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Route 1 items and events



The webs at the northern forest in route 1 are supposed to have a Joltik on them right? I can't seem to get the pokemon to show up. Also I got the Oddweed but can't give it to the lady in lapis ward for her husband, am I doing something wrong or do I have to wait? and finally I got 2 Blue icecreams and Nyu won't give me the pinsir or hericross mega stones, just alot of honey, is the event different or do i need the megaring first?

Edited by Scrublord6410
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2 answers to this question

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I don't think that there is a Joltik on the webs(they are actually Araquanid webs if I remember), it is either in Peridot Ward event if it isn't Grubbin or Neo Peridot Ward in grass. Oddishweed is talking to the lady in 7th Street not in her house, you will find her shopping in 7th street west of the nature change building. Finally, make sure you aren't giving Nyu your other candy rather than the ice creams and you can only get one of the stones from Nyu.

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Yeah, those webs aren't related to Joltik, though you can catch Dewpider/Araquanid by fishing in the nearby pools. If you didn't get it in the blackout event, Joltik will be available post restoration (after 13th badge) in the grass in Peridot along with Galvantula.


Adding to the above answer, for the lady to show up in 7th street you will need to have cleared Iolia Valley and gained the 9th badge already.


As for Nyu, I am pretty sure he doesn't give away the megastones anymore, as they have both been moved in different places and can be found in the overworld.

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