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Questions Questions.......?


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Okay so like I know this is going to sound so petty of me to ask all these questions but here we go...may jan strike me down for making this



1.If the time stone crystal thing that we had could have been used why didn't we use it to back in time and make sure that Aelita's time amulet that tiempa gave her wasnt stolen, why didn't we make sure that heracross would not do that?


2.Why couldn't we use the time stone to go back to a way earlier point and stop venam from going outside and getting turned to stone



3.Where is the brainwashed saki, I mean we saw Adam and Valarie, but we didn't see saki and braixen



4.When we saw anju or whatever that ice witch is why didn't we confront her about having Anju's pendant



5.Who is Anju's son?



6.We know who Nora is.....but I swear I have heard that name in the game before...is there any other mention on Nora at all in the game?



7.If melia could not touch melanie what if OUR CHARACTER like slapped her or punch her.



8.What is or who is Celesia Altair?



9.On the other spots in amethyst grove who thinks the people on the left over altars are going to be?



Thank you for taking the time to look at this, sorry for being a bother....thank you! <B

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1.If the time stone crystal thing that we had could have been used why didn't we use it to back in time and make sure that Aelita's time amulet that tiempa gave her wasnt stolen, why didn't we make sure that heracross would not do that?


A: I suppose our character is wary of messing with time flow ( Which given what happens when we save that one woman is a good worry to have )  Though at the same time that would beg the question of why then save the woman if we did fear changing time. XD


2.Why couldn't we use the time stone to go back to a way earlier point and stop venam from going outside and getting turned to stone


A. Above answer.


3.Where is the brainwashed saki, I mean we saw Adam and Valarie, but we didn't see saki and braixen


A. My theory is she and Braxian are in a district we aren't able to access yet.


4.When we saw anju or whatever that ice witch is why didn't we confront her about having Anju's pendant


A. I suppose the same as answer 1? Telling characters in the past of things that happen can result in weird thing happening to the future.


5.Who is Anju's son?


A. My guess is the one you rescue from Angie's dungon. ( Ganna be a whole big reveal and what no I bet. )


6.We know who Nora is.....but I swear I have heard that name in the game before...is there any other mention on Nora at all in the game?


A. No clue XD


7.If melia could not touch melanie what if OUR CHARACTER like slapped her or punch her.


A. I currently have a theory that our character also has some sort of power that has yet to really reveal itself outside of what happens when protecting Melia from the attack and that it would be bad if little brat got it.


8.What is or who is Celesia Altair?


A. Again, no clue sorry.


9.On the other spots in amethyst grove who thinks the people on the left over altars are going to be?


A. Current Theory: Nim ( After you find her again and break free from the lady who is controling her ) 

Marinette....dunno how, it's ganna be sad as heck but I just get that vibe.

The final two will be characters we meet in the future I believe. 


Second theory for the last two, your character and Melia. Though I really hope not.

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1 hour ago, RosaHeart said:

I suppose our character is wary of messing with time flow ( Which given what happens when we save that one woman is a good worry to have )  Though at the same time that would beg the question of why then save the woman if we did fear changing time

Presumably because we were setting time back the way it was rather than changing it again.


2 hours ago, Autumn-Rose said:

1.If the time stone crystal thing that we had could have been used why didn't we use it to back in time and make sure that Aelita's time amulet that tiempa gave her wasnt stolen, why didn't we make sure that heracross would not do that?


2.Why couldn't we use the time stone to go back to a way earlier point and stop venam from going outside and getting turned to stone

I gather that the Time Crystals have a set period they can send you back. So you couldn't have returned to before Aelita's time amulet was stolen and stop that from happening. If you tried it would return you to after that because an amount of time has passed in both timestreams.


2 hours ago, Autumn-Rose said:

7.If melia could not touch melanie what if OUR CHARACTER like slapped her or punch her.

Presumably nothing, as we weren't the same person as Melia. If we'd met our alternate self we likely wouldn't have been able to touch them either.

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