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Scorpia Cascade

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  1. Of Course, just tell me when you're free. sorry for the late reply though.
  2. Didn't you get yours in-game? You may get it quite early (before 5th GYM).
  3. Thank you so so much! I am really hypped to use it! WOW perfect Nature and IVS
  4. I accepted but my server just went off, getting on again
  5. You may request it :) Sending a Shiny trubbish
  6. Hello, I am Online right now, if you're free we can do it :) Game Name: Shermie IDno:12359 ONLINE LOGIN: Scorpia Cascade
  7. YAY! Thanks! Hum which time are you available for the trade (please tell me also your timezone so I can covert the time for Brazil (-3 for me) ). Anything you look for? I got Mareanie on the misterious egg, I believe I can breed one for you if needed (Right now I am heading for Kiki's gym).
  8. Hello everyone, I am doing a new gameplay and I would really like to have an excadrill early game, would someone help me please? If possible a generous IV distribution would be nice, nature I can fix late game :) Thanks everyone!
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