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Trying to Explain Pokemon Weaknesses


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I'm honestly fine with the current range of types there is; not too big, not too small.

As for logic behind them; there are tons of things that don't make any logical sense when it comes to Nintendo's stuff. I tend not to think about it too deeply.

Also, does anyone else feel like for some reason the the typing weaknesses and resistances just kinda... make sense? I don't know why I think that.

Help me I'm scared

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It is an interesting topic. Just had no idea people would be so into discussing it. If you know me, I like to read a good internet discussion about a subject I enjoy thinking about (lol do people write books about mangas?). Anyway, I think it's going to take a bit more in-depth explanation as to why Gamefreak chose the type categories and their weaknesses but one has to remember that the ideals of the game hinge on an elaborate game of rock-paper-scissors and because of that, sometimes they just have to draw at straws, like why Fighting is ineffective against bugs (which I also noticed wasn't mentioned in the OP)...

So I'll start with 2 types and try and rationalize the choices behind them...


Well firstly, with flying, the Pokemon that use it are semi-bolloks. Mainly because only specific creatures can fly in place like every flying pokemon can. It's usually bugs, humming birds and creatures that levitate via magic that can hover in space but every other flying type creature requires high winds or have to literally fly (i.e. in a direction). It's one of the few typings that imply a kind of movement and position...but the game creators were likely drawing at straws when they decided they're super effective against bug types and super defensive against bugs. Not all flying types are birds but that's sort of what it's implying if you're going by that idea. It makes sense, but again, not all flying types are birds and eat bugs (to name a few, Butterfree, Ledyba/Ledian, Drifloon/Drifblim...I doubt Wingull/Pelipper eat bugs even though they are birds...they likely eat fish if they are based on Seagulls).

Taking into account all flying types usually being capable of speedy flight, I would actually peg their strength to bugs and grass (both defensively and offensively) is because of their actual movement. What happens when a bug hits a windshield? ~SPLAT~ Since Flying is the only typing that implies the pokemon is capable of great movement by default, it's going to make a bug splat with any of its speedy sky sweeps. Grass is just leaves in the wind (implying that flight often requires wind), making any plant's efforts to 'grow' at a moving target less effective.

As for Fighting, my guess would be exactly why fighting is weak to bugs...it's like the ultimate challenge for a martial artist (in the movies). Can you grab that fly out of the air with your fist, Daniel-san? No? Then what makes you think you're going to kick that Pidgeot zipping around 10x faster and at huge distances away!?

On to Electric and Rock...I'd peg it on Flying never being faster than the speed of Lightning. Not only that, but flying in open air puts you as a very strikeable target for a lighting bolt with nothing to draw away part of the charge...and if a Rock is capable of being propelled into the air to strike a flying target, it likely required much power...either flying away from the shooter or toward them, if that rock is planning to connect, it's going to hurt. I have no idea why flying is typed as doing less damage to an electric type. It makes no sense to me. Steel is the same way.

For ice, it makes sense since the faster you fly, the colder you'll get. And if your wings are frozen, you get more frozen and heavier, ultimately leading to the anti-thesis of flying.

For ground, in my opinion, to qualify as ground, the attack is likely connected to the ground somehow. I think skills like Bonemerang are just mis-typed. Bonemerang should be a rock-type skill..or classify it as the only Ground-type move that can hit flying/levitating foes. That Bonemerang is typed as ground makes about as much sense as why it has no effect on a flying foe.

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  • 2 months later...


Ground: Well have you ever tried to poison the ground? Probably not, since it wouldn’t work and it would be pointless to. (nor would it work on a rock, but yeah it isn’t considered a weakness)

Wouldn't that make ground immune to poison? I think it's because the ground neutralizes acid.

Also I think dark beats ghost because dark, or evil demons, torment souls.

Edited by Qoseph
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Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but I think Fairy is weak to steel for this reason. Not sure which part of mythology this comes from (I think it is Arthurian legend though). The Fae creatures or most of Fairy kind that I know of have a weakness to "Cold Iron". Not sure if it is actually steel or not, but it is at least similar, as for the other Fairy weaknesses, I have no clue.

