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Everything posted by Bullet

  1. Generally the most difficult to balance are high mobility asassins such as Kass, Katarina, etc. I'd say Katarina in general is the most difficult simply because her passive lends itself to either make her broken, or force the rest of her kit to be so weak she's just not viable. Rengar is also a big problem because there's so little you can do about him individually, as he'll either do well and slaughter people, or just end up too weak. Kassadin really just shouldn't exist. I think Shaco barely qualifies as being balanced just because the Korean really good players can do well throughout the game despite him being underpowered generally. I don't know, I think they could make him a little stronger and have him be fine. Tryndamere is another one of those really silly champions because individually his ablities seem balanced, but together he's just really not fun to play against and hard to deal with in soloq. If he gets nerfed though, it will probably be just to the point where he's unviable again. Fiddlesticks deserves to be removed from the game. Even more than Teemo. Fear is just stupid. Riot pls. The worst part is even if you buy Tenacity or QSS to counter his CC, he still has a gamebreaking ult. I don't know, I personally just detest him.
  2. You can beat Kassadin down as hard as you want. You can deny him farm and kill him. But it's not really possible to keep down a good Kassadin player forever unless you shut down his whole team. Even if he's really far behind he can just run around and pick up kills easily. This is very effective even up to Diamond. I speak from experience. He is just miserable to play against, and really deserves to be banned every game.
  3. Ew spiders. I like free stuff though. So conflicted QQ
  4. Honestly, TriForce was already an optimal item for Ezreal, though the buildup to it was underwhelming. I wouldn't really compare it to Gauntlet as the two are each crucial to completely different build styles. Yay ponies!
  5. Why do my teams suck RIOT (JANOOK) PLS
  6. 5 Bloodthirster talon is easy way to faceroll for days. Maybe take out a Bloodthirster for a Last Whisper if they have enough armor...
  7. Better nerf Irelia <3. That 99 LP tho :<
  8. That feel when Jarvan is such a good jungler <3 Dunks for days!
  9. Fun Diamond Solo Q, Lee feeds, then decides to start trolling (for real now!) and buy Amplifying Tomes. Then he apparently realized he was too good for AP and built Tears. Finally, he sells them and buys "real items," I assume only so he doesn't show up in Tribunal with 3 Tear Lee. What a great way to spend 30 minutes!
  10. rain man feeder have to carry u_u
  11. To be honest, AD Yi is practically the same. His Alpha Strike scales with AD now. Yay. Wuju Style does true damage. Yay. But in all honesty, the changes are not that significant. He basically plays the exact same way, except is slightly stronger. It is annoying to see him every game though. Typical new champ/reworked champ spamming. RIP AP Yi.
  12. After coming stupidly close to Diamond and falling short due to some real bullshit, I am genuinely angry and incredibly exasperated because of this game for the first time in quite a while. This elo bracket(high plat to low diamond) has actually contained the worst attitudes I've ever seen in this game. Literally every single game there's 2-3 people who start to complain "gg," "ff at 20," "it's over," etc. when the slightest bad thing goes wrong. One of your teammates gave first blood? Game over. They got a dragon? Game over. It's sickening how people in silver and bronze solo queue have less negative attitudes, Oh yeah, Did I mention that these people also happen to be the ones who perform poorly and blame their teammate(s) for everything? They just died? Must be someone else's fault. Heaven forbid they actually play less than perfect. Except things couldn't be further from the truth. Apparently the vast majority of people here are actually just terrible. I suppose this shouldn't really be a surprise, seeing as how late in the season it is, and most people who are actually good are probably Diamond I or so. In any case, it's incredibly pathetic how people have so little game sense as to think you can't recover just because your team is 5 kills down. Or that just because someone is "a feeder" that your whole team suddenly lacks the capability to win altogether. Because you know, they themselves can't be the problem. Never. tl;dr: plat is full of toxic players who like to whine all game and expect wins to be handed to them. also, it makes me mad
  13. That feel when Riot hates you and is involved in a secret conspiracy to make you lose consistently through lag. Riot pls
  14. That feel when someone picks a skillshot reliant champion and proceeds to miss every skillshot
  15. Lag is evil. Lag needs to be destroyed. Lag makes millions of players lose every year. Lag makes me want to throw a puppy off a cliff, jump down after it, and smother it with another puppy. Also, Comcast sucks.
  16. GoldenLucifer Platinum III I do whatever. And I feel out of place ;_;
  17. Irelia very op right now, best top laner buy and acquire easy wins

  19. Still getting item emails that shouldn't be sent to me >> <<

    1. Amethyst


      Sorry! I thought I had gotten them all. I fixed another...

  20. http://prntscr.com/1ac9pr rain man sux :x
  21. This is fun, except not

    1. Ysera


      But you won the SurPrize! Choose the Lee Sin Skin you want :3

  22. can I still join pwetty pwease GoldenLucifer Of course, you're the tournament host!
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