. 4 Lawsuits are expected to drop, BUT a fifth one might be in round 1.


    Edit: Just came across a nerd who did the calculation and Funimation owes Vic at least $1.73 million in damages. I sure hope they can afford that.


    Edit 2: Lawsuits have been filed. This is the only update I'll post on it unless some huge info is dumped. Lawsuits have been filed and these are the people who are a part of round 1 lawsuits:




    Edit 3: Not much came out of Nick's livestream that's news worthy other than another lawsuit got added to Ty's firm (not Vic related I believe). There's a couple spots to easily find the file for the lawsuit but I'll let you guys find it if interested, but a name I thought irrelevant may have turned out to be much more relevant. So there's a user on Twitter called Raised By Wolves (RbW) who was saying rather...defamatory things regarding the Vic case. I thought it was Renfamous so I left it out, but Nick suggests it might be Marchi which ho boy, that'd be grand and explain why Marchi went silent shortley before RbW appeared. I'll make a note of it in the OP cast along with Adam and Mike Toole.


    I'll also add "C" into it but "C" doesn't exist.

  11. ...The Funimation investigation got leaked and it was based on three stories:

    1. A consensual kiss from someone he'd been flirting with for over a year (I think they were in a relationship)

    2. Rial signing a jellybean which Vic ate saying "I ate Monica Rial"

    3. Rekieta says he can't disclose this one but says it wasn't sexual harassment but likely will appear in hearing or lawsuit


    And Vic was fired from Funimation on January 28. VAs claim they can't disclose info from investigation which Rekieta says is BS. January 29th he was dropped from two cons. ANN found out about this and made an article which the day it was released 6 cons dropped Vic. 14 days after the Funimation firing RT let Vic go as well. Think hard about what doesn't line up. Need I say more.


    So the lawsuit filing got delayed due to BHBH wanting to add one more thing to the lawsuit before filing. Ty Beard says to expect it to come on Tuesday but no promises.




    I'll continue updating it but I think the case is pretty much resolved. Vic was fired over eating a jellybean. I think a lot of the allegations people made came from people who had a good experience with Vic because he was a good person but when he was made out to be a sexual predator his actions felt more vile then. The man ate a jellybean which had sharpie on it. I don't think it's a stretch to think he was oblivious on what he was doing could be easily misinterpreted. But I can safely say he isn't a danger to anyone. There's nothing. Not a single thing. Trust me, we searched for this stuff in any way possible to make sure. I think we know the reason the RT CEO stepped down now.


    And here's the sad part about this. Some of you have known me for years and I'm not the type of guy to lie. Maybe ruffle a few feather but I do try to make sure what I'm saying is true. That really must mean nothing as I've researched this and did my homework but 30 people claimed stuff so I, the person you know better, am wrong. And this thing you kept claiming to pin Vic looks nothing more than a man eating a jellybean. I don't know what else we will find out. This might be it.

    • Like 1
  12. @LightBF Train Town. I'm not that cruel to make you search through the whole desert. I might try to make the hint a little more obvious for E19.


    Other than that event, there's a guy you need to talk to in the Glass Factory by the healing machine in the southeast corner. If you did enough master fights, they'll appear there. I make these things tricky to do for a reason.

  13. Geeze news doesn't stop so let me break down Kameha Con. Friday nothing happened other than positive vibes. Saturday Rial had her Comic Con thing which was about as busy as a gamestop during busy hours. They tried to brag it up but I'd say no more than 30 people total came factoring in there was other events and it was a shop. Vic probably had at least 1000 yesterday and he really doesn't want to be around these people. I could go on but everything has been good so far and nothing bad happened...for anyone but KickVic.


    Dominique Skye...a name that suddenly became relevant. So she managed to get a guest pass from someone (no name identified) and get into the con with her husband. She was caught trying to make Vic look bad and her camcorder was confiscated and a YouTuber named Emosh has the video footage. It may be uploaded but it may be confiscated the BHBH as evidence in the case. Now let me break down why this happened:


    Skye is an attention who... You know what. So the doxx situation happened and oh my goodness did she play it up for the attention. She did this for attention, but where did she get the passes? Most likely from the Rial gang at docs comics. My guess is someone wanted her to do this so that Ty could witness and not be able to represent Vic. That's not a terrible plan but Ty won't be representing Vic during court. Whatever the reason this was a planned attack. How do I know?


    Nick Rekieta predicted this but for the wrong date. Nick said something would be happening Friday which either meant this or Meyer v Waid news. But he said something to about Shane "What he doesn't understand is my information is coming from the same place his is." I'll just spoil that after Shane went on KF, I'm almost certain Shane is Igor. Still don't know about Iago. Shane is being contacted by people or pushed around and he simply delivers messages but is told info by someone from this small group who he admits wanted to blacklist Vic out of the industry. Good job, KF.  They were using the broken staircase as a list for initial targets. SHANE ADMITTED THIS! You should have a pretty good idea who the people in this group are. I'm not sure how many of them are in it and how many are just affiliates like Marchi likely is an affiliate. One of them is a mole and is who is feeding Nick Rekieta info. This is tinfoil hat but he doesn't disclose this info as he can end up being wrong. Who is this person? I don't know but I'm betting it's Schmmel. Think about it: Sean Schemmel telling Nick everything would explain how Nick is 5 steps ahead. Unless you think the cons reached out to him all Willie Nilly. Also how Nick kind of avoided Schemmel talk would add to this.


    It could be someone else but it doesn't matter. Every time the group plans something out, the mole lets Nick know. Nick tries to contact the people to find information and gets his sources to talk about it and confirm it. And it looks like the mole got Sabat to cough up something juicy to track and talk about. But I have little doubt someone high among their ranks turncoated them.




