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  1. I already lost hours and dozens of repels to find the mirage tower (which took a guide to figure out you can't check more than 3 mirages) only to later discover that mimikyu is found by destroying a mirror on the very first floor, which get's replaced by stairs if you foolishly progress through it, which doesn't disappear even if you despawn and respawn the tower. So my question is, did i lost it forever, or the basement only appears when you finish the tower? I really want to get him. Edit: Forget my stupidity. You had to break every single glass, but i thought the last panel to the right was impossible to reach for some reason, and since the only photo i saw of the basement was without stairs i wrongly thought i lost it forever... Still infuriating though, all other gimmicks so far had hints, this one is just trial and error with previous knowledge that something exists there.
  2. Edit: The trade is done. I have no idea how to close the thread, i tried looking for the option, but i'm an idiot and can't find it. If anyone would be so kind as to teach me, i would appreciate it.
  3. I'm willing trade my shinny Feebas with good IV i bred for it.
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