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Posts posted by not_navyblue

  1. 5 hours ago, Blue Omni said:

    I'm now getting a strange text box that shows up every time I do actions in battle that I have to click "OK" for before I can do anything else.

    omg i forgot to remove the print line


    v1.3b dropped, removing that print line (now comes with -100% more text boxes)

  2. v1.3a happened


    luckily no one mentioned about an oversight with opponents using pre-megas if one of your pokemon in the party has pre-mega enabled regardless of ownership


    this quick update fixes that (hopefully (2))

  3. v1.3 dropped, very sorry for the no-mega inconvenience



    - enemy trainers can no longer use pre-pulse (pre-mega but for pulses)

    - enemy trainers can now use pre-megas only when anyone in your party can mega evolve and has pre-mega enabled (hopefully)

    - added an option where the ability chosen from the "set any ability" will not override a mega pokemon's ability

    - fixed a bug where you somehow can't mega evolve (hopefully)

  4. Notice: This mod does not support Rejuvenation v13.5 as of now. Development for a 13.5 version of this mod is ongoing. (although kinda slow which is really unfortunate)


    "Debug, Rejuvenated" grants you access to Debug Mode in Rejuvenation V13 like every other Debug mods currently existing... with a twist.


    Note: This is only confirmed to work in Rejuvenation V13. All other games are certain to be incompatible and some standalone Rejuv mods are not fully tested for compatibility.


    Unique features accessible via the Pause Menu Debug include:

    • Permission Levels - This allows you to set the current permission level of your game, which determines which Debug Mode features are accessible and what's not. This feature affects the whole mod and also persists across different saves. By default, the permission level is set to "Moderate".
    • Modified Add Pokémon / Add Item - No longer do you need to scroll through a list of items and species to find what you're looking for, for there is now not one, but TWO new options in the form of selecting by item/species IDs or by item/species names. You can still search by list if that's what you want. Also, when trying to use "Add Pokémon", you have the option of whether the Pokémon will be shiny or not before letting you choose the species.
    • Modified Set Money/Coins - These have been renamed to "Modify Money" and "Modified Coins" respectively. These features now also allow you to add or subtract money or coins.
    • "Modify Red Essence" option - Rejuvenation has "Red Essence", which acts as a currency of sorts for certain items as well as a necessary feature for certain events. Previously, modifying this was risky, but now it doesn't have to be. You can add, subtract, or set as many Red Essence as you want.
    • Mystery Egg Changer - What was inside of the Mystery Egg can now be changed with another species from a list of possible candidates. Additionally, this feature also allows you to re-enable the Mystery Egg Trade should it had been done before, allowing you to endlessly get as many Mystery Eggs as you want.
    • Shiny Daycare Egg - Accessible via "Day Care Options...", this feature allows you to obtain an egg from the daycare that is a guaranteed shiny.
    • Warning: The following feature may contain story spoilers. 

      Bad Ending Value Calculator - Allows you to take a look at that variable that determines whether you have unlocked the Renegade Ending or not. Also shows you what has been done to garner the current bad ending value.


    Unique features accessible via the Party Menu Debug include:

    • Signature Move Tutor - Your Pokémon can now learn most of the Legendaries' signature moves, even moves that fail on Pokémon other than their intended users like Dark Void and Hyperspace Fury. Additionally, some of Rejuvenation's own signature moves, particularly those of Gym Leaders, are included.
    • Built-in Move Relearner - Somewhat of a redundant feature, but pretty handy for when you run out of whatever the local Relearner wants.
    • (Almost) Any Abilities - A feature taken from my other mod, hackmons reborn, this feature allows you to select Abilities for your Pokémon that would otherwise require additional changes to obtain.
    • Pre-Mega Switch - Allows you to, if the Pokémon can Pre-Mega, to toggle whether or not your Pokémon can use Pre-Mega.
    • Generate Specific pID - A feature taken from @Aironfaar's Generate Specific ID mod (found here) that does exactly what it does. Now uses a unified menu instead of a chain of menus.
    • Modifiable Obtain Text - If you like to transfer Pokémon from one game to another or from one save to another using Shared PC and notice the Pokémon having some... interesting obtain locations, you can change its text to look like it came from that place.



    To use this mod, simply download the mod below (an account is needed iirc) and move it to the [Game Folder]/Data/Mods folder. Mods folder not existing. Simply make one.




    v1.1 | March 13, 2023

    • Replaced Generate Specific ID's six methods with a single custom version
    • Removed Indriad

    v1.0 | March 12, 2023

    • Added new features to Debug Mode
    • Removed Indriad

    This mod also uses a custom version of @Aironfaar's Generate Specific ID mod (the original Reborn version is found here), which has only one method encompassing the whole feature as opposed to the original mod's six methods, and uses a single unified menu for ease of use instead of a chain of menus. Also, the custom version does not have a "random" option, simply because "Randomise pID" exists.



    i am not ready for 13.5 yet jan dont do this to me


    Debug, Rejuvenated 1.1.rb

    • Like 3
  5. Disclaimer:


    The mod's concept is not exactly new. This is directly inspired by this mod by Metapod, with a different way of implementing it. 


    Did you feel infuriated when that Cinderace of yours missed a High Jump Kick and flat-out died just because it missed? Irritated when your Togekiss for some godawful reason misses Air Slash 4 times in a row (true story) and Just Not™ able to flinch hax at all? Want to burn a threatening opponent while dealing high damage using Inferno, but just can't because of its paltry 50% accuracy? Do you want to run Dynamic Punch on your Machamp while also trying to run Guts + Flame Orb on it without DPunch missing most of the time?


