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HELP!! Crystal Puzzle

Feng Lei





I am stuck in Victory Road. I have finished the emerald and sapphire puzzles. But honestly I am now convinced I've missed the simplest damn thing on earth, or the game is bugging on me and I'm softlocked from continuing. I cannot fathom how to proceed through the ruby puzzle. There is just no way to to access the crystals needed when necessary to progress.


My wits ended long ago. I've spent running about for hours. @ __ @



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Could you try continuing from the attached save? I made sure it was possible to get to the next room from it (I had to edit your save, otherwise the puzzle seemed impossible indeed).
I also took the liberty of removing a few key items that seemed to crash your game when opening your key items pocket (they were nil anyways so I doubt they would have been useful for anything).


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Many thanks! Hopefully I should encounter no more troubles, but I worry that I may. After all, one of these went wrong from the start, more could. Though until now I had no trouble, so perhaps I'll stay lucky with this save file.

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