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Hospital of Hope- Vaccines for Fighting Machines

Autumn Zephyr

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As far as I can remember, the questions were pretty straightfoward: First, we select which EV we want maxed out, then IV and lastly, we choose if we want to infect the pacient with Pokerus.



The feel when you don't have enough money to confirm if the order is correct

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That's what you do and when it's over the EV and IV stat you selected are raised and if you chose to infect with Pokerus you got it, although Idk if it's a glitch or something but the Speed IV on my Greninja won't go up anymore no matter how many times I go in and ask to have the Speed IV increased. Anyone know what to do about this since we're talking about the vaccines and what not? 

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@saulmc3 You need to go to the Pokémon Center to the left of the gate that takes you to the Hospital of Hope, the nurse Joy behind the counter on the right will help you.


Also why can't I go get vaccines now after getting the patch, it just always tells me that their services are closed. I've gone back in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night and I still get the same response.

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