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Posts posted by Cloud

  1. Overall E3 Rant

    The following post contains a decent amount of cussing and strong opinions. View at your own risk. Mods, if this is too intense feel free to move it elsewhere or tell me to tone it down. When I say 'you', I am mostly referring to the general gaming fanbase, as a reminder.

    Thoughts in general:


    The Xbox 360 has been dead to me since it launched - no - I always fucking hated the Xbox since day one. Only recently has Halo started to grow on me; to the point where I seriously will eventually grab Combat Evolved. Does this make me want to pick up an Xbox 360 for Halo 4? Fuck no. The original nor the 360 NEVER had any good games. South Park: The Stick of Truth might be good, but only time will tell. This conference was easily the worst out of the Big Three, so rest assured, /v/, your hate is not misguided on this one. KINECT KINECT KINECT everywhere, and very very little games until about halfway through. We had to deal with Usher singing and dancing. In. A. Fucking. Video. Game. Conference. What the fuck is wrong with you, Microsoft?! E3 is a video game convention! If I wanted to see dancing and singing I'd go to some shitty concert where I'll watch retards perform on stage for 5 hours. I watch E3 for the GAMES. Get it fucking right. By the way, nobody gives two shits about the Kinect. If you can't see that by now, I feel sorry for you. I wanted to see Dragon Ball Z Kinect for the sheer reactions on /v/, but alas that didn't happen, so not only did Microsoft fucking suck in general, they weren't even a source of comedic relief. However, for Halo and South Park, they get an F plus. If only we had a third good game, just maybe I'd give this shit D minus.

    By the way, did I mention this conference had so many casual shooter crap? And CAWADOODY BLOPS 2? I didn't? Oh. No big surprise here, folks!


    This E3 fucked Nintendo over. And it's not because of them, it's because of the fans. After several horrid conferences barring Ubisoft, people wanted surprises. They wanted MINDBLOWING announcements! But not everything works out for them. /v/ was in a uproar when NO STAR FAWKS or NO FIYAH EMBLEM was announced. What do you fucking expect? You all had your hype meters through the roof, of course you're going to be disappointed! While I do agree that the casual shit was great in number, it does not subtract enough from the show to give this any less than an A. In other words, the only mindless idiots who find this conference bad are the PC MASTER RACE or Sony/Microsoft drones, and people who hyped themselves up too much. Stop crying already. By this point you should know to expect casual shit, good god. As of my time of writing this, The 3DS software conference hasn't even passed yet. And for the past two years, Nintendo revealed more, often good shit after their conference. Regardless, this was a very solid conference. Pikmin 3 looks very exciting to play, and while I'm not fond of two New Super Mario Bros games at once, they aren't, to say per se, >bad<. I am absolutely hyped to see Paper Mario returning to the RPG formula after the atrocity that was Super Paper Mario (in my opinion). Luigi's Mansion 2 is always good, and has been a fan favorite for a very long time. Nintendo finally expands on third party support; getting awesome things like Batman: Arkham City (I thought Harley Quinn was that Lolipop Chainsaw girl at first!) and ZombiU (thanks again, Ubisoft!). Let's talk about the Wii U itself though - my first impressions are good.... until I saw the battery life. 5 hours is an awfully short time, and I doubt it will be rechargeable. I'm hard pressed for batteries with my Wiimote as it is, so 5 hours is pushing it. I hope this gets rectified. Ultimately; I will update this when I receive 3DS news on the 6th of June. With all of this in mind, Wii U is probably not a day one buy for me - I'm hard pressed for money as it is, and right now, the library isn't mindblowing for me. Like the 3DS however, it will most likely pick up with time. So wait a bit. And finally..

    "And even though I was focused on beating Mr. Miyamoto, I heard some of you laughing. Don't try to deny it, I heard you. Yes, my body was ready."

    And for this reason alone, Nintendo gets not an A, not an A+, but an S. Reggie, don't you ever die on us. :<

    Update: Roundtable is going on. In addition to the games revealed, there's an Animal Crossing and an F-Zero game confirmed for Nintendoland. NSMBU seems to have better graphics than all the other Mario games in terms of background detail, and is considerably difficult. It seems you will be able to transfer all your VC games and saves to the Wii U. And on top of that, Nintendo said that they are targeting people who love games, not casual gamers! Me likey. Let's see what tomorrow brings for us.


    06:44:45 PM PDT

    They're talking a lot about sharing information with people you meet in the game. "I know on the Internet there are plenty of message boards, but I hate when people go onto message boards and complain about games they've never played."

    This made my day.


