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Posts posted by tails12

  1. (Ken, Arthur, and Arial)

    "I'm up for the duel," Rene said to Arthur. "May as well kill some time before class picks up again."

    Rene started to take out his deck and see if Arthur would do the same. Before the two would start however, Arial brought up something regarding headaches for at first Rene was confused at. He even replied to her, "Headaches?"

    Rene paused for a bit as Arial described some other things about what she may have experienced. He realized that he saw something similar in his own mind and said, "So I wasn't the only one that saw that...You're right Arial, that wasn't natural. It almost reminds me of something that tragically happened before I moved to Heartland..."

    Rene's smile toned down a bit, but he quickly put it back on to see if Arthur was still up for a friendly duel.

  2. (Arial, Arthur, and Ken)

    "Looks like it's decided then," Rene said as the group has a solid idea of what they want to do after school. "Perhaps we'll find out a lot at the beach if we come across Ike or even the archaeologist that Lisa mentioned... As for what to do until the end of lunch, we could always have a duel!"

    Rene chuckled at the idea as he didn't what to do either. Perhaps two of the group could engage in a duel with one another.

  3. (To Ken, including Aruthur and Arial)

    "I think you might be onto something..." Rene said as he nodded his head in agreement based on what Ken said. "If Mr. Tenjo was involved in a duel where there electric shocks or anything that might cause pain, he would scream or something. It would be strange to leave out that detail if it were true...What do the rest of you think?"

  4. (Ken, Arial, Arthur)

    "What?" Rene asked in suspicion after hearing Ken say that someone watched Mr. Tenjo die. "And it was with a child too?"

    Rene could only wonder what may have happened if that were the actual truth behind Mr. Tenjo's death. Several questions rapidly moved about in his thoughts: Who was this child? What was Mr. Tenjo doing with that child in the first place? Why did they duel? Rene was rather curious now after hearing that tidbit of information from Ken and wondered how deep the mystery behind Mr. Tenjo's death really went. There were plenty of theories that could be made based on what he now knew, however there wasn't anything concise to prove them. Taking a deep sigh after thinking of those questions, Rene said to Ken, "It seems like there could be connections between what you found out and what Arial and I got from the museum yesterday."

    Rene took a deep breath and continued, "We found out some interesting connections regarding Isis and the supposed idea of the Shadow Game. In ancient Egypt, this was a ritual that allowed a performer to bound the soul of another creature to an object. Doing so would cause an image of that creature to appear on that object. Thus, the Egyptians took the liberty of painting various creatures so that the creature was bound to the object and protect it. It then involved to doing the very same thing on stone tablets and that is where it is thought the game of Duel Monsters comes from."

    Rene paused for a moment trying to see how Ken would take the idea. He then briefly continued, "There is an urban legend going around that this could be done with people nowadays and their souls are bound to a card. As far-fetched as it sounds, could it be possible that something like this may have happened to Mr. Tenjo here?"

    Rene waited to see how the others would react.

  5. (Ken, Arthur, Arial)

    Although Jack and Mr. Tenjo were on Rene's mind, he knew after a few minutes that dwelling on the past won't do him every good in the world. Despite not being hungry anymore, he felt he needed to take a quick walk before coming back to the classroom. Rene slowly got out of his seat and started to approach the classroom door, but not before he happened to overhear Ken asking about the museum exhibit. It seemed like that they were interested in gathering information and Rene walked over to the two and asked politely, "Excuse me for interrupting, but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation about the museum and the archaeologist Miss Reiner mentioned. May I join the conversation? I was with Arial yesterday at the same exhibit."

    Rene waited for an answer...

  6. I have to say, the vision gave me a chance to have Rene reflect on his past tragedy a bit more seeing some of the parallels between the two. While he may not know what the vision really signifies, he is adamant in finding out any answers he can in regards to not only Mr. Tenjo's death but also that of his cousin's. Anyone who might be perceptive enough may have heard Rene say something about his past at the end of my recent post is more than welcome to ask Rene about it. I feel that it might be a good time for Rene to let others know more about his past and why he holds certain cards closer to his heart than others...