    So RT had some interesting news. Some drama about RWBY not showing up at a con or something and the president of the company is stepping down. Very odd timing to be stepping down right around papers being served. Could just be unfortunate timing just like Funimation's unsubscribe button breaking twice and locking episodes behind premium in all their series.


    Stay tuned. Monday or shortly after. The storm is coming and it will be bloody.


    Oh, I forgot one other hilarious thing. Someone named Short Round is selling Fear the Beard patches. So he made a separate account making Believe Bulma patches before Toei shut it down which Rial and Toye bought one each. He made more anti Vic stuff for sell afterwards. The Youtubers caught wind and called it out but he still managed to outplay them and trick people into thinking it was two different people. The performance is legendary including a C&D from his normal account to the KickVic account. He's known as the arms dealer on KF.

  14. Yeah...no we already have to be prepared for a nuke to be dropped on this place. Let's not give them more motivation to drop it. The coding is pretty cut and dry so it's probably just better to start off using Reborn's engine when the game is done. The materials are easy to access already. Well I guess there's some things missing from the dev copy (which is the version we get to playtest in the beta).


    If you want tutorials though, that might be something more worth asking.

    • Like 1
  15. 22 hours ago, Wolfox said:


    yeah as toxic as certain KickVic's may be, I doubt they're as bad as this guy

    I'm going to be as nice as possible about this but that guy is a small fry in the toxicity of this all. He at least is not doing something illegal or going way beyond the line only pretty much being a jackass.


    I knew nothing about the anti-comicsgate but after seeing Renfamous and the orca gain oh dear Lord I wish I never knew. What these people do is take whatever you say and spin it in the worst way possible to attack you or try to get you turned into something you're not. They call you a pedo, child molester, or whatever nasty thing you can think of all while playing the victim. Even Shane called them out (He's a snowflake) for how over the line they went threatening to call CPS over a guy making a comic based on his 5 year old daughter's story she made up.


    IStandWithVic has its share of problem people but it is nothing compared to these KickVic people and if you actually get into convos these people are quite honestly the scum of the earth. I tried to be reasonable and understanding but I have only found ONE person there who is reasonable.


    Dear Lord you better hope Vic is innocent or RT and Funimation are going to be infected with something you don't want. He's the only barrier for things going South very fast and very quickly. I wish I was exaggerating.

    • Upvote 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Wolfox said:

    Not really, he wanted people to tell the RT staff that they "made a mistake and should fix it", amdconsidering his handle is rwbyfan1000, I doubt he has much hate for RT itself

    That guy is a prick. Kind of been messing with the idiots a bit and ho boy I am amazed human stupidity can reach that level. I gave a guy a troll exit clause and he would rather be racist instead. Literally amazed people like this exist. I have seen special needs people with more brain power kind of amazed.


    Now for news Sabbat's tour got canceled. At first I thought it was him, but I think it was more likely Toei canceled it as that's a Toei thing to do. We might see Japanese Vageta dropped as well. Sabbat is probably going to drop.


    Also seems like Rekieta got a hold of Sabbat's criminal history. I have a pretty good idea what he's holding on to and it's darker than just extortion. These people act tough now but come Apr 15th they will all crack and fold. Every single one of these pieces of scum. I guarantee it. Except Toye. I think he'll go full force into the ground. Maybe Rial as well. I don't see the others having the spine.


    But really you are paying 40k for stupid shit you said on the Internet. Who in the right mind is dumb enough to pick that option when they can settle for nothing?

  17. Toei likely isn't going to do anything since it would be better not to renew then to pull. They aren't happy for sure.


    I know people are a bit passive aggressive in the comments since this a very controversial topic and for good reason. I'm curios to see what you think should have happened to Vic in the poll. Basically it's asking how you think it should have been approached. I will clarify then here just in case:


    These companies did an investigation before making the decision but do you agree this was the right way to go is the first part. The second part is based on what we've seen. Do you think it's concrete enough that he should be unable to attend anything or have any VA roles? Or do you think he should just be fired from the studios but still be able to find work?


    Or maybe you might think he be put on probation until a lawsuit settles it. Not fired but not able to continue projects until further evidence comes up. Or do you think it's all hogwash and everyone should have ignored it. That's pretty much what I made the choices. I'm curious to see because this surprisingly is a raking in a lot of views and it seems like most people in the comments sit on one side.




    Edit: So basically people were freaking the heck out because of Skye being doxxed and throwing god knows what claims at Vic and Vic fans for being awful people to this cosplayer (who was doxxing people). And both sides were throwing a fit over Kiwi Farms. Rekieta played along with it and told Kiwi Farms to stop but also brought the person who did the doxxing on his stream. He also asked Ty Beard on his thoughts of KF and this was his response:




    Ty Beard has learned our ways XD.

  18. So I finished the OP a while back and I have some news.


    -Ron Toye filed an ethics complaint to Ty Beard and it is the funniest thing to ever hit this saga. This man literally amazes me each time:


    Name: Mr/Ms Ron Toye

    City: Dallas County: Smith


    He also apparently watched 50 hours of underaged girls looking for "evidence"


    And when you don't think it can get better Rekieta pulled up Texas Law on sexual assault which in a nutshell is this: rape. That's it.


    So basically anyone who accused Vic of sexual assault made a defamatory statement. They did not think this through. Also Lawsuits should appear on Apr 15th so fun times ahead.


    Oh yeah Vic got invited to more cons including Bubba Fest which the con owner said he never seen Vic do anything that these allegations claimed and worked with him for 7 years watching thousands of fans greet him. This does contradict the narrative that everybody knows about it.


    Also a fan lied about her friend who Rial kicked out of a con. I really think it was her friend from the way she acted but yeah she's not happy with him.

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