Some other theories I have, Ghost, Bug and Dark are all three really common phobias or Fears, so probably why they are good on Psychic.

Ghost might be immune to Normal and Fighting since it doesn't have a corporeal body, (in most cases). and they are the most phyical type of move (literally most are direct attacks)

Ghosts also usually can't directly manipulate physical objects in most cases (due to afore mentioned not having a real body) so that may be why it doesn't effect normal types.

Will add more as I think of them lol.

Edited by Hukuna
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Why steel no longer resists ghost and dark:

Ghosts aren't physical. Even their physical moves are all based on shadows.

Dark physical moves should be resisted, but steel types have high defence so it's not a big deal. Special dark moves have to do with the mind, so thats why they neutrally affect steel.

Now all that's left is to make psychic neutral to steel.

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Now all that's left is to make psychic neutral to steel.

The deal about Psychic NVE to Steel is the fact that Psychics are dealt with the mind. When they use an offensive attack, it could be inferred that they are bending the wills of defender's body or mind. Take for example the move Psychic. In the Anime, Psychic attack is often shown as the user forcing the body to be tossed into the floor, ceiling, wall, ect. They use their mind to control another's body. In other words, Psychic type can represent Control, Intelligence, and Mentality, with Control to be the main topic of offense. Steels being resisting Psychic can there for be considered the Overwhelming Willpower, Obstinacy, and/or Focus (also making Lucario's sub steel typing make sense in a way, but back to topic). If the mind can't control another's will, what effect would it do to the defender. Not much really.

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Take for example the move Psychic. In the Anime, Psychic attack is often shown as the user forcing the body to be tossed into the floor, ceiling, wall, ect.

Or because throwing a piece of metal at a wall is only going to mildly annoy it, the wall in in more danger than the steel.

I have no idea why flying is typed as doing less damage to an electric type. It makes no sense to me. Steel is the same way.

Try flying into a metal wall, or an electric fence. It wont end well.

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New question:

Why is fairy immune to dragon? It's been bugging me for a while.

Because the dragon is too busy aiming for link to hit navi.

I think he meant why is steel resisted by electric, not flying by steel.

If that's the case, then steel conducts elec, so the electricity just passes through the offending piece of metal, reducing the damage.

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Guys don't put much effort into figuring out the logic behind the weaknesses/resistances of the new Fairy type... The other types are meant to make sense, but this one was added merely to balance the metagame! It is weak to types that used to be overlooked offensively (Poison in particular was absolutely irrelevant as an offensive type last gen) and it is resistant/immune to types that used to be very powerful offensively (Fighting was the most common offensive type, Dark was resisted by a very few defensive threats, and Dragon was almost unstoppable...).

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Yea literally only the steel weakness makes sense with the fairy type (as I mentioned before, being thier true mythological weakness, t least in European and Western myth, though this might just be a coincidence, Since it is made by a Japanese company. )

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As far as Rock being weak to grass, I always think of the little plants you find growing through concrete and such. They always seem to find their way through rocks.

And as far as Rock being weak to Ground, I always thought of an Earthquake breaking up rocks and causing a rockslide.

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  • 2 years later...

Fairy is weak to Steel and Poison because they're industrial, factory-ish types, which conflict with the magical and nature-y Fairy type. That's also why Fire resists Fairy, since Fire could also be thought of as a sort of industrial, factory type.

Dragons are weak to ice because they're reptiles. Reptiles are cold blooded and need heat to survive.

Psychic is weak to Bug/Dark/Ghost because they're all common fears, and fears inhibit focus.

Grass is weak to Flying because birds tend to ravage crops. That's why we have scarecrows.

Normal and Ghost types are immune to eachothers because normal people don't believe in ghosts or the supernatural.

Poison's weakness to Psychic is weird, but if you can read the future predict that something is poisoned, you can prevent yourself from being poisoned, right?

Steel is weak to ground because earthquakes are very good at destroying things like bridges and buildings.

Dark is weak against bug because bugs can see in the dark.

Personally, I think that Steel should be weak to electric, since it actually conducts electricity BETTER than water does. I also think Poison should be strong against water, but that's just me. I have no explanation for Dark against Ghost.

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