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Bearadactyl last won the day on January 9 2017

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About Bearadactyl

  • Birthday 04/24/1993

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    Cave, Cave, Caved States of Bearmerica
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    Writer, Gamer, Vocalist, Youchuber and I like Creepy things.

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    Bearadactyl Prime#1337
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  1. Oh, look, my friend's PC is completely fried because their liquid cooling system failed. Something I told them would happen if they used liquid cooling. Honestly, there isn't a reason to have liquid cooling; it will create more problems than it will solve. It's like taking out an ant hill with a grenade.

    1. Busti


      Ah, I saw one lecture by IBM on water (liquid)-cooled data centers. It appears to be an excellent idea - but only for high-end data centers and servers. Seems like such a waste for anything less than that.

    2. Bearadactyl


      Exactly my point, there is no reason your gaming rig is going to get so hot that liquid cooling is required.

      Not to mention, most liquid cooling systems just aren't that well made.

      Unless it's designed by an engineer for a specific thing, such a data center or servers; odds are it's going to have issue.

      Things like that can't be one size fits all.

    3. Gyaradoskiller


      It all depends on what you get and where you're getting instructions from. Better the quality, the less likely that something will go on.

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