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Save file/Importing Help :p


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Jan has, once again, revamped an entire area and story, items and all in the soon to be released V8 in the form of terrajuma island, And i don't want to reset AGAIN to experience the updated story once V8 is released.

So, I wanted to ask if someone could take my save file, and import all Pokemon from that file, Party and PC and put them all in a brand new save file? I've spent hours on my current team and I really don't wanna do it again, replaying the game isn't that bad, it's just the grinding and team building that is.

Please help if you can!

Edited by The Anti-Fern
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No need. Simply download the new version and open that up. So long as the save file you have all your progress on is in the Pokemon Rejuvenation folder in your Saved Games folder, then simply open the Game.exe for the new Rejuvenation version and you'll be set.

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No need. Simply download the new version and open that up. So long as the save file you have all your progress on is in the Pokemon Rejuvenation folder in your Saved Games folder, then simply open the Game.exe for the new Rejuvenation version and you'll be set.

That's not what I mean at all, I already know that, I Want to replay the story events of Terrajuma Island because they're being updated, I know to use my save file all i need to do is use the V8 launcher, but I want a second save file, one with all the pokemon in my current save, but at the start of the game

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I think the only way to do that is to copy every single mon you have in your first file in another completely new, but that's an absurd amount of work (to do that you have to insert manually every mon with everyone of its specifics)

I could do that for you if you want, but i don't have the PBS files for Rejuv

Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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I'm willing to do that for you, but I won't add all the mons on your save file at the start of the game I mean its not like you'll be able to use them anyway

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I Just want my mons so I can use them once I'm back at the electric gym. the reason I want all my mons is because I have alot of breeding mons and such and my main team is too important to let go

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