    Intitally I had some pretty high hopes for Sony. I own a PS3 not for their mainstream titles, but for shit like Gundam: Extreme VS. Not very exciting to you, huh? Well, in truth, I'm not entirely sided with Sony, but I'll say this: They are more capable of producing quality titles than Microsoft. And they definitely had the library to give Nintendo a serious run for it's money during the PS1 & 2 days. However, those days are long gone. This conference was fucking underwhelming by a very large margin, but atleast Sony showed GAMES. The opening was fantastic, but it all went downhill from there. The conference quickly became a Playstation Vita advertising fest that screamed 'HEY, TURDS, GO BY A VITA EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE SHIT FOR A GAME LIBRARY FOR IT'. What games we did get treated to... oh god, do I even have to fucking mention this game? Playstation All Stars is HORRID. Sony THEMSELVES ACKNOWLEDGE that THIS IS A SMASH BROS. RIPOFF. AND PEOPLE ACTUALLY TRY TO DEFEND THIS PIECE OF SHIT! Here's how you win at it: SPAM SUPERS. Cross compatability with the PS3 and Vita? Gee, where have I heard that befor--- oh wait, that's right, from last year's E3! AT NINTENDO. Sony, fucking be original. Like you were back in the PS1 days. It's painful to watch the amount of fail that is witnessed seeing you dumbfucks attempt to copy Nintendo so badly. If Nintendo really is a 'sinking ship', let's stop taking ideas from them and poorly executing them. How about you use your minds for once and create something without relying on other ideas? I know Sony can do it. It's not like they were as bad as they are now with ideas. Kids in the 80s and 90s can attest to this! Other than that, it gets worse. After showcasing the PS Move, another piece of shit like the Kinect, what are we shown? Guess. Can't guess? I'll tell you: STORYBOOKS ON THE PS MOVE. SPONSORED BY J.K ROWLING. MAGIC STORYBOOKS, MIGHT I ADD. I guess Harry Potter plays the Playstation 3 on his spare time. We got treated to Assassin's Creed 3... again. Apparently there's two different versions, the Vita one and the PS3 one. Fuck, I don't know.

    Thankfully, Sony manages to save itself from an F when they showed off the newest God of War game and last but not least, The Rest of Us, aka Uncharted. No, really. It looks like Uncharted. Factored in with a very strong beginning, Sony saves itself from an absolute failure with a D minus. Try harder next E3, or at TGS 2012.


    ...Do I really have to talk about this shitstain of a company? Let's make it brief:

    Sports games, Medal of Duty 3, more sports, Battlefield 3 Premium, Battlefield 3 DLC that is FOURTY NINE fucking dollars, crappy Sim City facebook bullshit, comparing their newest Madden game to a fucking RPG, sports, sports, sports, Crysis 3 which looked damn nice, sports, sports, sports, and sports.

    What a piece of shit. The absolute lowest score, an F minus, for you money grubbing pigs.


    I'll be honest. I was not expecting the good number of great content provided by Ubisoft this year. After Mr. Caffeine I considered Ubisoft to be nothing more than a joke when it comes to presenting, but they did good last year with Rayman Origins. To be honest, I was hoping for Origins 2 this entire E3, and I got what I wanted. Ubi however, almost didn't make it. They started off with the same error Microsoft comitted - FUCKING DANCING! THIS IS A VIDEO GAME CONFERENCE, DAMN IT! WE COME HERE TO SEE GAMES, NOT IDIOTS DANCING! ..Ahem. Well, after that, out comes Aisha Tyler, current co-host of The Talk on CBS2, and also had a part on Ghost Whisperer. I'll admit, she did a pretty damn good job at holding up as host. First up is Far Cry 3. It's not my thing, but I'll admit, it looks fancy. Next was Rayman Legends - I came a decent amount upon seeing this. And it's Wii U exclusive. Gameplay looked sleek as fuck, though I might have to get used to the rather (seemingly) awkward touchpad controls. Oh well, who fucking cares, it's RAYMAN! And not that Rabbids shit either, but unforunately it does make a return as seen in the game trailers. Oh well. Then we got treated to Assassin's Creed 3 which shows us that we should hate Brits. And expert ship simulating! Well, aside from that, the game looked damn fine, and I've been meaning to play Assassin's Creed for some time now. Thanks Kingo, I hope you feel proud of yourself. Other than that, the game that won everyone over was Watch_Dogs. For one, it wasn't a shooter, so that's a plus in my book. It seems to combine hacking with a open-world quest based game. To be honest I didn't really pay attention too much, but it looks original, and original stuff is what I like to see. It's on every platform except the Wii U, however. I will definitely wait to see how this turns out and if I like it, I'll attempt to grab a copy. Everything else is broad on my memory; but for all intents and purposes, Ubisoft gets a C plus from me, which likely would've been a B minus or a straight out B if not for that disgusting opening. While Ubisoft was definitely ahead of the game, it was not the best of E3 like /v/ and everyone else wants to claim. It certainly comes close, though. And in an event where only 2 game companies did well, it's certainly not hard to come out on top, either.

