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Character discussion for Erin.


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Erin is a character i really did not expect to really pay attention to, considering this game already has a LOT of characters, and initially what stood out to me the most, was whatever was on her back, and the fact that she was more subdued than everyone else in this game. However, V11 and V12, did propel her in my eyes personally. Erin's backstory and character i feel is very well made, and an interesting look into depression and loneliness. After years of being bullied, she doesn't become a total recluse or a shrinking violet, but instead develops a blunt sense of humor to cope with her misery and in a possible emulation of her tormentors in a misguided way to connect with people. Replaying after V11, my appreciation for her character propelled with the benefit of hindsight, I feel like she's trying to be funny and be liked but her sense of humor and snarkyness goes over the head of people and just makes her look like a jerk, which is an interesting bit of character. I also liked how philosophical she got after Spacea and Tiempia's question to Melia, that to me, was the first hint, that there was something more to her, and that she was more mature than the rest of the cast, it was a nice mystery that paid off in V11, where we finally learn her backstory, i gotta say, Erin and Melia's scenes are a good highlight of the writing for me, we get to see two characters just talk about the sheer craziness of the situation, what these characters hope to achieve, are reminded unlike the rest of the Scooby gang, Erin is just a normal person caught up in greater events we see her joy of making friends and going on an adventure, and her fear of separation and uselessness after Team Xen is defeated, which helps humanize Erin's character, see some of Melia's better character traits like her compassion, and see two characters have a good time while doing the business of the plot. (DOUBLE LEFTOVER FLORGES notwithstanding) Of course, Then V12 just HAD to make her Melia's sister out of nowhere when she was more interesting as a regular person swept up in greater events, she wasn't a gym leader, an expert trainer, or someone with special powers, she was just a regular person helping strangers and becoming close to them during the process,

Come to think of it, the whole reveal of them both being siblings was bizarre and convoluted but whatever. Also Erin's speech to Rift Aelita was epic, nuff said.


But overall, i like her character, and i even liked how her suicide confession to Melia was handled, maturely, realistically and not put there just because to look edgy like Sharon's attempt on Valor Mountain, really shows how far the writing has come huh? I do hope in future versions, Erin's problems will be addressed and discussed with our scooby gang, Mental health is important, and Erin is a good way for the game to comment on the topic like Reborn and Amaria. 


Edited by Magus543
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