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  1. I've been able to get the Espurr BEFORE Narcissa's Gym in both V12 and in V13, so you needn't wait on that to get it. But here're some tips: ✔ Strawberry ice cream is its favourite flavour. Don't bother with the others, even the Blue Moon Ice cream; just go with strawberry. ✔ I've been able to "speed" befriend Espurr by just chilling with it on the swings constantly; there're two "dialogues" that lead to a "bonded a lot", but, regardless, just spam "yes" to whatever Espurr asks. ✔ Be careful when walking with it; it gets in your way quite a bit, but, in V13...DO NOT try making it go on the slide while walking with it; it's bugged and crashes the game - I've tried and Espurr always "flies away" afterwards. I'd report it, but I don't know if it HAS been reported already. ✔ This might just be in my experience, but trying to leave Espurr after doing some of those things for a few minutes for the third time is when Espurr decides to join you. Therefore, SAVE before you leave for the third time; that way, you can reset for the Espurr you want. Hope this helps.
  2. Wtf have I done? I wasn't trying to say Rejuvenation can't be a more challenging game; I'm just saying that casual and easy mode(s) should be about as difficult as, say, your typical experience with an official title (though that's kind of loose, since even the official games vary somewhat in difficulty); no need to worry too much about getting the right natures for your Pokémon (abilities, though, should still be taken into account because some abilities are pants), no need to worry about EVs/IVs - no need to worry about being competitive when you're just trying to enjoy the game and the story it's trying to tell. I'm sorry I turned this whole thing into a debate; I shouldn't have said a word - but, hey, what do I know? I'm a filthy casual.
  3. I used the first Gym as an example; it's by no means the only time where casual-easy mode should ever make you want to pull your hair out. But I had never considered using that Voltorb, so I'll give that a shot. Thanks for that tip; I started with Torchic for my 3rd attempt and Mareanie would've been hell to deal with.
  4. I've played other Pokémon fan games, and not many of them have had as insane difficulty levels as Rejuvenation, though Rejuvenation is still somehow the easiest compared to Reborn and Desolation, both of which I wasn't able to play to the very end. I was able to play to the end of Rejuvenation V12 somehow and I was legitimately looking forward to V13, but...no, I'm afraid I have to disagree with your point; just because a fan game developer (or developers) believe that official Pokémon games are "easy", it doesn't mean they should make even the easiest difficulty mode of their fan game absurdly hard. To say that Pokémon fan games in general aren't for me because I find this ONE "too difficult" on what should be the easiest mode is unfair to the rest of the fan games that aren't Rejuvenation, Reborn or Desolation.
  5. Honestly? V13's kinda making me consider the exact same thing and I don't blame you for quitting in the absolute slightest. I might make my own post about this later (or if I ever have the stomach for it), but, in a nutshell, I feel like easy difficulty and casual mode are anything BUT easy OR casual - nothing about easy difficulty or casual mode suggest that you'll be ripping your hair out as early as the first Gym of the game.
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