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Posts posted by tails12

  1. (To all in the Central Square)

    "A strange duelist around school?" Rene asked after hearing that from Roy. Rene began to wonder if that there was a strange duelist around school, then there would be any connections to Mr. Tenjo's death there. He turned to the rest of the group, "Do you think we should follow Monika, Roy, and Paul and give them backup should something happen?"

  2. (To Arial, Robert, and Klive)

    "The Duel Disks themselves, huh?" Rene asked after hearing the mention of it. After listening to what the others had to say, Rene added, "If someone could modify the programming in the duel disks to produce such an impact, then that could also be a possibility regarding Mr. Tenjo's death...It seems like both the duel disk and the Shadow Game idea could both be possible theories to explain what happened to him..."

    Rene doesn't really mind where the group would head next, whether it would be finding Mr. Arclight or going to another place in Heartland.

  3. For now, Rene is trying to see what information others have found in regard to Professor Tenjo's death before making a true judgment of the situation. With the information he received alongside Arial at the museum, it seems to be believable but is trying to gather what others think before he dismisses it himself or not.

  4. (To Arial, Klive, and Robert)

    "Nice to meet you both, Robert and Klive," Rene said to them cheerfully. Rene paused for a moment listening into Arial's conversation with Robert and Klive. He then continued after hearing what both of them were up to, "Arial and I just took a quick tour of the museum and we found out some interesting info that might have a connection with Mr. Tenjo's death. It's possible he might have been in a Shadow Duel with someone and lost..."

    Rene goes onto explain to Klive and Robert all of the information he and Arial learned at the museum: "According to ancient legends, the ancient Egyptians used to paint pictures of several creatures on stone tablets in order to draw forth the soul of the creature to initiate a Shadow Game. They continued doing this in order to create more Shadow Games with more stone tablets. There is also an urban legend going around that some people nowadays may be able to initiate said Shadow Game where the loser's soul is absorbed into a card... I don't know if any of this information might tie into what you may or may not know already, but this could be a lead into what possibly happened to Mr. Tenjo..."

  5. (To Arial)

    "There could be some parallels between what we found out in the museum and Mr. Tenjo's death..." Rene said as he thought about the information Arial and he were able to gather. He continued, "It's certainly a possibility that he might have been involved in one a Shadow Duel and lost the game. If he did though, was he forced into it or did he willingly get involved? I doubt the latter, but at least we have some new info on the subject."

    Rene saw Arial look at her D-Pad and wondered what she was thinking about. Rene was frightened at the fact of losing such a game to an opponent for he wouldn't want to die just like that. One would have to play their cards right and come out on top in such a case...

    "Perhaps we ought to let the others around know about what we found out," Rene calmly said to Arial. "If we could pieces together, we may come up with a possible theory that could be accepted on Mr. Tenjo's death. It could be considered crackpot, but it might be any better than what others come up with. One question I have though, could these shadow duels have happened between Ancient Egypt and now?"

  6. (To Arial; Important Action: Go inside Museum)

    "If you wish to go inside, let's go then!" Rene said with a smile. He didn't want to go through with a game of chance to decide their actions, but despite Rene being reserved sometimes he feels that giving others the opportunity to do what they need to do makes him happy. He then continued, "We might find out something either way no matter what we do."

  7. (Important Action: Get 2 tickets for Arial and Rene); Arial, Lady at the Ticket Counter

    As it gets to Rene's turn in line, the lady at the counter asks him if he wants tickets. He replies, "Yes, two tickets please."

    Rene gives the lady at the counter the required money to purchase both tickets. He then turns to Arial and says to her, "I got the tickets for both us. I still wonder what is bringing a lot of people here today."

  8. He's trying to get back at you for stopping his fun xD

    @Tails (and Tomas if I am mistaken): Do you want each of us to take a separate action and kill 2 birds with one stone (Ie: Arial asks about the line while Rene does the tickets)? We can also do the same action, of course~

    We can do separate actions. I'll go make a post right now to have Rene get the tickets for Arial and him.

  9. (To Arial; Important Action: Patiently wait for my turn to go in)

    As Rene gets off Arial's bike, he notices that part of the front of his hair is off slightly from the wind blowing on it. Rene tries to pat it down so it looks more normal and not like waking up with a bad hair day.

    Rene sees Arial hop into a massively long line in front of the museum. He wonders if something may be happening inside and if anything could be related to Mr. Tenjo's death. Arial seems like she wants to go inside and ask about it too, so Rene cordially responds, "Sure, let's get in line to see what's going on in there...Maybe we'll find out if there are any connections related to Mr. Tenjo..."

  10. Welp, since the people whose Important Action we are waiting for are not online at the moment, I think I'll go to sleep. Please people, if you are not COmmander or Tails, don't make any Important Action posts untill after I've made the second Recap Post! And if you are Commander or Tails, please make your Important Action post ASAP! Goodnight for now!

    I've made my Important Action post Tomas. I don't know if Cyaloom will join Rene and Arial, but we will see.

  11. (To Arial, Zander, Roy, Arthur, Monika)

    "Nice to meet all of you...I'm Rene Polaris by the way," Rene said with a smile on his face as he saw Arthur and Monika join up in the group. After listening to everyone's ideas, Rene continues "I agree, we should look at various places around the city to look for clues. Arial, do you mind if I tag along with you too?"

