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Hey guys, I have been doing some breeding lately and would like to get rid of some of the extras. I have a bunch of different random mons to give away, if you want one let me know.


At least five totodiles with 5 ivs


Some more totodiles with dragon dance, crunch, and ice punch.


teddiursas with close combat, crunch, and play rough.


snubbulls with close combat, and crunch.


and a bunch of 5 IV sandiles


I have bunch of 5 IV spheals


I have seels with 5 IVs perish song, headbutt, water pulse, and iron tail.


I have some five IV aipom with fake out and adamant nature.


I have some five IV (most are four though) oshawotts with night slash and air slash


I have a bunch of five IV blitzles with jolly nature


Sevipers with assurance, night slash, and iron tail naughty nature.


swinub with double edge, icicle crash, and fissure. adamant nature.


Purrlion with foul play, copy cat, and feint. adamant nature


ekans with adamant nature. sucker punch, iron tail, disable, and poison fang.


meowth with foul play, snatch, iron tail, and last resort. adamant nature


cubchoo with focus punch, play rough, night slash and ice punch. adamant nature.


four slakoth with after you, body slam, night slash, and hammer arm. adamant nature.


pancham adamant nature.


a-meowth naive nature


litleo with yawn and modest nature.


mankey with adamant nature




They all have pretty good ivs, some with 5IVs.

Edited by Mr. Knightly
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