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Posts posted by Jelly

  1. The sun rose at 25:00 AM, on a cold yesterday. Time paradoxes are very funny, as Nirvash proved. However, it was arguably unfair that Enigma had stolen the time warpers, and had looped the fabric of space-time, causing Dialga and Palkia to go and stop this, but Ikaru stopped Enigma's time-space powers.

    "Give me your cookies of space!" said Ikaru, but he saw Gardevoir, owned by Will, and ran to the nearest phone and called 911, for Will was Radomus in disguise, and needed help opening this jar that everyone hated to open, soIkaru used his giant eagle talon

  2. Lets seeeeeeeeeee....

    TOP: Teemo (still need to learn a few more build paths), Rumble, Yorick, Jax (same as Teemo), Vladimir

    MID: Katarina, Kassadin (pls counter moar), Casseiopeia, Swain (he looks really interesting), Vladimir

    ADC: Ezreal, Graves, Tristana, Caitlyn

    SUPPORT: Soraka, Sona, Zyra, Janna

    JUNGLE: I'm never jungling... EVER

  3. AND FINALLY TIME TO COMPLAIN jesus christ Jax gets absolutely murdered by ranged top laners early on. Try to farm, you get beat up. Try to counterstrike, LOLHAVEFUNYOU'REOOMQUICK. Reminds me why I like Irelia more than him.

    Teemo pretty much destroys any mana-based melee champs other than Irelia. And if you play him right you can even zone out Lee-Sin and even Darius.

  4. I've realized that even though I've made many friends here at Reborn, many people find me annoying.... Like, all the auths >>. I kinda want to see my "record" just to see how close I am to being banned. It should be pretty close by now. Anyways, I'm leaving, I have life stuff to do atm and being on the computer 4 hours a day isn't helping any. If you want to contact me, Facebook message me if you want my number and if I consider you a friend, I'll give it to you.


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