    In regards to Hiss' post earlier this afternoon, I thought of the parallels with the Arc-V anime's story and the vision Tomas had most of our characters see. Interesting choice of reference, Tomas.

  7. (Classroom - Inner Monologue)

    Rene was currently minding his own business eating his lunch while he overheard everyone trying to talk about starting the Investigation Squad or whatever the name was going to be. Rene had his mind set on what he was going to do after school so he had no further reason to discuss his plans. He was definitely concerned about what happened to Mr. Tenjo and any info he could find to help explain it would be immense. There was even talk about some strange cards between some of the students for which Rene wasn't not paying attention too. He then thought to himself:

    'What are they going on about with ancient cards or something? I know the amount of information we have found has sparked an interesting conversation, but to how many tangents will this discussion go?' Rene continued eating more of his lunch and continued to think to himself, 'Can't we all just agree to continue finding out more clues surrounding Mr. Tenjo's death as our main focus? If there is too much to go on, then our attention could be split and we may miss something... Regardless of what it is, I'm still going to the beach and see if that archaeologist Lisa mentioned is going to be there. Perhaps he might know something regarding Mr. Tenjo personally or help explain what the museum exhibit showed a bit more clearly.'

    At that point, Rene took a big sip of water from his water bottle as he was getting quite thirsty at this point. As soon as he put the water bottle down, he started to feel an intense pain in his head. Suddenly, a horrific vision appears in Rene's mind...Heartland...engulfed in rather bright, blue flames and on the brink of destruction. There are screams everywhere as the painful and horrifying image takes front and center of Rene's thought for the few seconds it was there. Then, in a flash, everything appears to return to normal and Rene finds himself looking down at his lunch face-down. He quickly gasped a few times as he couldn't believe the sight of the vision he had. He then thought to himself:

    'That...could not be real...What...was that...' It was then he remembered a rather grim message...He recalled the message as if it where directly repeated in his brain one thousand times so that was the only thing on his mind. He then thought to himself again, but with concern, 'Shadows and destruction...it just doesn't make any sense to me!'

    Rene continued to gasp heavily for a bit there trying to make sense of the vision he saw before him. When he could collect his breath once again, he took another drink of water before returning to a calm state of mind. He took a few deep breaths and thought to himself:

    'I don't know what that was, but it had to be important somehow if I saw it...I just hope it doesn't have any similarities to what happened with Jack and my other relatives who died back in the city I used to live. It doesn't seem like it, but I can't dismiss it like most would. What happened then was extremely tragic and if the vision I just saw did come true, then it would be another tragedy here in Heartland. Do I really need to experience such pain again?'

    At this point Rene thought nothing else other than what happened over a year ago with Jack and his relatives. It brought him to a point where he just packed up his lunch, put it away in his backpack, and took out his deck. He immediately went to his Extra Deck and took out the Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon card from within it. Just looking at the card made Rene remember the good times he had with Jack prior to his death. He would remember all of the duels he had with his cousin and all the times they had their stronger duels. It started to bring a smile to his face and he even said out loud without realizing it, "I really wish you were still alive Jack. With everything that's been going on here lately, this makes it two people that I need to find out why the really died..."

  8. (Classroom/Beach Group from last night)

    "Seems like we all have found something yesterday," Rene said after listening to what everyone else who was in the classroom had said. He continued with confidence in his voice, "I like Zander's idea of an investigation group to seek out answer to Mr. Tenjo's death. I'm really curious to figure out the real cause behind his death and not just random speculations and theories."

    He wondered if anyone else felt the same. Then there was talk of the legends and myths from the ancient Japanese and Egyptian cultures. Rene wasn't too familiar with Japanese legends, but after hearing what his classmates had discussed along with Miss Reiner's lecture he could see some of the parallels between the two. He then curiously said to the group, "I wonder if there really is a connection between the ancient Japanese and Egyptian cultures, or even Isis and Izanami. Another thing I'm curious about is how people could draw Isis' power to start these 'Shadow Games' that the museum exhibit discussed yesterday."

    Rene seemed to have formed his own goal to get to the bottom of not only Mr. Tenjo's death, but also how it may have been connected with everything else that his classmates have brought forth to the table. With that on his mind, Rene thought he'd stay in the classroom to eat today so he wouldn't miss out on any other leads. He definitely wanted to go back to the beach later, but more to try and achieve his goal.

