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Beyond Nano (interest Check)


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So I was thinking one day and thought, "Hey there's no Sci-fi RP on reborn going on." Personally, I love sci-fi and decided to make one my self. B) Though what would be the point for making an RP if no one likes it so that's why you are here! :D I've got the main parts of the mechanics figured out and have to work on the little one's. (BTW don't mention the story, haven't even stared on that :3 ) If you cant already tell, I've decided that, except for the serious parts, that this is gonna be a Lol's fest, meaning if I wanna make your character life annoying I can or I can do the complete opposite. This includes convincing NPC's, to hacking, (I'll go more in depth later) to maybe just have a random fail mixed in as comedy relief, (If anyone has seen "Fairy Tale" its gonna be kinda like that) It will not include battles (Unless there's a gimmick that may seem to part of the Lol's Fest but isn't) now lets get on to the mechanics, yay! :D


Nano is small bits of energy that floats around in the air. Nano was created by accident by Thomas Edison in one of his experiments. He knew that the energy was too powerful for man kind so he kept it secret hoping people would never find it. Unknown to him Nano was mass-producing itself though-out the world. By the time scientists found this, they thought it was natural so they attempted to harness it, and they did. Meet Nanites, people who can use Nano to power weapons, appliances, and every day things. Nanites eyes color are always glowing with color, whether it be blue, green, or brown they glow, some more faintly than others. Depending on how much they glow, the more Nano that person can store in their body. Skilled Nanites can shrink their weapons to microscopic levels and don't have to carry them around. Soon the military created machines that can control Nano, they are called Nanobots. People who weren't Nanites wanted to, so they replaced a limb/limbs with Nanobot limbs then cyborgs were created. Eventually people found ways to hack cyborgs and Nanobots so now there's a possibility that you can be hacked, (Will go more in depth later) Also too much Nano intake can overload your brain and make you Corrupt and become a zombie, this is called Nano poisoning. If you are Nano poisoned then your eyes turn purple.


Nanite: Nanites are the weakest physically and are the easily corrupt, Ninites can choose 2 Nano Perks and 0 Robot Perks. physical strengths are weak compared to the other races, but are weapon masters. Can not be

Cyborg: Cyborgs are the more balanced of the three and Can get 1 Nano Perk and 1 Robot Perk. Cyborgs can turn their robot appendages into a blaster or a Melee wepon. Can be hacked but are harder than Nanobots. Can get Corrupt but less likey than Nintes

Nanobot: Strongest physically and can choose 0 Nano Perks and 2 Robot Perks. Humanoid robots with the choice of ranged or Melee wepons..


Nano Perks

Weapon Mastery- The Ability to shrink and increase size of weapons, also make your weapons float.

Nano Beam- A beam of pure Nano energy that becomes more powerful the more you charge it.

Over Load- Over charge weapons with Nano energy with out gain more Corruption

Robot Perks

Fire Wall- Make it harder to be hacked by other people

*Insert Name here*- The ability to have melee and ranged wepons


Basically use too much nano in a fight you start you glow purple, glow too purple and go corrupt. AKA: death


Getting hacked puts the person in control you for a set amount of turns depending on how good they hack.

Any and all feed back would be appreciated thanks, and who's joining <3

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No Sci-fi? But...my own story, Surge Story, is technically in that category...

anyways, Question:

How many races, and I mean, EXACTLY how many are in this? because from what you put in the description about nano:


Nano is small bits of energy that floats around in the air. Nano was created by accident by Thomas Edison in one of his experiments. He knew that the energy was too powerful for man kind so he kept it secret hoping people would never find it. Unknown to him Nano was mass-producing itself though-out the world. By the time scientists found this, they thought it was natural so they attempted to harness it, and they did. Meet Nanites, people who can use Nano to power weapons, appliances, and every day things. Nanites eyes color are always glowing with color, whether it be blue, green, or brown they glow, some more faintly than others. Depending on how much they glow, the more Nano that person can store in their body. Skilled Nanites can shrink their weapons to microscopic levels and don't have to carry them around. Soon the military created machines that can control Nano, they are called Nanobots. People who weren't Nanites wanted to, so they replaced a limb/limbs with Nanobot limbs then cyborgs were created. Eventually people found ways to hack cyborgs and Nanobots so now there's a possibility that you can be hacked, (Will go more in depth later) Also too much Nano intake can overload your brain and make you Corrupt and become a zombie, this is called Nano poisoning. If you are Nano poisoned then your eyes turn purple.