    I should also probably note how Ubisoft's products was present in every fucking major conference with the exception of Konami and Microsoft. Now THAT is power!


    I didn't watch this. But I'll say this: Lords of Shadow 2 and Metal Gear Solid Revengance. My body is ready.

    Therfore, rating not available.


    A pile of heaping shit. Nintendo and Ubisoft CARRIED this entire conference. Unforunately, it's time to face facts. We're growing up, and soon people born in the 21st century will be teenagers, and they will be the new generation of gaming. Unless all of us will be playing games in our 30s and 40s, for all intentions and purposes, hardcore gamers are viewed as increasingly negative (with good reason, with the way some of you retards act), and as such, they are NOT the primary target audience. Casual gamers are, that is what teenagers what and what gives companies the most money, and that is what will be milked. Unlike what some of you claim, gaming is far from dead; it's just mainstream that is lacking, and ultimately, it's shit that's not catered to you. I am gulity of this too, I cannot stand the mulitude of shooters on the market. I'd rather fire up my SNES and play some classics or play stuff like Kirby's Return to Dreamland, or even indie stuff like Recettear on the PC. But that's me. Regardless, this year contained nothing but social networking and casual crap, that is a fact. There is hope - maybe in 5-7 years, the market will shift to something different as we 80s and 90s kids give birth to children, and if we all cooperate, perhaps we can get kids to like what we grew up on. However, as it is, someone mentioned a very solid point in the fact that kids don't always view what their parents like in a good manner - so it will be a challenge indeed. Well, one can hope.

    D minus for E3 2012. Try harder.


    No. Just no. I like PC gaming to an extent, but I'd rather not deal with Master Race elitists. The only notable thing was Watch_Dogs. It's not like Gaben was going to show up anyway; be fucking glad Valve made an appearance at all, you ungrateful fucks. It's your fault why you're so disappointed, STOP HYPING THINGS UP. It was known Valve may have not appeared at E3 for months now. Be glad that you GOT something. On the bright side, Counterstrike Global Offensive looks good too. But regardless, a solid D minus for the Master Race.


    Bamco, don't ever use LevelUp to host your streams again. Or Twitch.tv for the matter. Both are fucking horrible as a company and stream platform respectively. Changing design during the middle of E3 and having trailers repeating over and over again, jesus fuck. Well, at the very least, Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition is pretty good. No ToX news and I was promised Idolm@ster and did not receive Idolm@ster. Also, no Gundam Extreme Vs Full Boost news either. On the bright side, TANKSTANKSTANKS is officially embedded in my head and now I want to play it, and that One Piece game looks pretty cool, as does the new game being directed by Studio Ghibli. I honestly would rank Namco Bandai above Ubisoft if it wasn't for the awful stream and lack of Idolm@ster, so C minus for you guys.

    By the way, Dragon Ball Z Kinect is a good game.... if you want to make fun of it and the series in general. I am in all means a Dragon Ball fan, but this game is fucking horrible. Not only is it for Kinect, it uses the Ultimate Tenkaichi engine. And you all know how fucking bad that game was. Only if Sparking! Omega was true... ;^;

    And by the way, 'Sigh-an' is the correct pronounciation for Saiyan. Even if it sounds incredibly silly. BECOME A SUPER SCION! CYAN! SIGH-AN! WHATEVER YOU WANT TO FUCKING PRONOUNCE IT!


  2. Not funny but I felt it was necessary to alert the community about!!!

    (17:50:04) Livitz.: Why can't I get on the website

    (17:50:06) Livitz.: I registered

    (17:50:13) Swimming95: please be patient

    (17:50:21) +[sU] Ryner: indeed

    (17:50:34) Cloud: Ame will have to review your account, Livitz.

    (17:50:35) Cloud: Or Ikaru.

    (17:51:37) Livitz.: ...Review?

    (17:51:40) Livitz.: ._.

    (17:51:45) Swimming95: basically just say, yes you can post

    (17:51:53) Swimming95: its to prevent spam bots so don't worry

    (17:52:08) Livitz.: hey guyth i'm a spam bot

    (17:52:09) Livitz.: pls ban me

    (17:52:14) Cloud: lol

    (17:52:30) Livitz.: I'm not spamming right now because I have really advanced programming

    (17:52:36) Livitz.: beep beep boop


    In other words, can't wait for that, as well as Paper Mario and Lego City: Undercover. GG everything else, Nintendo just facehumped you.

  4. Wait, I don't understand, Ame. Why wait until clans have activity before having a place for them? Like you said, having a suitable location for such things will warrant activity. If there's no place for clans, nobody knows where to post them safely without knowing if they can avoid the repercussions of possibly posting in the wrong place, or try to bet on whether or not they are even approved for such threads / activities. A clan forum would be the only way activity would even start in the first place.

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