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Here's my team, what should I add?


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Gengar: hypnosis, hidden power ice, shadow ball, destiny bond
Luxray: wild charge, ice fang, facade, crunch
Nidoking: sludge wave, flamethrower, earth power, shadow ball
Scrafty: crunch, ice punch, dragon dance, high jump kick
Golbat(Crobat): venoshock, air slash, shadow ball, nasty plot
Tyrantrum: dragon dance, head smash, dragon claw, earthquake
Krookodile: earthquake, outrage, crunch, strenght (rip no rock move)
Greninja: Surf, dark pulse, extrasensory, grass knot
Roserade: giga drain, petal dance, shadow ball, toxic spikes
Durant: Iron head, xcissor, crunch, dig
Medicamp: High jump kick, ice punch, thunder punch, zen headbutt
Darmanitan: flare blitz, superpower, fire punch(rip rock tms), strengh (rip ground tms)
Feraligatr: waterfall, crunch, ice fang(I could of have breed ice punch), dragon dance
Metagross: meteor mash, agility, brick break, zen headbutt
Honchkrow: sucker punch, brave bird, night slash(rip move tutor), nasty plot(rip no roost)
Chandelure: flamethrower, shadow ball, dark pulse, hidden power grass
Azumarill: waterfall, play rough, aqua jet, superpower

My golbat isnt crobat yet.
Id like to get you guys advice for more pokemon. I though on adding heracross
It can also be moveset on certain pokemon.
Thanks :)

Edited by Fredicash
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It looks like you have a bunch of really good pokemon in rotation, although you might want to post moves to see what we can work on from there, but it seems like you have everything you need, you might want to add an ice type of some sort though.

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You're lacking Ice type. I recommend adding at least one of those because Dragon masters are coming up in the next couple of episodes, and yeah you have Azumarill but those battles will be hard and you'll likely need more than one type advantage. For Ice, Piloswine is always good, and my Beartic puts in work.

Edit: You have lots of Ice moves on your guys so thats good... but still STAB is nice. I also think another fairy type could be good but thats just my opinion

Edited by Lord_Ludo
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-Gengar: Ditch Hypnosis. You DON'T want a 60% accurate move on something that can't take a single hit. HP Ice on Gengar is also useless, since it gets Icy Wind from a tutor. IW is only 5 BP weaker, slows a hit foe down AND hits all foes in a double battle. For moves you could run, check the pinned guide in this section, breeding in E12 can get you Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt, Psychic. And since I see you have something wit Toxic Spikes and team members that can benefit from that, consider Hex over Shadow Ball; even if you don't set up T-Spikes, Hex is still not that much weaker than Shadow Ball.

-Luxray: Alright, I guess. I mean, it's a Luxray, it's movepool is as "expansive" as Luxray is "viable" since it's so slow and frail. Just make sure it has Guts as an ability and give it a Toxic Orb.

-Nidoking: Check the guide, get it Ice Beam/Thunderbolt instead of Shadow Ball. And give it the Life Orb.

-Crobat: Ditch Shadow Ball, go for HP Fighting or Ground.

-Krookodile: E12 for a Rock move.

-Roserade: 2 Grass STABs is pointless. Keep Giga Drain, check the guide, get Extrasensory and Sludge Bomb (and if you want to, replace Giga Drain with Leaf Storm; the exact chain is in the guide).

-Durant: E12, grab Rock Slide and Hone Claws to further boost it's attack stat and counteract Hustle's accuracy drops. Ditch Dig and Crunch.

-Medicham: You'll probably want some priority to go with that low Speed, replace Thunder Punch with Bullet Punch.

-Darmanitan: E12, Rock Slide and Dig.

-Honchkrow: I....see absolutely no reason for Nasty Plot there. Get it Tailwind. Honchkrow's main issue is it's Speed, so start a fight, set up Tailwind, get whatever boosts you can, then spam Sucker Punch once Tailwind is done. And get rid of Brave Bird, Drill Peck is better since it gives you no recoil (Honch will definitely take a hit or 2, wouldn't wanna lose any Moxie buffs you get because recoil beats you). And give it a Scope Lens, Night Slash has a 50% crit chance if you have one of those.

-Chandelure: Dark Pulse is pointless. E12, Psychic and Energy Ball. Also, again, maybe Hex over Shadow Ball. and consider Minimize, Psychic coverage is negligible.

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luxray does have guts
for the ep 12 thing i want to conform to ame rules so I will stay with ep 15
but i will check for crobat, honchkrow, gengar, medicham, and the hex its a good idea
Thanks man :D

Edited by Fredicash
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Your game, your choice. But about the Hex thing, you do have a Roserade, but it's not THAT fast and it can't take a physical hit at all. I'd say get a Scolipede, Cofagrigus or Pineco. Scolipede's great Speed and pretty good physical bulk almost ensures TSpikes, Cofagrigus has stupidly high physical bulk and access to Trick Room which can also support your team. Use Pineco if you don't wanna bother training something new, level 1 Sturdy with TSpikes is all you need with that.

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