    If your answer to any of the four is yes, Pristine Accuracy is for you.


    This mod simply does what it does best: set almost all attacking moves' accuracy to 100%. Insane.


    Take note that it does not, however, increase the accuracy of:

    • Status moves
    • Variable-damage attacks with no set base damage (e.g. Seismic Toss, Crush Grip, Magnitude; does not include moves like Eruption)
    • Moves with unavoidable accuracy (e.g. Aerial Ace, Snipe Shot, Flower Trick)
    • OHKO moves


    So what the difference between this mod and this mod?

    • It is not compiled. Replacing data files is not needed. This means that the mod doesn't care if you prefer to play vanilla or modded, it simply applies the changes all the same. Also possibly compatible across different future versions, but that's to be tested upon.
    • It is compatible with Reborn, Rejuvenation, and Desolation altogether. You can see it below this bulleted line. No need to compile all the PBS files and make a copy for each of the three games, just download one copy, Ctrl-C Ctrl-V it if you want, and be done with it.


    This mod is compatible with:

    • Reborn (E19.16)
    • All Gen Mod for Reborn
    • Rejuvenation (V13)
    • Desolation (E6)

    All other mods are untested for compatibility, so see if something works with this mod and what doesn't.


    To install this mod, just download the mod from below (an account is required btw) and place it into the (Game Folder)/Data/Mods folder. No folder of that kind? Simply make one.




    v1.1 | March 12, 2023

    • Solved the issue of incorrect accuracy being displayed in the summary in Desolation

    v1.0 | March 11, 2023

    • Most attacking moves' accuracy have been set to 100%


    Also, reporting all other issues regarding the mod is recommended. After all, bugs can happen in unexpected times.



    ok that's all time for me to sleep and hope darkrai doesn't target me i mean zzzzzzzzz

    Pristine Accuracy 1.1.rb

    • Like 3
  6. hi hello i bring a 1.2 update here lol



    - enemy trainers can now utilize pre-megas and they do it frequently. maybe even too frequent.

    - z-moves are semi-unlimited now, being one-per-pokemon instead of one-per-battle

  7. On 3/5/2023 at 4:17 AM, sad dragonite said:

    Could you modify it so that enemy trainers can use it as well?

    soon. i will have to figure out how it should work though. :)



    On 3/5/2023 at 4:11 PM, AverageJJbaEnjoyer said:

    Nice work! I was wondering if you could possibly do the same with z-moves, or add an effect which allows mega pokemon to keep their form outside of battle. 

    the z-moves one is not yet set in stone as it is an entirely different realm in the code 

    as for keeping mega forms outside of battle this may be an optional thing but again, not yet set in stone

  8. idk what i just made or why it worked but It Just Works™


    before we start: debug mode is required. seriously.


    wanna know what this does?

    unlimited megas! one mega not enough for you? guess what, you can now mega more than one pokemon in battle! your team of six mega rayquazas can actually exist now! still can't mega evolve more than one per turn though, sorry. oh and pulse mons are supported


    any abilities! for your pokemon! now huge power regigigas can actually come true in-game!


    warning: will also override abilities of alternate forms. as for megas, there is an option that will temporarily remove this override.


    pre-megas! if you played intense mode rejuv you know how bullshit this one is (i didn't but i still know). but for those who don't know, basically this allows you to mega evolve pokemon without holding a mega stone. now, choice band mega mewtwo y is actually possible! i don't know why it worked, but it worked! oh and pulse mons are supported (2)

    fun fact: did you know that if any of your pokemon in the party has pre-mega enabled all enemy trainers will pre-mega their pokemon when given the opportunity? yeah, good luck dealing with all of that lmfao :)


    - semi-unlimited z-moves! new in v1.2 is the ability to use a z-move once per pokemon! get your two eevium-z eevees up and baton pass your way out! by the way, pre-megas don't work on pokemon with z-crystals yet, so keep that in mind.


    you can access the middle two on the party menu debug. im still too lazy to add it to pc menu debug, sorry. (laziness count: 3)


    by the way, to actually get this mod to be loaded into the game, just place it into the (Game Folder)/Data/Mods folder and you're mostly good to go. mods folder not existing? just make one


    obligatory compatibility notice:

    - compatible with:

    • aironfaar's generate specific id.
    • fervis's all gen mod (source: dude trust me)

    - idk what else is compatible or not compatible


    changelogs, because:


    v1.3b | march 18, 2023

    - removed a stray print line. yeah that's it lmao

    v1.3a | march 17, 2023

    - fixed an unnoticed oversight of enemy trainers using pre-megas if one of your pokemon has pre-megas enabled regardless of mega-z ring ownership

    v1.3 | march 17, 2023

    - enemy trainers can no longer use pre-pulse (pre-megas for pulse mons)

    - enemy trainers can now use pre-megas only when anyone in your party can mega evolve and has pre-mega enabled (hopefully)

    - added an option where the ability chosen from the "set any ability" will not override a mega pokemon's ability

    - fixed a bug where you somehow can't mega evolve (hopefully)

    v1.2 | march 11, 2023

    - enemy trainers can now pre-mega their pokemon, usually without warning (sorry not sorry)

    - z-moves are now semi-unlimited

    v1.1 | february 26, 2023

    - reworked and rewritten the pre-mega side of the mod

    v1.0 | february 15, 2023

    - initial release


    aaaaaand that's it. i guess. ok back to whatever you were doing.


    also keep a backup just in case. you'll never know if bugs hidden on sight are gonna bite me and you in the back. and if there are problems please do tell.




    hackmons reborn 1.3b.rb

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