  9. (To the Beach Group yesterday and anyone else who might listen in)

    "So..." Rene said aloud to all those still in the classroom, "Has anyone found out any information from yesterday that they want to share? Otherwise, those of us that were at the beach last night have a possible theory behind what may have happened to Mr. Tenjo."

    Rene waited to see what anyone else might have found so they could piece together a possible theory or explanation behind Mr. Tenjo's death.

  10. (Beach Group); My last post until the new topic

    "I think I'll do the same," Rene said after hearing Arial declare she will come back tomorrow. He continued, "I'm curious as to what the archaeologist knows too. Also, if you need some time for yourself Arial, I'll give you your space. Have a good night everyone."

    That said, Rene started to walk away from the beach, but he briefly stayed at a point just far enough just to make sure Arial was okay and not be on top of her at the same time. Rene wondered what could be going through Arial's mind, but it was probably in his best interest not to stick around and find out. He silently whispered to himself, "I hope everyone will be okay..."

    Rene looked at this D-Pad once just to remember Jack. He continued, "I'll make sure I keep your spirit alive...I'll make sure you nor my friends stay close no matter what..."

    Rene then walked off towards his house to get home for the night.

  11. I figured it would be time to explain Rene's backstory a bit there. It gives everyone a sense of what he had to go through before coming to Heartland and see how he reacts to the current events. I also gave a little insight on how Rene would construct his deck now given those events...It also leaves room for even more growth as well.

  12. (Beach Group)

    "I think I do," Rene said to Klive, "If that archaeologist has any clues that relates to what Arial and I found out the museum earlier today, it may piece together the shadow game theory even more, just like you think."

    Rene paused momentarily to reflect on the day's events...from learning about Mr. Tenjo's death up until learning why he might have died in the first place. Based on what Rene knew right now, the whole shadow game theory might have some value as to why Mr. Tenjo died. Not knowing much else, this is what Rene had to bank on for now. However, he was open to the possibility of other reasons why he died.

    "I can't say the shadow game theory is the actual reason behind Mr. Tenjo's death, but it's at least something for us to start with. I do doubt any normal reasons as to why he died, given the conditions that he was found under. However, that doesn't mean that those reasons could still hold some truth. At least we know something, unlike..."

    Rene fell silent as he immediately remembered the very reason why his family had left his old home in the first place. This wasn't Rene's first time experiencing a death in his life. Just over a year ago, Rene had been comfortably living with his family just like most other families would be. He had a home and a very good relationship with his family. Things were great until a very dark and dreary day. It had happened all of a sudden as the events of that day started to flash before Rene's eyes....

    *Cue flashback*

    It was a warm, sunny evening and Rene was helping his parents cooking dinner. They were to have fried chicken with a heaping load of mashed potatoes and gravy, biscuits, and some other vegetables as well. Rene enjoyed this meal very much and would often become very animated whenever he had it. What made things even better was that his cousin, Jack, and his uncle were over for dinner that night. Grant it Rene can be shy and not as outgoing as some others, but he does enjoy the company of his friends and family more than anything. After the meal had been cooked, everyone sat down to eat at the dining room table. Rene had sat right across from Jack and together they had a race to see who could devour a piece of chicken first. Jack had just beaten Rene by a second before throwing his hands in the air in victory.

    Rene chuckled after swallowed his final bite, but Jack's loud shout had attracted the attention of his parents and uncle. They told them both to keep it down and just eat, but they knew that both boys got along very well with each other. Jack was almost like his brother in a sense that they were able to have a great family relationship and also duel with each other frequently. Anyway, about a half an hour had passed and dinner was finished. Everyone began to help clean up dinner whether it would be cleaning the pans, emptying the garbage, or resetting the table. Shortly afterwards, the two boys were planning on having a duel with one another and they wanted the adults to watch. Rene's parents and uncle agreed and wanted to see how the two were coming along in not only their dueling skills, but also their relationship with each other.

    At the start of their duel, Jack said to Rene, "You have a new deck you want to try out?"

    "I do," Rene replied, "I like what the cards do a bit more than just using random cards together."

