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That LoL Feel When...


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Airtracker: mid

Dynatós: top

Ketamine King: top

UCSD706: fill

UCSD706: ban blitz

Airtracker: ban malphite

UCSD706: shen

UCSD706: we shouldn't have to tell you who to ban

Ketamine King: i can handle malphite

UCSD706: i hope you already know

Ketamine King: you don't have to tell me who to ban ol

UCSD706: last game the guy banned zed

UCSD706: and i was like wtf

UCSD706: auto lose

Airtracker: ..ok.. but ive lost 3 of my series games because of malphite ult..

Ketamine King: maybe zed countered who they wanted to pick

UCSD706: youre a dumbass

Ketamine King: the common bans in our elo are only comon.. in our elo

UCSD706: thats never an excuse

UCSD706: aatrox?


Airtracker: lol

UCSD706: most people dont' know how to use aatrox

Ketamine King: true elo hell is beng a sheep for no good reason

Airtracker: 1st pick malphite

Ketamine King: i hope so

UCSD706: if they pick malphite

Ketamine King: easy lane for me

UCSD706: well now

UCSD706: great ban for aatrox

UCSD706: dumbass

Dynatós: I'll take top

UCSD706: i hope we have a good jungler

Ketamine King: ig ot it

UCSD706: and not a retard

Dynatós: Then I'll jungle

UCSD706: otherwise bot is gone

Airtracker: well calling our own team a dumbass in team select is not a good way to start the game

Airtracker: lol

UCSD706: stfu

UCSD706: dumbass

Airtracker: i can tell u will have a bad attitude all day UCSD

Airtracker: lol

UCSD706: its called take the criticsism

Airtracker: on ur period?

UCSD706: dumbass

Ketamine King: you're the reason people lose games

UCSD706: you never had a job before?

UCSD706: you never went to college?

Ketamine King: literally first rule of climbing is not to flame

UCSD706: cool story dumbass

Airtracker: lol

UCSD706: you'll never be successful in life

UCSD706: clearly

Airtracker: i think he jus learned the word dumbass

Dynatós: I'm failing to see how League transfers into every day life.

Dynatós: But okay.

this is only half the log
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That feel when your singed gets super cocky about gangplank who ended up carrying the game. HE THEN SAID TWO BARENS WERE NOTHING BECAUSE HE WAS AT FULL BUILD.


I did good with Hecarim so I sort of don't care.

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That LoL feel when my Mum says that dinner will be in about 40 minutes so I boot up an ARAM

20 minutes in she says it's dinner and the result is a lying Mom and a couple of reports

fuck first world problems

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that feel when your friend who is a noob at ADC doesn't take your advice for ADC (only 2 attack speed items minus boots) and says he'll learn it himself. (in my group of friends I'm the best ADC)

Like, if someone is offering you help. FUCKING TAKE IT. WHO CARES ABOUT ANYTHING, HELP IS HELP AND HELP IS NICE. I mean, then he is negative the whole game. Feeling useless and keeps saying we are going to lose. WE ARE GOING TO LOSE BECAUSE YOU ALREADY SET IT IN YOUR HEAD THAT WE ARE GOING TO LOSE. You should be really positive when you play unless it's a team of Blitzcrank, Nautilus, Thresh, Nunu, and Vayne.

That feel when your W/L ratio is going down because of attitude changing more and more. I do good in my games, though. I will take responsability when I fuck up. Which I did a few times during this match. Like intitating before everyone got there.

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I've learned that anyone who is more manly than Jayce counters him. Tryndamere, Jarvan IV, and (as I just learned the hard way) Darius.

Mid I can do, I was a total bitch to Ashe when I did play mid.

but then again why play Ashe mid? Don't ask me.

Also I will make sure that I see any Yorick main I come across to their grave before the rework hits.

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