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Tales of Ivalice


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The first thing you need to do is Make -your- clan start up. Then do quests until all quests are complete for Act 2 to come.

Member max: 5

Areas:Lystron,Tym Woods, and Stryn Mountains.


Edited by Pokelord
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"Ugh..." I was in a house.

"You are awake, Kupo." said a Moogle Animist

"How did I get here?" I asked him

"Well you were bleeding on your left arm all, Kupo, over the road,Kupo."

Just then a Viera Fencer came in and asked

"Jorge, is that whom I think it is?"

"I don't know who..." Jorge stopped then he questioned me this:" What is your name, Kupo?"

"I don't Remember" I stated

"You must have Amnesia, then!" Exclamied the Viera. She walks closer takes a note of my facial features.

"So, you are The One of Destruction from Khamja!" She said in a loud voice.

"You mean Daniel,Kupo?"Inquiered the Animist

"I remember saying something about him leave the group,but I that is all I remember." I say to them.

"Well, no worry we are both former Khamja Clan Members." The fencer said "My name is Astra and this is Jorge."

"Hey, Kupo, We've got a Really Powerful Bounty hunter clan after us." stated Jorge in a panicked tone.

"I'm sending a quest to the pub for assistance." said Astra.

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