It seems as if there are meant to be two races: Nanites, and regular humans who aren't able to control nanos. But yet just below that, you have three races available to players, one of which is called... Nanites... so that seems a bit confusing to me. Is nanite the umbrella term used to refer to these kinds of people your talking about, or were you speaking about this specific race?


Nanite: Nanites are the weakest physically and are the easily corrupt, Ninites can choose 2 Nano Perks and 0 Robot Perks. physical strengths are weak compared to the other races, but are weapon masters. Can not be

Cyborg: Cyborgs are the more balanced of the three and Can get 1 Nano Perk and 1 Robot Perk. Cyborgs can turn their robot appendages into a blaster or a Melee wepon. Can be hacked but are harder than Nanobots. Can get Corrupt but less likey than Nintes

Nanobot: Strongest physically and can choose 0 Nano Perks and 2 Robot Perks. Humanoid robots with the choice of ranged or Melee wepons..


Basically use too much nano in a fight you start you glow purple, glow too purple and go corrupt. AKA: death


Getting hacked puts the peron in controll you for a set amount of turns depending on how good they hack.


(Work in Progress)

Any and all feed back would be appreciated thanks, and who's joining <3

also, In my opinion, you need to clean up this post and format it. there is no real transition between the "Races" section and (What I presume to be) the "Skills" section, making it a bit awkward to read when you're basically looking over the races and then say "oh, look at that, We can play as hackings!" because you don't notice that it's supoosed to be a seperate section entirely.

I'll leave you with that question and suggestion for now... though something about this... seems off... like I've seen the idea somewhere before... in a cartoon or something...

anyways, I will more than likely be back with more questions later. If it seems like I'm being a bit hard on you, I'm not trying to, it's just that I tend to take Sci-fi genre very seriously...

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How many races, and I mean, EXACTLY how many are in this? because from what you put in the description about nano:

It seems as if there are meant to be two races: Nanites, and regular humans who aren't able to control nanos. But yet just below that, you have three races available to players, one of which is called... Nanites... so that seems a bit confusing to me. Is nanite the umbrella term used to refer to these kinds of people your talking about, or were you speaking about this specific race?

Nanites are the term to refer to these people

Also edited order hope its to your liking oh master ;3

Side Note: New perks added, any suggestions for perks or even have any perks at all?

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Alright, now that that is cleared up for the sake of any other confused persons, I have done some looking around to figure out why this looks so familiar to me...

And I know why, it's a lot like Generator Rex... suspiciously so...


I don't know whether you drew inspiration from that or came up with all this on your own and happened to be on the same wavelength as the shows creators, but regardless, Moving on.

My Next Questions:

1.You have Races here... now then, will you be including classes as well? or are the races meant to act as Classes as well?

2. What is the year of the stories exposition (IE, when is it set?)

3. You say this is a "Lols fest" but what do you mean exactly by this? is this RP going to be based more on comdeic effect than actual action? and if so, how exactly, do you intend to make it so? (I ask because I personally don't consider the explaination for these you've already given in the OP to be sufficient)

I will save the other questions until you finish with the drafting of the story and conflict

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Alright, now that that is cleared up for the sake of any other confused persons, I have done some looking around to figure out why this looks so familiar to me...

And I know why, it's a lot like Generator Rex... suspiciously so...


I don't know whether you drew inspiration from that or came up with all this on your own and happened to be on the same wavelength as the shows creators, but regardless, Moving on.

My Next Questions:

1.You have Races here... now then, will you be including classes as well? or are the races meant to act as Classes as well?

2. What is the year of the stories exposition (IE, when is it set?)

I will save the other questions until you finish with the drafting of the story and conflict

Wow Cartoonnetwork steal my ideas before I even make them >:T I didn't know it was so alike, I forgot that show existed. Let me be clear that this was not planned to be like Generator Rex, and will have no morphing between forms. (unless you guys want that.)

1. There will be classes, the races were meant to add diversity

2. I was thinking between 2500 - 3000

3. By "Lol's" I mean, inappropriate joking during serious scenes, (As in a story plot scene, Usually out of battle and in NPC conversation) me being mean by placing an unnecessary road block, or having a situation seem totally impossible but actually being really simple.

Edited by EXLink32
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