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About the Espurr Event


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So I've finally come around to playing Rejuvenation, and I recently stumbled upon the event with the lonely Espurr.  Now, I normally wouldn't once consider Espurr or Meowstic for my team as the family just isn't my style, nor do I consider them to be the most ideal Pokemon for a team.  But as I spent the next 15-20 minutes taking Espurr on walks, consoling it through its emotional dilemmas, and sliding down the slide about 137 times, I grew quite attached to the little furball.  So, that little connection convinced me to add it onto my team.  I just wanted to say how impressed I am with how the event was written and scripted.  If the methods of getting a Pokemon to join you are that impactful that they can persuade you to drop your previous thoughts towards a Pokemon and scoop it up for your team, it tells a lot about the effort that went into creating it.  Thank you for this event.  It was the first one for me that was truly a pleasure.

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It was one of my favourite things too, it was really cute and put a smile on my face! One thing you missed out here though, is that if you do give it an ice cream, it'll actually be holding that type of ice cream for the rest of the time you play with it, and honestly, I loved that little detail! 😄

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2 hours ago, Alex said:

It was one of my favourite things too, it was really cute and put a smile on my face! One thing you missed out here though, is that if you do give it an ice cream, it'll actually be holding that type of ice cream for the rest of the time you play with it, and honestly, I loved that little detail! 😄

Wait that’s really cool!  I only had blue moon ice cream on me though and I wasn’t really willing to lose that, so I just stuck to the other three options.

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