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Server Glitch and Fix


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Hi y'all, this announcement is geared primarily toward voiced members and those of the auth persuasion regarding a glitch with a command. It's a particularly annoying issue that we are trying to resolve quickly; however, we still feel that you should be aware of its existence.

The /away command has a bug triggered by using numbers in your /away status. If you've noticed, this can change the color of your name. The problem, however, comes when you use /back; along with returning to your regular name sans bubble letters and numbers, you also tend to lose your rank on the server. Currently, we believe that it's because the server recognizes the numbers as legitimate characters, unlike the bubble characters. Then, when /back returns your name to its normal state, it temporarily resets the name that you normally use, relieving you of any rank you have on the server.

As noted by Chubb, this glitch also occurs if you /away, then /nick, finally followed by /back.

Before you freak out, we do have a fix for this, so no need to have a panic attack or contact the nearest mod. Close out of your browser and re-log on to the server. Doing this 2-3 times should fix the issue and restore you to the correct rank on the server. If this still does not give you back your lost rank, then calmly PM someone with ~ or & as their rank, and they can help you solve this issue.

This has been a PSA from the Reborn auth team

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In unrelated news, every new topic in Mews & Announcements is to be accompanied by news-y themes. We think this will create a much more solemn, professional environment.

(Side note, after about a week, this thread will be moved to Site Help.)

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