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[Answered] I need some help



I was looking for a Pidgey or Pidgeotto for that 7th street quest but no matter where or how much I look I can't find one. First I tried headbutting in Chrisolya Forest. Not sure how much time I spent there but know I'm stubborn. Then in the in the Rooftop in Onix, even swutched for morningtime after but no Pidgey.

And then there's Beldum. This is the 3rd time I restart the whole game, and I always managed to catch Beldum before but this time I can't. Same tatic, I get my Gardevoir to Hypnosis it when reaches the red tile in hp. I don't have Ultra balls, but I was expecting to get some pokemons before joining Cain but I've tried to get Beldum with a ton of nest balls (couln't find level balls for sale =/) and even found a freaking shiny but I've given up for now.

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11 answers to this question

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Try Opal ward, Malchous Forest adn Beryl Ward for Pidgey that's where I've always gotten mine

For beldum I can only say that you should keep trying to catch it because beludum has a really low catch rate or wait until you can get ultra balls

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btw whats the pidgey quest to jog my memory? also I believe quick balls are best at reset-spamming. Dusk balls if its night time too.

I think she's referring to the Helix-cult, which rewards you with a fossil if you give them a Pidgeot. (All hail to Lord Helix!)

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Jasper is the best place to get Pidgey. It has a pretty high spawn rate there. Shouldn't take long at all.

Beldum is, I think, the only non-legendary mon that has the same catch rate as a legendary, so it IS supposed to be very hard to catch. It's definitely worth the effort tho, earliest pseudo available in the game, nice typing and of course awesome stats later on... Not to mention it evolves into freakin' Metagross, one of the most badass mons ever!

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I'm pretty sure you find more pidgeys during the day than at night so if it's night switch your computer clock back a few hours.

Like Alistair said, Beldum has the catch of a legendary. that is a whopping....3. It also only knows take down, so you have 20 turns to catch it. For added challenge, go for a shiny one. That's what I did. Took me three shinies to catch one but it murders just about everything.

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If you're having trouble with Beldum, it might be worth running around and looking for a Pokemon with Pickup (Phanpy near the graveyard, Aipom on the snowy mountain) and getting a few Dusk Balls, which have a catch rate of x3.5 vs. the Nest Ball's x3. Then do a status of your choice (Sleep, Burn, Paralysis), and throw however many balls you have and reset. The Shiny looks nice, but it'd be easier to breed for one than risking your luck trying to catch one in the wild.

As a battler, Metagross hits really hard and has a reasonable movepool from just level-up, but it SUCKS as both a Beldum and Metang, and you need to be level 50+ for it to really start pulling its weight. If you care about IV's, being genderless means you won't be breeding any with 3+ good IV's unless you cheat or got really lucky with the event ditto.

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For starters, it's a pseudo-legendary. It also had great defensive (nerfed as of Gen VI) with Steel/Psychic alongside great base 80 / 130 / 90 Defenses and a solid 130 base Attack with a decent 95 SpA. With these stats, it can check popular Dragon, Flying, Rock, and Fairies types. It also has a strong Mega evolution. But since this is concerning in-game for Pokemon Reborn, it just has great stats aside speed.

Anyways, this has kinda diverted from the original questions so I'll lock this.

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