    That said, both Jack and Rene began their duel. It was a back and forth contest with both of them giving it their all. Rene had just started using his Scrap deck for the first time before this duel. He was still unfamiliar with the combos the deck had to offer, but Rene was determined to master them. The duel raged on with both Jack and Rene giving it their all with each turn they had. Some time had passed and it was Jack's turn. Jack was at a mere 250 LP while Rene was at 700 LP. Rene currently had a Scrap Dragon out on the field while Jack had nothing. Jack had just drawn his card and realized that it would turn things around. Just before he could play it however, there was a loud noise nearby which almost nearly deafened everyone there...

    No one knew where it exactly came from, but when everyone could start to hear again they thought to return to the house in case something terrible was happening. But just as they were starting to go inside, Jack collapsed to the ground. Jack had become motionless. Rene had noticed this and he shouted out to his parents and uncle to look at Jack. Everyone panicked and tried rushing him to the hospital. Upon their arrival, they noticed several other families who were also there for others who had been there for the very same reason. Luckily for everyone there, the hospital had very few patients and could spend their time helping those in need.

    An hour had passed before a staff of doctors and nurses appeared before the families in the emergency room. They announced to all that every child that was brought forth to them was dead. After conducting several tests, they could not find an explanation as to why they were dead, including Jack. Rene started to burst into tears at that very moment and didn't want to accept the fact that Jack was dead. His parents, his uncle, and everyone else in the emergency room had joined in the sadness as well. It was rather unusual as to why this happened, but this wasn't the end...

    Several days later, Rene's family had started to gather at a funeral home for Jack's wake. It was truly devastating for the family to be there, to look at Jack with no explanation as to why he died. It really hurt Rene the most considering how close the two were to one another. What made it worse was the fact that he and Jack were dueling too. At some point during the wake, Rene's uncle pulled him aside to talk with him. Rene's uncle wanted Rene to remember all of the good times the two had together and cherish those memories of Jack. To help him do so, Rene's uncle gave Rene Jack's favorite card, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon. It was at this moment that Rene thought back to his final duel with Jack... 'This is how he was going to attempt to win...I don't know what card he drew that was going to let him summon this card, but I know Jack loved this monster much more than anything...'

    It was at that moment that the very same noise that occurred that night repeated itself again. It nearly deafened everyone in the room, but just as everyone was able to start to hear again, many family members at the wake fell unconscious and died on the spot. This time, it wasn't just one person, but nearly half of Rene's entire family...including his uncle...A shocked face appeared on Rene as well as his parents and anyone else who was alive. Rene stood motionless as he was reliving a very familiar moment...

    Rene's parents immediately grabbed him and bolted out of the funeral home. The rest of the family followed suit hoping to not end up like the rest of their family. Rene's family immediately went back to their house and his father declared that they had to get out of the city. The last thing they needed was for one of them to end up dead as many in the family were. Rene's father told Rene to grab whatever he could and meet them at the car in a few minutes. What they didn't know also was that many people in the city had died to the very same noise, yet Rene's family were the only ones who were wanting to get out. Rene quickly grabbed a few of his essentials, including his Duel Monsters deck. He quickly placed Dark Rebellion in his deck box and stormed off with his parents.

    Rene and his parents quickly left with whatever they could and drove off hoping to get away from it all. They had come to the city of Heartland, a city far away from their home, and sought to start anew here. They even sold their own house to help them start a new life here, which for the most part has been peaceful. Every since that day, Rene has always kept the good and the bad memories close to heart. When he saw that Heartland was also a popular place for the game of Duel Monsters, he vowed to keep Jack's Dark Rebellion close at heart too. It was also at this time that Rene decided to utilize Xyz Monsters in his extra deck. It was a way for him to keep Jack close and use both of their dueling styles together: Synchro and Xyz... To even keep Jack closer, his parents gave Rene a custom D-Pad in the model of Scrap Beast on the outside, but unbeknownst to Rene, it could also be used in the form of Dark Rebellion too...

