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Posts posted by tails12

  1. (To Red)

    Rene is quickly surprised that Red was willing to duel so soon. He thought that was something that could be done after school...but if Red was willing to spend some dueling, Rene wouldn't say no to her.

    Rene then quickly moved his lunch to the side so he could setup room for his upcoming duel with Red. He then responded with a smile, "If you're sure you don't need the time to study, then sure let's duel!"

    Rene took out his deck and mat and set up for his upcoming duel. Rene then said cheerfully, "Good luck and let's have fun!"

  2. I am not sure I get this, do you mean that you would like to do two things at the same time? Because you are only allowed to do that as long as it stays realitic. I mean, talking to a person and checking out something that takes place across the room makes sense, while talking to a person who is staying in a room, and at the ame time moving to a different room, well, not as much...

    I did mean if Rene could start to go to other places, but based on what you said, I'm not sure it's possible. I'm waiting to see if Red has anything else to say in order to continue Rene and Red's conversation, but was planning on having Rene head back towards the classroom after he and Red were finished talking.

  3. I don't remember if they where on the runners, but yeah, it did exist on the normal ones then.

    Anyway, Tomas, is it okay if I can split my next few posts up to continue having conversations with Red while advancing Rene further into the story? I would like to finish the scene with Red and Rene, but would also like to have the opportunity to have Rene possibly talk with the other characters too.

  4. (To Red)

    "You're welcome," Rene said happily as Red sat down next to him. It was nice that Rene would be able to share his feelings with someone. A teen's feelings are just that important to him or her. He quickly noticed Red's lunch and positively commented, "I like how your lunch box matches your hair. It's a perfect fit for you."

    Rene listened to what Red had to say about Mr. Tenjo to get an idea of how she was feeling. He then responded:

    "I didn't think coming here that our teacher would have died...I thought he was a good teacher and nice to say the least. I just don't get how he would end up in an illegal duel and die from it..." Rene started listening to the questions echoing in his mind from before, but quickly dismissed them. He continued, "Most of the school is in state of sadness over Mr. Tenjo's death. Just who would want to kill him and why? How did he get involved in such an illegal duel anyway? I feel that there are so many unanswered questions..."

    Rene started eating his triple-decker sandwich he had made before coming to school. It was a tasty sandwich; made with turkey, roast beef, lettuce, some pickles, and a little bit of condiments on top to finish it off. He also had some carrots and celery on the side for when he finished his sandwich. A nutritious lunch indeed, but it only lasted so long before the questions started rolling in his head again. Normally Rene would not think deeply about matters such as this, but it is hard to accept something without some reason behind it. Not wanting to keep the conversation too negative, Rene said, "Thank you for listening to me Red. I hope they find whoever did this to Mr. Tenjo. Maybe I need a duel or something later to help me think straight."

  5. (Anyone who is willing to talk with Rene.)

    Rene was quietly sitting in his seat towards the back of the room as Miss Reiner had finished her lecture. Rene couldn't help but think about the loss of his previous teacher more than anything throughout the morning. Rene wasn't too close with Professor Tenjo, but Rene was getting comfortable with his teacher. 'Man...what could have happened to him? Who wanted to kill him?'

    Those questions echoed throughout Rene's mind all morning. The bell rang for lunch which snapped Rene out of his little trance. He quickly grabbed his lunch, but lethargically walked to the school cafeteria.

    Rene found a spot at an open table where he quickly and quietly sat down. He pulled out his lunch: A tall, triple-decker sandwich, some potato chips, some other vegetables, and a bottle of water. He looked around the cafeteria to see how the other students were feeling, but he noticed that his classmates were the most affected out of them all. He hoped someone from his class would come by and talk with him at least. He was always afraid of asking others to sit with him at lunch, but to anyone that did he was very kind to them. Maybe today would be different... His class could share the same feelings, talk about the same things, or even unify together. Rene wanted to share his feelings at least as he hopes for someone to sit with him.

  6. So, I have been having a couple of matches with bote and Kaito and I realized that I am really incompetent at this game. :ph34r:

    I'm sure you'll get better in time. I would try practicing against everyone and keep trying.

    I'll be on DN for probably another half an hour before I go to bed if others want to duel still.

  7. Scraps are a personal favorite of mine as well; in fact, it's the deck of choice for me in the game. I haven't found too many people who play that deck so I like that it's a favorite of yours too. Anyway, it's fine if I'm not a Number Holder to start. If Rene gets more time in the spotlight later on in the RP due to getting a Number in some way, then I'll cross that bridge at that time. Hey, you never know what could happen.

    A couple of questions though that I thought about that I don't think we have a clear answer for:

    -First, are we allowed to use any of the OCG-only cards when building our decks for this RP or is this just strictly the TCG?

    -Second, are Pendulum Summons and Pendulum Monsters off limits in this RP since this is an adaptation of ZEXAL?

    I'm curious about this for deckbuilding and variety of the game.

  8. I think it's interesting that there are a number of people interested in doing a Yu-Gi-Oh RP on Reborn. I really don't participate much on Reborn, but I do follow the game (which is one of the best I've ever played) and what happens on the forums. Then I see this idea come to life and think it would be worth a shot trying.

    Name: Rene Polaris

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Rene is a short, skinny person with black hair, brown eyes, and white skin. He has an average body build and often wears jeans and a t-shirt when not in school.

    Personality: Rene is a shy, yet kind person who has few friends outside of school. He mostly keeps to himself around those he feels uncomfortable with or those he thinks are a danger to him. Despite this nature, he often loves dueling and comes alive during duels. His passion for the game allows for him to be tactical, but enjoys every bit of it. His dueling belief is similar to that of the life of a phoenix: Even if the card is lost, it can be used again. He finds the Scrap archetype a good example of this and uses both Synchro and Xyz monsters to support the deck's theme.

    Backstory: Rene is a recent transfer into the city of Heartland, venturing from a far off city with his family. A single child since birth, he had a rather lonely childhood growing up until he found the game of Duel Monsters. He made a few friends while learning how to play and fell in love with the game ever since. At the age of 14, a terrible accident forced his family to move to Heartland in order to leave a better life. Despite the move, he quickly found a few friends within Heartland who plays Duel Monsters. He his still cautious around others, but is more outgoing than he was as a kid.

    Number Holder Y/N: Not really sure. I'd rather just play a role I'm assigned whether I'd be a Number Holder or not. It's more about the fun in the game to me.

    Deck of choice: Scrap

    I know Scraps are mainly Synchro oriented, but there are combos that allow for Xyz summons as well. If this is fine, I'll give this a shot using this character. Otherwise, I'll try and come up with a different character and a different deck.

    I have quite a bit of experience playing this game in real life. I've been playing since the game was released worldwide and have had a lot of fun with it. I hope to possibly do so here as we gladly wait for the next exciting part of Pokemon Reborn.

  9. I haven't seen the newer, rebuilt teams of some of the leaders, but going off of experience:

    Hardest: I have to give it to Florinia more on this one. Old Serra is annoying, but weather is weather. Flornia in the early versions of the game really makes you put your thinking cap on.

    Easiest: This has to go to Samson hands down. Sometimes using the field against its leader is a stronger tactic than just pitting super-effective Pokemon out there. Luna was fairly easy considering most of the team I had at the time was heavily resistant to the Dark-type.

    Most favorite: Old Radomus; Despite being different than it is now, I liked the design behind this team and the AI could support it well.

    Least favorite: Old Serra; Hail is all that will need to be said here.

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