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a few suggestions


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1. When some friends wants to go back to a city, village, mountain etc....pls program them to take them WITH ME.

2. Cant we have our own signature moves?

3.At least have some Hyper potion buyable earlier in the game.

4. Harder puzzles....cmon, you can do better than that

And if anyone says it's SUPPOSED TO BE HARD, imma tell you, there is a difference between HARD and UNFAIR

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1. When some friends wants to go back to a city, village, mountain etc....pls program them to take them WITH ME.

2. Cant we have our own signature moves?

3.At least have some Hyper potion buyable earlier in the game.

4. Harder puzzles....cmon, you can do better than that

And if anyone says it's SUPPOSED TO BE HARD, imma tell you, there is a difference between HARD and UNFAIR

1. Could be nice.

2. Nope, it's for only gym leaders. Rules are rules by the game.

3. You have the option with momoo milk with the miltank and buying oran berries for 50 pokedollars.

That justifies it atleast for me because of 100 hp.

4. Mixed, but yeah.

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There is no straight line between hard and unfair, friend. To make something 'harder' there would have to be a disadvantage to the player, therefore it is always unfair. Of course it's perceptive of how one would see anything being unfair. But I can argue that in any game other than Pokemon that receiving more damage in hard mode is unfair. An item worth more than it should: unfair. A boss with an even bigger health: unfair. You can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs.

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