    *end flashback*

    Rene had closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. He started to relax a bit trying to focus on the situation at hand. He momentarily thought of Jack when relating the death of Mr. Tenjo to Jack's. It was strange how both of them died and yet there was never an answer to why Jack had suddenly collapsed and died. All Rene knows is the odd noise that rang out that night. Perhaps he'll find an answer one day, but he needed to deal with finding out what happened to Mr. Tenjo first. He then said to Dean, Arial, and Klive, "I wonder if anyone else knows something. I guess we'll find out tomorrow at school..."

    Rene waited to see what the others might say before heading home for the night. It is definitely going to be an interesting one from here on out...

  13. (To Arial, Klive, Dean; Important Action - Talk to Lisa with Klive)

    Klive had waved towards Rene so that they could talk to Lisa together. Rene decided to follow, but because he was naturally shy towards people he didn't really know, he took a backseat and let Klive start talking to Lisa. If Lisa was warm and welcoming, Rene would join in the conversation. Otherwise, he was treading caution just in case something dangerous could possible happen. Rene kept one hand near his D-Pad, but not right on it, in case something would go wrong. Rene then said to Lisa after Klive finished speaking, "Hi...Lisa? Would you happen...to know if anything...strange...has been going on around the beach lately?"

    Rene kept a distance in case something would happen.

  14. (Klive; Important Action - Head to and start exploring the port to beach area)

    "That's what I hope to find here, Klive," Rene said as they were heading towards the beach from the port area. Rene was really eager to find out if there was anything relating to Mr. Tenjo here and if it had any connection to the info that he and Arial had found back at the museum. Rene began to mull over the information from the museum since he spent quite a bit of time there. Such things that Rene thought about: Could people today really have a way to trap people though the game? Could anyone have the power to initiate duels of high magnitude and lose their lives if they lost?

    Logically, Rene knew that the idea would be far-fetched, but in light of Mr. Tenjo's death he thought if there was a small possibility that it was a reality. He did not know if Arial felt the same way or how anyone else would feel if they knew what Rene knew. Nonetheless, Rene looked up with courage and eagerness waiting to see what awaited him and Klive towards the beach.

    (OOC: Don't worry about it Dobby, I just thought I would put some of Rene's thoughts down here.)

  15. (To Klive)

    Prior to arriving at the port, Rene took Klive's contact info should anything arise in their search. Upon arriving at the port, Rene looked around to see how expanse it is compared to some other places in Heartland. He then turned towards Klive and said, "Sometimes things always seem bigger when you're looking for smaller things...I imagine some of our classmates have probably come by here already, but that doesn't mean that we can't look ourselves."

    Rene wanted to look around the port, but he wanted to look closer towards the beach area towards the end of his search. He knew there were a few students going towards the beach and Rene thought that they might have a better shot at finding things there if the search party covered more ground. He turned to Klive and calmly said, "How about we check between the Port and the Beach? The more ground we cover, the better of a shot we might find something."

  16. I'd say that depends on what your deck is like, if we're talking just in general here. If you build a deck around a certain card, then it may be easier to summon. For example, Gimmick Puppets can summon Rank 8 Xyz Monsters pretty well, but would have a hard time summoning Draco-Equiste. Another example: Most true Synchro-based decks can easily summon the dragon-type monster necessary for Draco-Equiste and you'd only need the Warrior-type component afterwards. However, such a deck would have a difficult time trying to summon Rank 8 Xyz Monsters.

    I don't know if you're trying to summon one or the either Omega, but all I can say is look at your deck and see what easier to summon for you. As for your question, it really does depend on what kind of deck you use.

  17. (To Central Square) Important Action: Go to Port

    "Alright." Rene said as he gave Arial his D-Pad contact info. He would do the same for Klive and Blair as well. He then continued to the rest, "Since Arial is going to the beach, I think I'll head to the Port to see if anything is there. If anyone else wants to come, you're more than welcome to. If not, perhaps we can check out the entire east side of Heartland City and let each other know if anything pops up."

    He pauses for a moment before saying, "I'll call all of you if I find out anything or run into Mr. Arclight. If I don't, I'll probably make my way between the Port and Beach area next. Then, if that yields nothing, I'll meet up with everyone else elsewhere."

    That said, Rene tried to find the nearest bus stop that would take him and anyone who would go with him towards the Port.

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