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Dev blog 17.02.2023 | MOM HELP PLS


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yes we are now captioning the bitches




so, first things first, dont expect a lot from this one! seriously! dont! we were mostly doing text shit! aka i will tell you most of the stuff because screenshots who is she????????????????????????????????????????? (((no but who is she??)))

second things second, the game has a twitter acc @sibjourney is the name so uh, you can go check it out??? i dont know if this is legal but... i guess?????



third things third, i am going through hell ((not irl, just metaphorical)) why you ask? you know how passwords exist right

i have to compile them if you use more then 1

meaning, eventually ill have to do uh TONS of combinations in checks. but, im done with 2 passwords now, im moving to more then 2 aka 3!! then 4 is just so easy god forbid ill have to do this again.


and uh, i guess, fishious rend and bolt beak are now egg moves for some mons ((hi feraligatr and boltund))


thats it. no seriously thats it. well except this:


8/15 - megg list
galar ponyta


as you can see we are somehow through aiden's megg list ((you get 15 different meggs for aiden, and 5 different mmons [mystery mons] for crescent))


so thats it, for real now


Cya~ Asfo-

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