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Posts posted by Jelly

  1. Okay, this has become quite a popular thread, so I'm gonna put in my two cents as a Catholic.

    1. The Bible was written in two parts, Old and New Testament

    2. The Old Testament (OT) is compromised of 4 parts, The Pentateuch (or The Books of Law, First 5 books of the Bible), The Historical Books, Wisdom Literature, The Prophetic Books.

    ---The Historical Books are to be taken literally, while the others are to be taken metaphorically to some extent

    ---(note: I will not go into detail on this, if you really want to know about the OT, then Google it)

    3. The New Testament (NT) is compromised of the writings of 1st century Christians.

    --- Made up of the Gospels, Epistles, and Pauline Letters

    --- Most of these Books are to be taken metaphorically, like Jesus' parables. They are ways of teaching through stories unrelated to the topic.

    ---(i.e. 1 Timothy 2:12-14)

    4.... Meh, It's late at night. And Mael- The whole Lilith thing, that was in an apocryphal book that the Church ruled "lacking of Divine Inspiration"

    And that's all... I guess, I really didn't know where I was going with that whole thing. I lost my train of thought at least 6 times while writing that...

  2. I hate tuesdays so much aswell. I have to bring my sports kit, clarinet case for the orchestra and my music folder to school, and it seriously hurts my back. To make matters worse, I have to carry all this shit to the sports field, which is a twenty minute walk from the school. If by some miracle a bus passes buy, and I go on it, the other people in my school, usually the swagtards, or other people who's idea of fun is kicking a football into someone's face (be it their friends face or not), get into some bigass fight on the top deck of the bus. And if the public reports it, we're gonna be banned from taking buses to the field. My entire body ached from have to take these bags of shit all the way home with me. I STILL ACHE NOW >.<..

    I know that feel bro.

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