    Rene paused for a moment noticing how everyone was genuinely interested in looking into Mr. Tenjo's death. It was good to see several of his classmates thinking along the same lines as Rene and he thought they shared similar feelings. He could be wrong about it entirely, but he wouldn't want to say it just in case. Out of all the places, he was interested the most in the museum. He figured that Zander and Arthur were good going to the hotel. He thought about the police station and Roy, but Rene gets panicky around police officers as he's afraid he might do something wrong to get himself into trouble. As kind as Rene is with his friends, he is very shy around authority figures.

    With that he eagerly awaited for Arial's response.

    (Will make important action next post.)

  12. Tails, you first said that you saw Roy instead of Zander, even though you mentioned seeing Roy last of the other students. Just recommend you fix it.

    Fixed. I did that pretty late at night so I mixed up the names by accident. Sorry about that.

    Arial is wandering down the halls, waiting for Rene to get her attention and cockblock Zander, but yeah, that's all I have.

    I thought Arial was virtually on her way out, but I can make another post when I get home from work to rectify that.

  13. (Arial, Zander, and Roy)

    As Rene is waiting outside the school, students from other classes are passing on by; some without a single care in the world and some who might have a few things on their minds. One of the first students Rene happens to recognize is his classmate, Zander. Zander had offered Rene a handshake and Rene shook his hand back. Rene even replied to him, "Yes...Just like that...out of the blue...he's gone. And by an illegal duel too?"

    Rene really had a difficult time grasping what may or may not have happened to Mr. Tenjo. Just then he noticed another of his classmates, Arial, just over Zander's shoulders getting her D-Pad ready. But before he could say anything, he heard yet another of his peers come up and agree with Zander. It happened to be Roy who gave his two cents on the matter. When he finished, Rene agreed and responded, "It will. If this whole illegal dueling thing is the cause of his death, then where does one begin to prove it? Sometimes I wish we knew where to start..."

    Rene said that loud enough so Arial could hear it as well and join the conversation. In the meantime, Rene held his backpack high on his shoulders and put on his D-Pad. His D-Pad was in a golden-trimmed, silver metallic frame that Scrap Beast has on its body. On the edges where two metallic wings to represent that of the dragons that Rene could summon as well. Rene has always been a longtime favorite of the Scrap archetype, even before he moved to Heartland. Thus when he had the chance to have a customized D-Pad one day, he made it honor of his favorite deck.

    Also, he knew that people could just challenge one another to a duel at anytime so he had to be ready. Who knows, perhaps if Arial was up for a duel, she and Rene could have one on the way to wherever the group decided to go. But before then, Rene asked the threesome, "Where do you think we should go to see if we can find out anything regarding Mr. Tenjo's death? Someone ought to know somehow, someway about these supposed illegal duels..."

  14. (To Arial and those interested in searching for clues regarding Mr. Tenjo's death)

    The bells sounded signaling the end of school on another bright, sunny day in Heartland. Rene was a somewhat happy that the day was over and didn't have to sit in the classroom constantly thinking about Mr. Tenjo's death. However, everything Miss Reiner had said to the class before lunch was still on his mind. The whole "illegal duel" surrounding Mr. Tenjo's death may seem more than just speculation, but Rene knew that several classmates were looking into it when he returned back to class.

    Rene waited outside Heartland High for anyone who might be interested in looking a bit more into their old teacher's death. Although he didn't get much of a chance to talk with his other classmates, he wanted to look for any information along with anyone else who was interested.

  15. (Red, then all in the classroom)

    Rene had finished up his duel with Red. Red didn't seem to say anything after gathering up her things to which Rene wondered, 'Is she okay?'

    Rene wasn't one to get up in people's faces for anything, so he quickly finished his lunch as the lunch period was ending rather soon. He then got all of his belongings together and proceeded to return to the classroom. Upon entering it, he saw several of his classmates had already returned, or never left for that matter. He said aloud to everyone there, "So how do you think we can find out what happened to Mr. Tenjo?"

    Rene was aware of the idea of the illegal duel that Miss Reiner had mentioned, but he was curious to hear what the others we're thinking as well.

  16. I definitely agree with Tomas about knowing what your decks do as I know we're going to go up against a variety of strategies in this RP. As for the next topic, I'll see what I can get done between now and then. I don't know if Red and I will have a friendly duel on DN since our characters were going to have a duel during the lunch period or if we're just going to say who won/lost. I might want to try meeting up with some of the others, but I can save that for the After School thread comes up.

    Darklight (or to anyone that wants to talk with Rene) when the After School topic comes up, do you want to have our characters meet up to maybe investigate, talk about, or go find information regarding those "illegal duels?" Although Rene hasn't had the chance to talk about the illegal duel thing, he is curious as to why Mr. Tenjo has died and is willing to seek answers.

  17. I may be off, but my deck might have a tiny chance at No. 66 if I can pull out Infinity quick enough to disable it? Please correct me if I'm wrong, since I'm not familiar with the new stuff yet.

    It depends what support goes along with No. 66. Infinity on its own can do it, as well as several other cards out in the game. If it has the certain "card" I'm thinking of (going on my experiences in the game), then Infinity won't help if that "card" is played before you bring it out.

    For those of you interested in getting No. 66 but may not know a lot about the cards in the game, think about the weaknesses No. 66 will have. You may find some answers as to what you can do to beat it. As a general tip in addition when you get some free time, take a look at what your deck can do and you may find some things you never knew that you can do with the deck before.

  18. Now I'm curious. Is there anyone who actually has a deck that would be a good matchup with Number 66's deck?

    It really depends on what's in the deck. I'm also curious too... *starts thinking about what this deck could be*

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, I don't know how many of you follow/know about the forbidden and limited list. However it's been posted today if you want to see how it may affect your decks: http://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/index.html

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